Freedome trusted network subnets?
Hi, Why isn't devices in different subnets available even wifi has been enabled as trusted on freedome (android). When you connect to ie wifi network (trusted) you can access, ping, ssh etc devices on network but NOT devices in Some people (maybe) are using tablet/android…
how to find my account id
Hi, I have Freedome VPN running on my OS desktop....I can see it is running and that my subscription is till dec. 2018...But....I cannot find any mail adress or id information. My subscriptoin data I cannot find on this application....Now I want to activate freedome on my Iphone but I need the account-id. I had several…
Useless VPN - 03.07.2018
Have been using Freedome for a month or so. Not had any issues connecting from Indonesia to the Espoo location. Today none of the virtual locations worked and videos were left in buffering loop. Speedtest also gave less than 1mb/s which isn’t even sufficient for email. When I used a free vpn , Touch VPN I had no issues,…
Re: Freedome support email address
My Freedome program gave a warning screen, saying there was a problem. It told me to copy a diagnostic .zip file and send it to your "support email," but apparently you do not have one. Please advise me.
Protection switches off
Hi Using F-secure on an android powered Galaxy Tab S. The subscription lapsed for over a year, but it used to work. Now when I switch on the protection, it switches itself off after 30 seconds. Has anyone any suggestions? BigT
Subscription code won't work
Just renewed my license, payment cleared my account and I was sent a subscription code by e-mail, but when I try to plug it in all that comes up yesterday and today is that it's not verifiable. Why is this?
Freedome Subscription
Hi I paid for an annual freedome subscription on my iPhone 8 and currently use that and can see the subscription in app store. I've recent just purchased a macbook pro and wanted to use it on that also. However i dont see where i can get the subscription key from to apply on the macbook. Do i need to purchase another…
I need to cancel my Freedome.
I just purchased and paid for a plan, but want to cancel it. How do I do that?
VPN Setup
After I run the vpn setup does the vpn configure itself or do I need to do something else? I am running Windows 10 on a wireless network.
my f-secure
F-Secure Community. In my f-secure is that I have a trial subscription for another 28 days for 3 devices. I have a paid subscription until the end of 2018 for 5 devices. How do I change this?
My subscription works, but cannot access account or code. Automatic Re-new?
I've set up a F-secure Freedome account with a full 5 device subscription when downloading the software onto my mac. Only now when I am trying to get another device onto my subscription I can't access my account. I have no idea of the email used for the subscription or the code given to me to access it. I have no access to…
Conncection but no sound using Zoiper 5 soft-phone
Freedom OFF - Zoiper works Freedom ON - Zoiper does not work
Can’t process payment
So i’m currently in Honduras really trying to purchase the VPN here and have gone through two different types of my debit cards and my attempts to purchase the product continue to not be processed and fail, what can I do to buy this thing before I take my business elsewhere.
VPN not seen On iphone Screen
I do not see the letters vpn On my iPhone X screen when f-secure is On . Is it a problem?
I can't get freedome to work
So, I bought Freedome total 5 days ago online. It worked very well for 3 days, then it kinda died. Everything was normal in the morning, but when I came home during the evening, freedome didn't seem to connect to any virtual location. It just said "connecting..." for like a half an hour. So then I deleted the app from my…
Cant RUN installation file FREEDOME.exe
I recently downloaded f secure freedome installationa pack and wanted to install the trial but after double click on the exe file nothing happens. I just see the rotation blue ring for 2 seconds and the nothing comes up. I have check with task manager and did not find the installation process there either. I am running…
Upgraded to High Sierra and Freedome stopped working
When I try to start Freedome after upgrading to High Sierra I get an error message saying the app could not be configured please start again. Is there a fix?
Freedome crash after latest Freedome Software update
After todays software update Freedome VPN crash when trying to hit the connect button. The text says "Error - We are sorry something went wrong" Freedome worked flawless before the software update. Version 2.18.5493.0 Windows 10 What to doo???
Thanks for the Killswitch Feature
I notice in the latest version of Freedome (2.18.5493.0) you now include a 'Killswitch' option. Thank you so much for this much needed feature. Just one question - I tried manually turning off my Freedome just by clicking the ON/OFF button on the main panel but my internet remained connected. Is this because Freedome's…
Switched from Total to Sense... cannot active my new Freedome license
Hi, As topic says I switched Total to Sense and bought new Freedome license as I do not have it anymore via Total. (what is btw big bummer that it is not included on Sense) Issue is that I cannot anyway active my new Freedome license in Freedome. It just keeps saying that “expired” and login to your account or follow…
Is there a way to add another one of your devices to your subscription after you have already subscribed for one device and just pay the balance for that device or do you have to get a whole new subscription?
Unusable VPN due to extreme slow speed in Asia
Hi, When I started using Freedome about 3 years ago, I never had any speed issues while living in Singapore and being connected to Singapore. Recently however, the speed has become intolerably slow and there seems to be very little I can do. Without VPN, Google Speedtest usually gives me at least 40 Mbps or more, and with…
Freedome VPN fails to start on Mac OS X Yosemite (v10.10.5)
I have a 7-pack of Freedome VPN licenses and I've been able to get it running successfully on two iPhones, an iPad, a Windows PC and a Windows laptop thus far. However, when trying to start it on a MacBook Air, it continually gets the following error: F-Secure Freedome error Could not configure the app. Restart Freedome…
Problem accessing LAN in Win 10 version 1803 when Freedome is on
I just got Windows 10 updated to version 1803 on a couple of PC in my LAN connected with Ethernet. I thought I set the privacy and network settings as before the update, but now I have to turn Freedome off on both PC's if I want to access a share on another PC in my LAN. Please educate me, what am I missing and how should…
how to add a device
I booked and payed on my ipad a 3 devices subscription i add it easily on my Iphone by the Appstore How can i include my Mac book in the package ?
not connecting
F-Secure FREEDOME is not connecting on Microsoft Surface Pro - what do I do to fix this. It was fine yesterday.
Since installing Freedome VPN, outgoing calls fail on iPhone X (iOS 11.3.1)
Since installing the Freedome VPN, I cannot make outgoing calls on my iPhone X (iOS 11.3.1). These are traditional calls (not VOIP calls) that I'm having an issue with. I have already tried: * Turning my phone on and off * Turning the VPN off * Clicking "remove VPN conigurations" under the Settings tab on the app *…
Afraid to use Freedom, because looses connection without notice
Hey, this problem has been buging me for few months now, but have not had time to reply here. My freedom occasionally disconnects but leaves the key icon on the top, and that means I loose all internet connection and I dont know. I only notice it when I try to use my phone and it does not connect to anything. The only fix…
Slow Connections
Freedome is often really slow since the last one or two weeks. Somtimes it's a bit better, but very often it is really worse. I'm from Germany and this behaviour doesn't change when switching to other Freedome nodes (e. g. Denmark, Finnland, etc.). If it happens, one can observe in the status line of the browser that…
Re: After boot there is opening a window with a error message
After MacOS 10.13.5. update Freedom do not start - error message with problems with setup. It starts only manually.