Re: Could not configure the app - OS X issue
same problem! what's the use when chat is unavailable and i have been waiting on the phone for 40 min and counting
Fredome and bandwidht
Hi I have some problem with Fredome reducing my bandwidht with aroun 50 %.... Is this a known issue and what is the sollution ? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Fornyese av en måneds abo nnement iFreedome i Google Play????
Why Freedome does not have kill-switch functionality ?
Why Freedome does not have kill-switch functionality ? Seems every major top VPN product except F-Secure's Freedome has it to keep full protection on VNP connection breaks. Am I using second grade product ?
Watching USA Netflix via VPN
I have a US Netflix account, everytime I try to watch US programs, it gives me a network error. How can use Freedome so I can watch my programs from home that are not available at my current location? Thanks
Freedome problem with Windows restart
Is this again me only or does soembody use and experience Freedome the same: I have Freedome on WIndows 10 guest on VMWare Windows 10 host . Major updates on Windows host reset the active hours to something other than mine. When I forget to reset them and leave the host and quest on Windows restarts the host. The quest…
Re: FREEDOME doesn't allow torrenting in any country now?
same for me. I tried the answer given but still no torrents
Freedome ID
Hi try to activate freedome on my iphone and it asked me an account ID. I checked the email I have from fsecure and nothing about an account ID. What can I do?
Freedome for MacOS is slow to connect
Hi, Establishing the VPN on my Mac can be really slow at times, it may take a minute or 5 minutes, and sometimes, like today, it never completes. At times it takes less than a second, which I expect to be the correct behavior. When Freedome refuses to establish the connection at all, the network is completely unresponsive…
Google Captca
Since a few weeks Google search engine demands Captcha when I´m using Freedome on PC. On Android there are no such problems, but on Windows it apeared so often so I had to use another search engine.
Freedome problem on ipad. HELP!
I continued to use f-secure total after subscription ended. I bought 2 year total for 5 devices. Before we used my wifes f secure account and now continued with mine. I managed to get f-secure safe working on ipad with my account but not freedome. I uninstalled it many times but no luck. It always says subscription ended…
promo code (Android)
promo code (Android) think you
Slow internet speed when Freedome on
I just renew my Freedome for another year and noticed that the internet speed is useless. Without Freedome speedtest (DNA my internet provider/Ookla/others) my internet speed is 195/20Mbps with all devices. When i turn Freedome on I only get 40/16Mbps. This same thing happens with 1. Windows 10 PC ,AC wlan: 40/16Mbps 2.…
No internet connection with home wlan when Freedome is on
I have to switch off Freedome when using Home WLAN that I can be connected to internet. Also when starting there comes several information that Freedome is protecting as if it would be connected several times
Loss of wifi speed using Freedome
I made a speedtest with my iphone, without freedome the download speed (wifi) was excellent 80, with freedome only 20. Have you experienced the same? Do you have similar, better, worse experience with other vpn providers?
FREEDOME doesn't allow torrenting in any country now?
While using FreeDome I tried to send some files to a friend through uTorrent and it didn't work so I thought I messed something up. But just in case I tried to download some random torrent. It started for a second, and then stopped. I switched to countries where no torrent restrictions should apply, but no. Have you not…
How to connect the xbox from tv?
To connect the Xbox from tv we use HDMI cable port that helps to connect the HDMI to the tv direct... if still have confusion or have any quarry related to the Xbox contact Xbox Customer Support
Fatal error data required to run freedome
Hello, ever since I got the new update I can't turn on my VPN. It shows me a "Fatal error" which tells me that the data required to run freedome is not there despite many attempts to uninstall and reinstall. Can anyone help me or does anyone have a solution? Running windows 10, logs here if required,
Home Wifi Printer Offline with Freedome On Following MacBook Migration
Hi - I've just migrated from an old MacBook Pro to a newer model. Freedome is working well following the migration, except that my printer appears offline in System Preferences > Printers & Scanners. As soon as I turn freedome off, the printer appears online. Any advice please on how to resolve this?
Tracker mapper and tracking attempts does not work after upgrading.
After upgrading to Freedome version 2.22.5580.0 following issues accures. 1.Tracking mapping does not work. 2.Tracking attempts does not work. 3. Freedome works extremly slow. I have been in contact with the support,and i have uninstalled Freedome using the uninstallationTool for Windows,and reinstalled Freedome VPN once…
Netflex will not work when I use Fredome VPN, What can I do.
OS X Kill switch finally implemented?
To renew my license I noticed that there's now a kill switch function in OSX app. How does it work? Nowhere on this site it is mentioned or documented. It would be great that there would be a way of learning about significant new features. Lack of kill switch was the primary reason why I studied competing products. It does…
How to switch Freedome for iPhone to use another F-Secure customer account
I would need to logout of the F-Secure account for Freedome and use another account. Uninstalling Freedome, removing the backup from iCloud and then rebooting the device still keeps the data of the account and states the product is expired when installed back. It does not help that this (I am sending this report with the…
How to buy Freedome at an local/international currency/price in/for countries not using dollar?
How to buy Freedome at an local/international currency/price in/for countries not using dollar? Like for instance $59,90 for 5 (multi) devices in Indonesian rupiah is 1 or 2 weeks salary for many Indonesian people. So that is a lot of money compared to only $59,90 in US.
reset shield to factory settings
after resetting my shield and re-installing Freedome all I get is a continuous cycling of the attempting to connect...it shows my subscription is valid to Oct 4 2019 but never connects...how do I fix this problem
macOS High Sierra iCloud Photos issue
With a clean installation of High Sierra, using version 1.20.3671.0 of the Freedome software, I am unable to sync macOS Photos with iCloud. Photos do not download or upload. If I turn Freedome off, syncing works. Other iCloud things, like Contacts and Notes, seem to work fine while connected via Freedome. Is this a known…
Auto Renewal
Hi, I have a pending transaction off £25 on my halifax account to renew F-Secure. I don't want F-Secure please confirm you have cancelled. Or is there a number I cvan call and get this stopped? Many thanks
freedom has stopped working after update
can not connect to freedom after update
loggimg in provider
I try to log in with my provider Cogeco canada and it says can't connect to the Freedome server??
Slow speed when connected to Stockholm
Normally I connect to the VPN server in Stockholm (closest to where I live) and get really good speed. Last week or so I get horrible speed. If I connect to Denmark, Copenhagen or Finlland, Esbo I get really good speeds again, not as good as in Stochholm but usable. What have happened to the Stochholm server?