Renewal issue

BazHayward27 Posts: 1 New Member
edited March 2021 in Web Browsing

I've renewed my subscription but for some reason it doesn't show in my online account - any idea why this has happened (again)? thanks Barry

Accepted Answer

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2021 Answer ✓

    Hello @BazHayward27 and welcome to F-Secure community!

    I've investigated what has happened and it seems that you have F-Secure Internet Security program.

    On 7th of March, 2021 you've correctly purchased a new license code to renew this program, however, you've also created My F-Secure account the same day.

    My F-Secure account is not needed in your case. To renew F-Secure Internet Security, just follow the steps below:

    1. Open F-Secure Internet Security.
    2. At the top of the product window, select the Already have a new subscription code? link.

    This opens up the F-Secure setup window.

    1. Enter your code in the box: To renew your current subscription, enter the new subscription code
    2. Select Continue.

    Your subscription is renewed.

    I hope that the above was helpful and that you've successfully managed to renew your F-Secure Internet Security 🙂

    Should you have any more questions, feel free to reply here, I will be happy to help!

    EDIT 23.03


    Since your topic is under F-SECURE KEY Community board. Was it F-Secure KEY?

    No worries, I've permitted myself to move this topic under F-Secure SAFE board.

    Hope it's resolved now, @BazHayward27 😀


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,798 Superuser


    It might be helpful to know which F-Secure solution you have. What has been renewed?

    For example, there has been discussion where renewing F-Secure Internet Security is slightly confused with trying to check F-Secure SAFE status.:

    Since your topic is under F-SECURE KEY Community board. Was it F-Secure KEY? If so - I am not sure if it should be shown in any online account.. unless your subscription is about F-Secure TOTAL (where KEY is one of packaged solutions).


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