Icon problem
The F-Secure icon keeps disappearing from my mobile phone screen. I'm concerned that during these times I'm not protected.
Is Privacy VPN active??
Now that F-Secure Total includes Privacy VPN, I have deleted FreeDome on my Mac. It is a very good improvement that this functionality is now directly in F-Secure Total. As well as the fact that it runs native on M1/M2. However, It is a shame that there is no indicator in the menu bar, or the dock, that it is switched on…
my computer died
how do i remove protection from that pc, i have removed the hard drive, but it takes up one of my 3 activations should i need another.
Dotaz na obnovení licence
Zdravím, mám aktivační kupón na produkt F-Secure Safe a aktrivační klíč mi to hlásí jako neplatný, pomůže mi někdo. Děkuji za odpověď.
Lost 2 FA codes to my beta account
Hi, I have aa beta account and i only know my email and password, i lost my 2fa codes. Can you please help me to regain acess please? Kind regards, FilipeR
wireguard + mikrotik
Hi I suggest providing support for modern VPN protocols such as wireguard and support for config available on Mikrotik routers. When can I expect that kind of upgrade?
Spectrum F-Secure starts FULL Screen?
How do I change it to start minimized?
Czech vpn server
Hello, it is impossible to connect to the Czech vpn server, it connects to Austria, thank you for the answer
VPN recognized by certain streaming services
Hi, I wanted to inform that the Fsecure VPN Finland server is now recognized by a certain service I have been using earlier. Another VPN provider I have access works though. Hence, I was wondering if you can do something about the issue?
Yesterday, only one Capricorn-update, and today no Capricorn-updates the updater IS working, because there's coming updates for Virgo, DeepGuard, and all the other - but almost nothing for Capricorn - again........ Think, I have placed it wrongly... Can someone mobe it to F-Secure Total?
Is Windows 10 enterprise os supported by f secure?
I have recently installed Windows 10 enterprise 2019 ltsc version but keep getting a notification that it is not recognized when attempting to download the F Secure internet security. I have fully updated the OS on windows update but still cannot download successfully. Does F Secure not support Windows Enterprise OS?
Installation Mac OSx 10.15.7 not working
Good morning, I've just tried to install the TOTAL package from f-secure on my Macbook Pro (running on Catalina 10.15.7). I was able to download the package but the installation freezes from the beginning, I can't even start the process after opening the package. I've tried again with Gatekeeper safety setting set on "any"…
Will DeepGuard on macOS ever support wildcard?
Hi dev team, I would like to give read only access to any App_Bundle (.app/*), is it possible that we use wildcard to achieve this purpose? By now I can only use the allow path "any" policy, but this will give all read access to the program. Best regards,
Freedome and Swedish TV4 play?
What is going on with this? Can not log in to Swedish TV4 play when VPN is active! As i dont live in sweden if I turn off VPN I am geoblocked! Is Freedome VPN blocked by TV4? If that is the case then i have no use for Freedome anymore
Can't download F-secure Total
I recently renewed my subscription for F-secure total on my windows pc. But later, when my old license F-secure total expired the F-secure computer software started telling me that "your pc isn't secured...", even though I had renewed the subscription. And this was able to happen even though the website "My F-secure" told…
JokerSpy samples submitted a week ago but not processed
Hi, I often send malware samples that F-Secure does not detect via the SAS page. About a week ago, I sent some JokerSpy samples (https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/labs/fragments-of-cross-platform-backdoor-hint-at-larger-mac-os-attack/) that F-Secure missed, with the submission number xxxxxxxx. These samples remain…
Freedome + Steam Application Bypass Causes BSOD
I've been having some blue screens of death when I start my PC recently and I've been trying to narrow down the causes. I have finally figured out what the cause is. Setup: Windows 11 F-Secure Freedome Steam set up to bypass VPN Start Freedome and connect to node Start Steam Result: Blue screen of death…
Security risk
Hi everyone, I just registered here. I am looking for a tool that will allow me to connect to a remote computer. I think Team Viewer is quite reliable and easy to use. But I am interested in the security issue. Is it safe to use Team Viewer? What should I do to reduce the risks? Do I need to install any other applications?
Hope f-secure can add a network scanning detection feature
I hope f-secure internet security can add network scanning detection feature. When f-secure detects that someone is scanning this computer, it alerts the user that someone is scanning this computer. (The reason for this suggestion is: network scanning is usually something that hackers often do before attacking. And, no…
Problem with ID Monitoring + people and devices management
Hi, We are currently having problems on our beta with ID Monitoring + people and devices management in clients. Please use https://safeavenue-tp.sp.f-secure.com/iframe/-sso/fs_protection/ in a meanwhile to access those services. Sorry for your inconvenience, Juha
Fs id guardian kicked me from my main device
Fs id guardian kicked me from my main device when trying to reauthenticate it asks me to sync with a device or create a new master password. after creating master password again. kicks me back to login saying that the subscription is not valid. when i check the fs portal it says i have licenses available and there is 70+…
Hello, I cannot install my F-Secure Total on Windows 11 PC although I have a valid subscription
I always get the info: "the app you try to install is not proven by Microsoft" Best regards Salzdoc
Freedome not working in Türkiye
Hi, I’m in Türkiye, using a Vodafone SIM-card in a wifi-router (WAN IP-address xxx.xxx.xx.xxx). F-Secure Freedome version on an iPad Air (4. Gen) using iPadOS 16.5.1 does not connect. Freedome gives an error message (in Finnish) ”VPN-palvelinta ei löytynyt” (VPN-server not found). I’ve tried Finland and Sweden,…
how do I remove F-Secure from the menu bar in Mac OS Ventura?
I want to keep the application, but I don't want it in the menu bar of Mac Ventura. I have precious little real estate in the menu bar area. I looked in settings for F-Secure app but do not see that option like I do in other apps.
I cannot download F-Secure Total
Hi, I just subscribed again on F-Secure with Total this time. I created my account on my.f-secure.com and set the three first parameters, but I cannot download the installer. I tried get it again and again. I attempted de-activating all security parameters on Win 10 and using all navigators, unsuccessful. The .exe is…
Getting error "Could not verify integrity of the installer" on Windows 11
I am trying to install again the Fsecure Total but getting the error. Steps I followed: 1) Connected to my Fsecure account and downloaded "F-Secure-Safe-Network-Installer_X.exe". 2) Run program "FsUninstallationTool.exe" (I had previous installation of Fsecure but then I removed it and wanted to install the fresh…
FS Protection PC 19.1 releases
FS Protection PC 19.1 releases will be posted under this thread.
vpn don't access isp banned sites
It's there anything one can do? Thanks
Ad Blocker
This discussion was created from comments split from: ad block.
Green banner ?
Hello everybody, All is ok on my pc : -Cleaner, done -Complete Analyse, done -Settings, check and done BUT the green banner with Fsecure total on websites bank doesn't appears. Someone have the solution ? (I note that i am regulary hack by i think, -----they are hiding behind equipment------ by old or young people in…