
Bij het opstarten van mijn Mac vanmorgen, werd de volgende melding getoond:
Wilt u dat het programma OrspService binnenkomende netwerkverbindingen accepteert?
Is dit een melding van F-Secure SAFE dat ik heb draaien?
When starting my Mac this morning, the following message was shown:
'Would you like the program OrspService to accept incoming netwerk connections?'
Is this a message from F-Secure which is installed on my Mac?
Sorry for my reply (I'm also just F-Secure user and I not really friendly with Mac-platform) - maybe there will be proper response from F-Secure Mac team.
But I think that an answer about your ask is:
--> I think that this "notification" from build-in Mac firewall;
--> But "OrspService" indeed related with F-Secure installation.
ORSPService work as provider between F-Secure local installation and F-Secure Security Cloud (as example). And can be helpful for getting "rating/reputation" about files/URLs and other.Basically - ORSP service should start with system launch and provide proper protection.
So - I think that you able to allow it (maybe there was update/upgrade for F-Secure SAFE Mac and this service will be upgraded - so Mac firewall trigger notification as about fresh service) safely.
There was topic about ORSP ( https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Business/What-is-ORSP/m-p/73135 ) , but under the business-solutions part of community; But main meanings anyway valid for home solutions too.