How to stop trial of 'SAFE' and install trial of 'TOTAL'

Used 'Internet Security' for years, but when sub expired thought I'd trial the 'SAFE' app. Really didn't like and had a message on installation saying antivirus failed. So thought I'd take a trial of 'TOTAL' instead, but I can't seem to do this despite uninstalling SAFE. There's still 26 days left on the trial and it won't seem to let me trial TOTAL. Can I over-ride this? Thx in advance
Hi YorkshireRob,
Total is nothing but SAFE and Freedome together as a bundle. You can read more about it here and here. Technically, there are no differences between the products that you get with Total security and privacy, compared to their standalone SAFE or Freedome.
And this article can share more information about moving from SAFE to Total.
Glad to know you're liking it, @YorkshireRob! Appreciate your update for us; please look through our KB if you would like to know more about Freedome/SAFE/Total.