Changing covered devices
I have a current subscription to F-Secure SAFE which covers 5 devices, one of which is for my partner's laptop. This device has now been scrapped - how do I transfer the cover to her new laptop? Thanking you in anticipation Brian Diamond
f secure safe
Lenovo tablet keeps saying f secure safe has stopped. Can't uninstall or refresh
F Secure Internet Security Installation Failed
Hi I purchased F Secure Internet Security software (CD). But when I try to install to my laptop it gives the following error message repeatedly. "Could not download the required files. Check that your network connection is working and try again." My internet connection works fine. My operating system is Windows 10. Please…
F-Secure Safe interfers with ProtonVPN?
ProtonVPN sometimes disconnects and reconnects. ProtonVPN support proposes to completely uninstall F-Secure Safe to find out if the dis-/reconnecting problem still occurs. Why would F-Secure Safe interfere with my ProtonVPN?
iPhone F-Secure Safe browser does not work anymore.
Hello. 2 days ago, there was a update of the F-secure Safe browser . After this update I can't use this app anymore. I tried to login but it says it can't find license. I uninstalled and installed the app again and now it says "Oops, something is not working properly. Please try again." I'd like to fix this problem. Thank…
Banking Security turns off when I complete login to a listed site
Until a few days ago, Bank security stayed on until I turned it off after use. Now it automatically turns off after I log in to a bank so I am no longer secure. Has anyone else experienced this loss of service?
Annoying popup
How do I get rid of this annoying popup that has started to display everyday since last week?
Why does F-Secure Safe think it's malware in CK3?
I have checked now, multiple times, done a compte scan of the whole computer, turned off all mods and still i think it's malware there.
Renewal of Subscription
I renewed my Subscription on the 19th May 2021 and the money was taken from my account on the 19th May and yet I continually get a message every few minutes telling me that my subscription has expired and I cannot stop it . I have emailed and written to F-Secure and have No reply so how can I stop this infirnel message??
fshoster64.exe accesses onedrive
Hello: I'm use the Spectrum F-Secure security suite and received a security warning that fshoster.exe was accessing onedrive on my windows 10 computer. The warning asked me to either trust or block such access. Being unfamiliar with this program, I did nothing except come here to ask for advice. Thank you for your time and…
About F-Secure on Linux.
Dose F-secure work on Arch Linux, if not which other distros the program work flawlessly. And thanks.
Installing F-secure on Ubuntu 20.
Hi, Could you please guide how to install the F-secure on Ubuntu 20.04? I need a link to download the bash installer? BR,
How do you uninstall safe from my android device
It will not let me.
There seems to be a conflict with windows defender and fsecure
There seems to be a conflict with windows defender and fsecure
Unlogged events
Hi, I've been trying to run a game demo through the Steam platform today, and kept getting hit with a steam error (steam application load error 3:0000065432). A quick web search shows that this error can be caused by AV software. So I go to look in the fsecure logs, and there's nothing recorded. On a fairly obvious hunch,…
Issues trying to install F-Secure in Windows 20H2 ?
Hi, What should i check in order to find what's the issue? I try several times i always give me error... Thanks for advance Best regards
how to completely exit out of f secure
i want to fully terminate f secure so that i have more ram free how can i do that pausing protection does not kill the background processes which still take up ram?
self protection effectiveness?
well if i try to kill any processes in task manager it allows me to do so i am able to delete files from C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\SAFE which are not in use by f secure i am unable to stop certain services as well so pls if attacked by malware will f secure be able to defend itself?
I cannot install F-Secure SAFE to iPhoneSE2.
I trayed and trayed to install F-Secure SAFE for the additional device iPhoneSE2. But error message say ; Something does not operate definitely. Please try it once again. I have been able to install it in iPhone6S, but this time I cannot install it from Win10 PC or iPhoneSE. Please tell me install method. The iOS version…
Explorer.exe freezes when F-Secure is processing a threat
Hi, I have noticed that when F-Secure detects and processes a new or complex malware sample (typically detected as Trojan:W32/Generic.xxx!Online or something like Trojan.TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen) and I right click on it, Explorer.exe is likely to temporarily freeze. After the disinfection process completes, everything returns to…
F-Secure high RAM usage
Hello, On one of my PCs I just noticed that one of FS process consumes a lot of memory; never less then 400 Mo. I'm a bit surprised because it is not the case on my other PCs.
Mein PC-Schutz ist kritisch auch nach dem der Neustart des PC's mehrfach durchgeführt wurde.
Renewing my subscription, account troubles
Hi! About a year ago I purchased a custom built computer, and in the deal I got a one year subscription to F-Secure (it says my product is "F-Secure Internet Security"). Now the subscription has run out, but as I was about to renew it I realized I didn't even have an account. I assume the subscription was created through…
Find my device: no option to find device.
There is no longer an option to find my device, when I log in to my F Secure. On all the devices it just has a "settings" button, but that's it. There used to be one, as I have used the option in the past.
I would like to cancel my free trial
I would like to cancel my free trial, and stop being with f-secure how?
False positive with PrivaZer
Hello, here is the PrivaZer Team. You have a false positive with our new release of PrivaZer. See below. Please fix it. OK ?
KMPlayer 64X fault Detection
I am using KMPlayer 64X. KMPlayer 64X does not run when F-Secure Antivirus is monitoring. This is a false detection. Hope this is resolved by the F-Secure team.
How do I remove malware/virus from a PST file?
Hello Every time I get a desktop search application to re-index my old .PST files (from my archived Outlook email) , I get loads of error message from F-secure. How can I identify and remove the relevant emails? With thanks J
Safe portal broken?
When I try to download (to reinstall F-secure safe) and follow the procedure Log in to My F-secure with your account username and password. Click Add device. Select My device, and click Continue. Select This computer, and click Download for Windows. <------------ Depending on your browser: The installer file downloads…
Unable to open App and File Control Window
I am using F-Secure SAFE 18.0 and I find that I cannot open App and File Control Window. After clicking the button, UAC windows appears and I select OK but App and File Control Window doesn't appear. I have reinstalled SAFE twice but this problem persists. What is the reason for this? How to solve this problem?