Windows 10 v.1605 to v.1703

the other day I upgraded Windows 10 version 1605 to 1703.
When I try to start SAFE it complains that a number of .dll files are missing:
- msvcr110.dll
- msvcp110.dll
I guess these has to moved in again, the question is where to?
As I am using KEY as well it complains about:
- msvcp100.dll
When I copy this dll to the same directory/folder as where fskey.exe is located and restart the computer it still complains about this missing .dll.
Please advice.
Sorry for my reply.
Not sure it will be helpful for current situation, but about "previous" upgrades for Windows 10 builds:
I think that maybe you already found this knowledgebase article (or another community topics) like next one:
If you not able to Uninstall F-Secure SAFE by common steps under the Control Panel - Uninstall Software steps -- most likely that this article provide practically one proper solution (as F-Secure Uninstall Tool); And than install it as "clean installation".
There was topic with official response and explanation with related tips (reasons -> potential steps);
Mainly F-Secure Uninstall Tool will/able to remove F-Secure Key too (so, be sure that you have backup of entries; but with recent builds of Uninstall Tool it was with "save"-status for Key database probably);
Did you try it?
Also I think that maybe it should not be totally like that and you also able to contact Support channels (as chat or phone) for kind of "inform" them about this trouble with upgrade Windows 10 build (as transferring log-files/fsdiag as example; which you able to do by F-Secure Support Tool). Or maybe this topic can be enough and F-Secure Team will do some response there (or at least will be with information about this and maybe it possible to "fix" by F-Secure for prevent such trouble after upgrade);
Sorry for my long reply an worst English.
Hi Ukko,
many thanks for your prompt reply.
The length is of your reply is not a problem and I do understand you prefecty well. I'm Swedish so my English is not the best either. ;-)
The VS C++ 2012 redist is still in place according to my list of installed programs, both x86 abd x64.
As I understand- msvcr110.dll (fskey / SAFE)
- msvcp110.dll (SAFE)
- msvcr100.dll (fskey)are needed and should be found in C:\Windows\SysWOW64, correct?
- msvcr110.dll -- doesn't exist
- msvcp110.dll -- doesn't exist
- msvcr100.dll -- doesn't exist
I will reinstall VS C++ 2012 redist to see if that solves the problem because if that distribution has been altered during the upgrade process one do not know what other things are missing.If this doesn't work I will have to reinstall F-Secure SAFE and KEY. This comes however with yet another question?
Before I reinstall KEY I will have to make a backup of my data. As I understand that would be located here: C:\Users\peder\AppData\Local\F-Secure\Pwmgr
When I have reinstalled KEY can I then just copy in my backedup data to have access to my passwords again?
Please advice.
This here above is not the only problem this upgrade causes. It's a long story that I can tell later but it litteraly resets most of the things in you W10 installation so, before anyone else in this forum will take on this task, please fell free to contact me and I will share my experiences.
Hi Ukko,
I have already sent an answer on your post but when I edited it and saved it looks like it was removed from the chain. Never the less…
The VS C++ 2012 redistribution is still in place according to my list of installed programs.
As I understand
- msvcr110.dll (fskey / SAFE)
- msvcp110.dll (SAFE)
- msvcr100.dll (fskey)
are needed and should be found in C:\Windows\SysWOW64, and they’re not.
- msvcr110.dll -- doesn't exist
- msvcp110.dll -- doesn't exist
- msvcr100.dll -- doesn't exist
I did follow one of your links, Microsoft link, to download the install missing. dll’s but that didn’t solve the problem. After restart and so on the problem still persists.
My next step was to reinstall the redistribution in whole. Doing so, double clicking on the x64 redistribution I got the option to repair. I followed that and after restart SAFE was working. So, one problem was solved.
Still I have a problem with fskey as msvcr100.dll is still missing so a re-installation of this application is probably required, but before I do that I have a question regarding saving my data-files.
As I understand the data is stored here: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\F-Secure\Pwmgr. Can I just copy the directory and paste it back when I have reinstalled the password manager application so I can have access to all my password?
Hi @PederT,
I also saw your reply previously but it had somehow ended up in our Spam Quarantine. I am not sure how it happened. I have now released the message and merged it together in this thread.
For your Key question, do you have Premium Key which is syned with the other devices?
---> My next step was to reinstall the redistribution in whole. Doing so, double clicking on the x64 redistribution I got the option to repair. I followed that and after restart SAFE was working. So, one problem was solved.
Good that this was helpful (at least for F-Secure SAFE);
---> As I understand the data is stored here: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\F-Secure\Pwmgr. Can I just copy the directory and paste it back when I have reinstalled the password manager application so I can have access to all my password?
With "proper" re-installation for F-Secure Key there a lot of options.
As it was previously noted/asked - that if you have Premium F-Secure Key (with ability connect devices and sync between them):
--> good to remember your subscription license key (it should be maybe visible under the "F-Secure KEY UI" settings with related menu);
--> good to have another device, which will be helpful for re-connect your fresh installation.
