Re: Cancel subscription
How on earth can I cancel subsciption page does not show properly when I follow through your tabs this is the 2nd year trying to. cancel please confirm you have cancelled Rona Potts ref xxxxx awaiting your reply EDIT: PII
Freedome does not work
Hello, for 3 weeks freedome doesnt connect. i ve been to peru, to france and im now in canada. i use ios 11. it seems that it want to check my contract and after check to turn on but doesn’t. once im connected , it block my connection. help
how can you install freedome into raspberry pi for kodi
is there a way of using freedome to work with raspberry pi
F-secure FREEDOME will not run / install on WinXP, is it because it is 32 bit?
Will freedome run on any 32 bit OS?
need to reload freedome
reloaded windows 10 on my computer now need to download freedom again how do I reload feedom
Freedome not connecting now
Hi, About a week back freedome was connecting ok but now its not connecting. It shows connecting and it takes forever and nothing else happens. So anyone pls help me fix this. Thank you.
Promo code
Hello, I would like to buy F-secure freedome vpn. Is there any promo code to use, to get the product cheaper? Regards Azadeh
VPN error on starting the program on Mac
2.20.5548.0 10.13.6 (17G65) "F-Secure Freedome Error message" The App could not be configured. Restart The program won't start however. Had this last week, downloaded the program anew on sunday and now the same old spot again. Freedome had problems finding when changing the country and could then not be ended either. Have…
saying used licence
I bought freedome for my phone and laptop with three licences. however my phone fine but it wont let me use it on my laptop its saying no licences how do i rectify this because i spent good money for three licences that i currently cnt use
Freedome disconnects ALL network adaptors upon connecting, not just the external NIC?
When enabling Freedome, why does it disconnect my LAN adapters which have nothing to do with the external adaptor using Freedome? I have SSH and SMB sessions open on my LAN NICs that get disconnected when enabling Freedome. I am using the latest version of Freedome 2.18.5493.0 on Windows 10. Regards Dali
Freedome on Mac crashing after waking up from sleep (Wifi captive portal)
Dear all, I have this situation in which Freedome on a Mac (latest version of Freedome and Mac OS) crashes when the system comes back from a sleep and has Wifi with a captive portal. Does this ring a bell with someone ? What happens - Come into this place where internet is via Wifi with a captive portal - Mac connects to…
How do I download F Secure Freedome to Firestick
I have tried to download F Secure VPN to firestick without success, can anyone assist please.
Re: Freedome on Mac cannot connect after waking up from sleep
aha same versions and same issues. macOS Sierra - version 10.12.5 Freedome - version 1.13.3596.0
Garmin Connect activity not being displayed when Freedome is turned on
This was working for months or even longer but maybe since late last week when I try to open an activity in Garmin Connect (https://connect.garmin.com/modern/) the activity itself is blank. Trying Chrome, Firefoy and Edge - it works when Freedome is turned off. Just before Chrome displays the almost empty page I can see…
F-Secure FREEDOME is Active til 8/2/2019 BUT I can't update my account info
Hello, My F-Secure FREEDOME account is Active til 8/2/2019 BUT I can't update my account info with the code that was supplied for the renewal.
Renew subscription
My subscription expires oh September 28, 2018. I renewed it this morning for 5 devices. I inserted the new code in my iPhone but it is impossible on other devices. On my iPad and iMac still che the old date Sept. 28 and i cannot change it. what can I do?
Setup and Transfer is infected
Freedome device security tells me that the AT&T Preinstalled App Setup and Transfer is infected, but when I tap on the notification the details screen says the app is safe to use. How can I clear the notification?
Re: Update of Freedome and code activation
I subscribe for 1yr plan and don’t have any activation code
VPN doesn’t work
Hi It’s been 5 days my Freedom VPN doesn’t work i have unistall and install again but it still doesn’t work
How do I submit an error log?
I got an error that tells me to submit a specific log file for Freedome. but F-secure makes it very diffiuclt to get to a support rep via email. Where is the form to open a trouble ticket as instructed in your error message? This is not a case for the forums since it involves a specific error log!
My Freedome F- secure is not working anymore
Hi, I bought the vpn on 18th march 2018, and it was working perfectly until 2 weeks ago it stop working (cant even connect), I tried to contact with the company, but no-one is answering. Is there anyway to solve this problem? Thanks!
Recover license code
Chat is closed. is there an on-line method for recovering my paid license code without making a phone call?
last few days not working my vpn
Hi , Last few days not working my vpn my iphone and tad , windows laptop so now what is conculision of this situation its working or not but so many free vpn working good compare freedom vpn so i dont know what happend this vpn please clarify . tks fish
Freedome can't connect to the server
Just bought and installed Freedome on Windows - clicked to open the programme and an error message 'cannot connect with the server' appears, then the programme closes immediately - any suggestions?? Thankas
Denmark end-point only allows a few concurrent connections at the same time
Right now, 13:00, 21st July the Copenhagen/Danmark endpoint has problems allowing more than 10 connections. Websites only load half way, web benchmark javascript test suites show that only about 10 connections are allowed at the same time? Are there congestion problems in Denmark? I switched to Sweden and the problem went…
Username and Password
Hello I am trying to setup VPN Manager for Open VPN and I need to know my username and password. Are you able to provide this if you IM me please? Paul S
Freedome in smartphone
Hey Does the freedome still works and protect my privacy if I do not use wifi but 4G or 5g connection?
Cancel my 5 device 12 month subscription now. Got punted back to you by cleverbridge. This has been a PITA. No longer interested. Definitely don't auto-renew. cleverbridge ref.# xxxxxx EDIT: PII
Subscription for windows
Hello there, I purchased my subscription for all devices through Google play store. Can I use the same subscription on my windows laptop please? Thanks. Evans
No Internet on two Android devices
No errors, Freedome says its on but there is no working Internet connection. Turn off the VPN and the Internet works fine. Had this today on one Android device and yesterday on a different Android device.