FreeDome update 2.18.5493 does not install
Get message: New update available Click: Install Then: nothing Next boot: The same over and over again System: Windows 10 Question: How to solve
Freedome on Android hasn't scanned my apps in over a month
A friend reported that an app we both use might have malware in it, and I said, "No, if there was a problem Freedome would have caught it." Then I went to doublecheck and lo and behold most of my apps are pending scan, and none have been scanned since April 28. Unless I'm missing something there doesn't seem to be any way…
Freedome is not working with some WIFI’s
Hi, I have Freedome installed on my iphone but since sometime it does not work with my home WIFI. I have a Iphone. Anyone can help me olease??
Freedome and 911 emergency service
Will these two services continue to function under VPN.
How to re-install Freedom after Windows had to be re-installed?
I found some advice like "go to your account and do something" but I don't even know how to go to my account as I had forgotten my password, got a new one, and now it seems to think I'm a new user - and it only talks about a one-month free trial period. I bought Freedom in January 2018. - I'm a woman in my sixties and not…
Lost Subscription Key Email
Hi F-secure team, I seem to have lost the email with my subscription key. I can see last year's but not this year's, even though I know I purchased it around the end of January as my credit card was charged then. Could you re-send my purchase email if I provide my email address? Thanks, Ralph
Freedome + Bittorrent client kills all network connections
As of today, if I start to download anything via a bittorrent client with Freedome active, it shuts down all network connections. Is is supposed to work like that now, or is this a bug in the version 2.18.5493.0? Only a computer reboot restores the connections.
After boot there is opening a window with a error message
I installed the trail but after boot there is opening this window if I close it and start the VPN later everything works fine, but I am looking for a solution / fix for that UI problem otherwise I will not purchase
freedom code
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx EDIT: Removed License Information (PII)
Advice needed about speed disparity
Hello, Newbie here, Can anyone advise on the following: I have a MacBook 12" with all systems up to date. I have BT Fibre Optic to the premises and generally get between 73 and 76 Mbps. When I connect to Freeddome it drops to 11 Mbps this happens immediately now time gap so one minute full speed changeover and I am a…
I'd like to renew my subscrition that expires in a week or so. The freedome app says "click below for a limited time special offer" but there's no link whatsoever. If I click the "subscribe now" I'm taken to the website saying the price is £39.00 for 12 + 1 months. If I add that to the basket the price jumps to £47.60. Is…
I bought F-Secure FREEDOME through Apple AppStore , but cannot install it on my other devices
I have tryed the advice in this forum, to no avail. I have had to purchase the licence several times to different devices, though I have a multi licence... I have emailed F-Secure on freedome-feedback@f-secure.com 50 days ago (29.3.2018), but have still received no answer. I am at a loss on how to proceed and how to…
Freedome on Mac cannot connect after waking up from sleep
I have recently started using Freedome on Mac (purchased subscription). I noticed that Freedome cannot connect after Mac wakes from sleep. Only way I can make Freedome connect successfully is by restarting it. Is it a bug? Why does it fail to connect after sleep? How do I troubleshoot it?
Activation Code
Hello, people! 1. I purchased an activation code for Freedome VPN from official reseller 2. Installed it on my android phone and it is running perfectly 3. Need to reinstall my phone Question: Where can I find this activation code(for reinstalling my phone)
Freedome fails to connect in VMware guest OS
I am running VMWare - Ubuntu 18.04 as a host OS, Windows 7 as a guest OS. Installed Freedome on Windows 7 guest OS. When starting Freedome I get an error "Oops. Could not connect to the server. Check your internet connection and try again". Internet connecton is definitely working fine, I able to browse internet form the…
is it possible to do monthly payments?
I don't earn much money, so i was wondering if i was able to do monthly payments instead of the one time payments. I noticed that is the only option. any help, thanks.
Sky go
I have heard Sky has successfully blocked vpn access. Is this true for Freedome or is it stil possible to watch abroad
HI, i had lost my subcription key
My family seems to had thrown the box where the subcription key is. What should i do?
VPN secure?
Hello, I am currently away from home and logged in to a public WiFi, with my Freedome VPN turned on and (allegedly) using a Northwest location in the U.S. With this on, I just searched for a hotel nearby, and it successfully showed my current location! My location in no where near the Northwest! I also tried a website…
Freedome & pi-hole for ad-blocking
A few days ago, I implemented Pi-Hole on my home network to block all ads at the DNS level. For the most part it's working well with ads banished for good. However, for clients with Freedome installed, I have a dilemma. My tests indicate that with Freedome connected, DNS requests go to the designated Freedome DNS servers…
GRC Shields Up All Ports Scan Results
Hi, I have run the Shields Up scan on a computer connected to two different networks (different ISPs, different locations). Both give the same results - port 443 is open, 70 ports are closed and the remainder are stealthed out of 1056 tested. This is pointed out by GRC as a vulnerability, in particular port 443. Without…
How can I reactivate Freedome at my iPhone?
I transfered a license between two devices. The device I transfered it to works well with the license. But, I unfortunately transfered it from the wrong device. Now I want to reactivate Freedome at this device but it does not work. I deleted the the app and all related data but after reinstalling the app it still says that…
Always turns off
I'm running F-SECURE on Android and it keeps turning off. How can I fix this issue I want it to stay on . Thank you B1hughes
Freedome no longer bypasses geoblocking
Freedome no longer gives access to certain online tv content in Spain (in a Windows 10 pc), when I try to view e.g. the channel Cuatro (cuatro.com, I'd put the correct address to their direct online stream, but clicking on Post does no allow it) it now says the content is geoblocked. Never had any problems before, but it's…
VPN lost from the iPad and can not access the Apple Store
I removed Freedome from iPad, because I had problems with wifi connections. Now I wanted to install it again, but I have no connection to Apple Store, and do not have vpn in iPad no more. What to do?
Freedome is not starting automaticly
I have a new Lenovo 4 tablet with android 7.1.1. When i start my tablet freedome protection is never on. I have to push the protection button and the protection is ok. What can i do to automaticly start the protection. On my phone with android 7.0, freedome starts automaticly. Thanks.
FREEDOME Problem on HUAWEI Y7 Prime with ANDROID 7
Hello, I have Freedome Subscription. When I run FREEDOME on my Huawei Y7 device which is using Android 7, I get error message and Freedome never goes ON. I'm not even able to see list of locations to choose from. Please advise. Freedome error on Huawe Y7 android 7
No IMAP connection on german server
When I am connected to the german server, I don't get an IMAP connection (multiple ports tested; STARTTLS, SSL/TLS) Changing the server to Denmark solves the problem. Is this a bug or a restriction on the german server?
resetting data logs - anything new in 2018?
Is there now a way to reset data logs? My numbers just keep growing! Thank you. Reference to post from Jan 2017: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/resetting-data-logs/td-p/90310
Freedome connection fails after Windows 10 Update 1803
The Freedome on my Surface Pro repeatedly fails to connect VPN after the latest Windows 10 update (ver. 1803). However, my freedome connection is normal with another desktop that installs Windows 10 1803. Perhaps this is an issue with Surface Pro?