BUT it was mainly about save "premium-status" (as save ability sync devices and passwords between them); AND just for save "Data" (as passwords/entries) you able to re-check next things:
----> your suggested steps should be valid and work (but good to have "double backup at replace action" for this folder too - there possible some rewritings... as I can to think);
----> you able to use "Export/import"-feature. It visible under F-Secure Key (should be... at least) as export-feature (export passwords) under settings, when your passwords will be as text-file. Which basically - you able later importing to fresh installation; also can be as "temporary" backup.
----> BUT with proper uninstallation for "F-Secure Key" string (and not F-Secure KEY: User data) under Control Panel Uninstallation Software - your data should be saved (basically it should be with most of available uninstallation steps); also previously there was available repair-feature.
It should normally work with not premium F-Secure KEY;
At least I use not premium F-Secure Key with my main system (because for me not required to sync passwords between devices) and related steps normally work (at least with previous buillds/versions - but I think it still should be OK);
Sorry for my else one long reply!
Dear Ukko,
many thanks for your prompt reply.
I'm not sure if your answers will help me recover all my passwords but you have given my some directions that I will follow. Cross my fingers it'll work.Now, when I have had a bit more time I also noticed that last paragraph of your response.
I can add following: As I do a lot of research on W10 Privacy issues I have come across a lot of interesting things regarding W10.
This issue with F-Secure is just a minor thing, yet very important, as all my password are in a file a can’t access.
The ‘interesting’ thing here is that, when I ‘repaired’ the VS C++ 2012 redistribution, one of the issues got solved. The conclusion of this is that, even though under 'Programs and Features' the redistribution package is installed it has been altered in that sense some files in that package has been removed/altered. For my point of view, that is extremely serious.
I will happily share this information with you and your team to further shed some light in what has actually happened. I think that would be very beneficial for F-Secure as I am pretty sure this will happen again in the near future. It is not just me that will do this update as version 1703 of W10 will hit the market very soon. I got some info today that it is publicly released today.Please let me know if I can be to any assistance. You have access to my private email address so just drop me a note.
If last part of your reply also addressed for me:
Sorry, but I'm also just F-Secure user (as you).
With meanings - that I'm not represent any official F-Secure Teams/Stuff or F-Secure Community Team/Stuff.
But under community - based on "number of replies/activities" - my account marked as "Superuser"-status (as "symbolic" meanings) - most likely this was a reason for your thoughts.
Or maybe, yes, I also not noted under my previous replies.. that it just my suggestions (and there will be more helpful official response from F-Secure team, but mainly some of my words based on previous official responses/information - so I thought that it's can be OK-suggestions for time while there missing any official response);
What about your query and more information (based on previous points and that I not able to really help there):
--> I also think that it can be much helpful for F-Secure Teams; at least investigate situation about their solutions and Windows upgrade-flow;
--> Maybe this topic can be read by F-Secure team (and they will contact you); Or you able (as example) create a private letter to F-Secure Community Manager - Laksh (which already answered under this topic):
There should be "visible"-button with words "Send a message".
And most likely he able re-direct your words/information to correct channels;
--> Or you able try to use direct F-Secure Support Channels as:
- phone-call:
- chat:
Not sure about powerful/useful status of this channels, but if you friendly with such systems... maybe it can take less time and can be with more good result. Maybe they also able to provide options to mail-support and next discussion (or directly get related information from you) ;
Sorry for my long reply.
Dear Ukku, I am not within F-Secure so part of your statments I do not understand. Sorry about that.
I have solved some of my isues and will follow your recommendations for the others.
The critical part here is that Microsoft seems to do some rather drastical changes to the W10 installation, and what just happened to me. These changes will affect you and your support team.
You can contact me through my email and I will happely explain what I've gone trough and how I solved it.
I do have contacts here at your Malaysian office so please drop me an email and I will give more information.
Hi and Good morning Laksh,
many thanks for your get-in-touch.
I'm a bit confused about who is from F-Securei here or not.
Yes, I've used that feature once or twice so then I do have a Premium KEY.
I can't check as my 'normal' account here at F-Secure is inaccessable for me as I have my login credentials in KEY
. So I just created a new account to have access to this Forum.
Many thanks,
Hi PederT,
You can identify F-Secure people by looking at the F-Secure logo in front of their nickname in the Community (like before my name Laksh).
Regarding Key, since you mentioned you have Key premium (using the Premium voucher), have you synced other devices with this device Windows 10? If your other devices have the sync and all the passwords, may be you can uninstall and reinstall Key from this device (only if the other device is synced and has the passwords). Since the other devices are in sync, you can later do the sync with the Win 10 to get the passwords. You can check it under Subscriptions in Key. As @Ukko mentioned, you also have the export option in Key to import it back.
Hi Laksh,
and thank you for answers.
I wouldn't trust my devices are synced at the moment.
I do have a copy of KEY's data that is located under C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\F-Secure including all the subfolders.
I assume the Pwmgr-folder has the encrypted passwordfile. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If I uninstall KEY on my W10 box and then reinstall i new version can I then just copy over the content of my backup Pwmgr folder, or are there any other dependencis?
Many thanks for your attention.
Peder -
You're welcome.
It was actually much easier than expected as you can uninstall F-Secure products (KEY) without uninstall F-Secure KEY: User Data, as it is called under ‘Uninstall or change program’.I just uninstalled F-Secure Key and installed a new version and I was up and running.