I cannot run a scan on my Android device

PiotrC Posts: 2 New Member

Hi, I got a problem with starting a scan on my Android device (F-Secure SAFE). When I push 'start scan' button it intitialize, but after 2-3 seconds nothing happens. How can I fix this issue?

Thanks for help.


  • Hi PiotrC,


    Was Safe for Android recently installed? Is the product up-to-date on your device? Is there any other Anti-Virus products installed on your Android device?


    Have you tried to schedule a scan and see if it works?

  • PiotrC
    PiotrC Posts: 2 New Member

    I installed Safe recently after removing previously installed antivirus software. Everything is up-to-date. I checked if this option works, maybe I'll just try once again. We'll see what happen.

  • Hi PiotrC,


    Just wondering if you were able to run a scheduled scan? How's it going?

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