App security scanning on freedome vpn

For the last few months i have had Freedome vpn installed on my android tv box.
Have noticed my apps installed on android box hasn't been scanned for a few days now.
Usually these apps are scanned straight away on Freedome vpn. What i get is now is, Scan pending for 20 apps. Now to get these apps scanned i have to connected to wi-fi. I didn't need to do that before.
Has there been a recent update to Freedome vpn?
Colin Dee
Hi ColinDee65,
Freedome supports the OS as mentioned in this article. However, since it is an Android TV, it might be the reason that it has a modified version of Android and some of its components that Freedome requires are not part of your installation, namely the android VPN.
As mentioned in this article, App security needs Wi-Fi or data network to work with. When App Security scans for malware, it normally calculates a small checksum (or "fingerprint") of the app and sends it to F-Secure's server to verify if the app is safe. There is also more information in this article.
Is your App security turned off? If it is not turned on, you are not protected against harmful apps.