Freedome MacOS Sonora is Blocking Local Access
Suddenly Freedome is blocking my MacBook Pro M1 from local network. The 5G local network is listed in Trusted in Freedome. If I turn off VPN, problem is fixed. Freedome is Version 2.64.767.0. Is this a known bug?
I bought a 25 VPN license for 18 but can't install more than 9 laptop!
Hi, I have bought 25 F-secure VPN licenses for our company laptop users but seems that only can be installed on 9 laptops. Any help, please? Once I have 25 licenses how can I expand the VPN installation to the rest of the team's laptops?
Unable to access the Norwegian channel NRK from abroad.
HI! When trying to access tv.nrk.no will you only get this message: Originale message: "Det virker som om du benytter deg av en VPNtjeneste. Skru av denne tjenesten og prøv igjen. For mer informasjon, gå til info.nrk.no." translated: "It appears as if you are using a VPN service. Turn off this service and try again. For…
Freedome VPN Not connecting
hello, since few hours ago or a day almost, the VPN does not connect. Tried restarting my PC it just stucks on Connecting as shown on screenshot. Anyone else is having this issue right now? I cant connect to any country. Please fix this issue, thank you.
Android app does not allow VPN connection
Connection request Freedome wants to set up a VPN connection that allows it to monitor network traffic. Only accept if you trust the source. “key symbol” appears at the top of your screen when VPN is active. CANCEL OK The OK button/icon does not work/respond so I’m stuck on the screen above!
F-Secure VPN am TV
Wenn ich VPN an meinem PC eingestellt habe, ist dann auch mein TV geschützt? Oder muss ich da noch andere Einstellungen machen?
cannot access licenses?
Long time user, this requirement to create an account has caused issues - the old way with the codes worked fine for years and years. Purchased 5 licnese subscription directly from F Secure/Cleverbridge. Created an account on F Secure site and activated it. Updated Mac app with account information. Went to my iphone to log…
F-Secure Total- Remote Desktop IP Address
Hello, I have a technical query regarding the f-secure Total service. I am using the service on my laptop and I am able to change locations on the VPN without issue. What I want to understand is when I am using a Remote Desktop service from Microsoft. I know that F-Secure Total will change my IP address on my browser…
Manage the devices using VPN Freedome
Dear all, I have the SAFE subscription with 5 devices. Since a few weeks, when I log in to my F-secure (https://my.f-secure.com/portal/welcome), I can manage the devices for F-Secure (the antivirus) but not for the VPN. In the menu, I read only F-Secure and ID-Monitoring. Before, there was also a menu for VPN. How I remove…
Cannot activate F-Secure FREEDOME
Dear Sir or Madam, we have purchased numerous licenses for F-Secure FREEDOME on stock in 2021. These licenses have not been redeemed so far. Unfortunately, we have to note that not a single one of the purchased licenses can now be used. Our reseller states that the term of the license only starts on the date of activation.…
vpn not connecting manually at all? only when its started with windows?
when i try to start vpn on my total security it just disconnects me from internet and wont connect to internet. only thing what works is having it start with windows. but i dont need vpn full time, and when im watching twitch for example it disconnects and connects every second from chat, making it annoying if i have it on…
New laptop, installed Freedome app to Windows 11, but cannot insert subscription code
Hello, I have an active Freedome account till August 15, 2024. I got a new laptop and log in to my account, but the system only gives me a trial account. There is no place where I could insert my active subscription code. Can you advice?
How to bypass VPN for certain sites?
Hi, I've been using Freedome VPN for a while which is working fine. I need to bypass VPN for certain sites so I add a static route for that specific site to bypass VPN which worked fine until the version 2.43.809. The static route cmd I use: (I use WIFI IP/IF instead of VPN IP in below command) route -p delete…
I have big problem to watch tv channels from Sweden. Often it appear on screen : Your hiding behind a VPN client. Shut it of.
My F-Secure Freedome VPN subscription wont show
I have a subscription for F-Secure Freedome VPN on my phone via apple app store but will not show as active on my PC when I log in to the website. My phone shows that the subscription doesn't expire until 28 April 2024.. any help would be most appreciated as I would like to protect my devices.
VPN activation problem
Trying to activate my VPN, bought from Proshop netshop. Then i get the question window: Where did you buy your order? (Mistä ostiti tilauksesi?) Proshop is not on the list shown. What can I do? Regards, Ossi
Running Freedome on Linux? Any Future Hardware Plans?
Hi, I'm in need of some extreme help! I just wanted if F-Secure had any plans to allow Freedome to work on a Linux PC? Also, I completely trust F-Secure so I just wanted to know if there were any plans for F-Secure to release hardware products that enhance user privacy and security? Any help would be appreciated!
Ich habe ein Problem mit meinem BackUp-Programm
Ich bin 77 Jahre alt und habe keine Ahnung wo ich die unten angegebenen Pfade einsetzen soll/kann, wäre schön, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte. Fügen Sie bitte folgende zwei Pfade der Ausnahmeliste Ihrer Sicherheitssoftware hinzu (in der Echtzeit-Überwachung und Firewall): und Edit: PII removed
Stänga av?
Hur stänger jag av f-secure VPN? Om jag inte får svar NU kommer jag att avinstallera f-secure och byta till något annat. Även om jag betalat för 2 år.
Page reply too late
Normally I can acces pages with F-Secure Freedome active without any problems. However it frequently happens, that I get a reply from the outgoing server, that the page I try to access reply too late. If I then deactivate F-Secure Freedome, I can access the page without problems. Sometimes the same page can be accessed…
How to add more devices middle of the contract?
Hi, I would like to ask you about adding two more devices. I have F-Secure SAFE (or F-Secure internet-security ) for 3- devices and I’d like to add two more devices, so I’d like to change my contract for 5-devices. I made current contact last December for 1 year, is it possible to change the plan during the year or should…
I connect to the mobile internet through several servers through freedome vpn, but I can't connect to any server through the adsl service which is connected to wifi, is there a solution?
Czech vpn server
Hello, it is impossible to connect to the Czech vpn server, it connects to Austria, thank you for the answer
VPN recognized by certain streaming services
Hi, I wanted to inform that the Fsecure VPN Finland server is now recognized by a certain service I have been using earlier. Another VPN provider I have access works though. Hence, I was wondering if you can do something about the issue?
Freedome and Swedish TV4 play?
What is going on with this? Can not log in to Swedish TV4 play when VPN is active! As i dont live in sweden if I turn off VPN I am geoblocked! Is Freedome VPN blocked by TV4? If that is the case then i have no use for Freedome anymore
Freedome + Steam Application Bypass Causes BSOD
I've been having some blue screens of death when I start my PC recently and I've been trying to narrow down the causes. I have finally figured out what the cause is. Setup: Windows 11 F-Secure Freedome Steam set up to bypass VPN Start Freedome and connect to node Start Steam Result: Blue screen of death…
Freedome not working in Türkiye
Hi, I’m in Türkiye, using a Vodafone SIM-card in a wifi-router (WAN IP-address xxx.xxx.xx.xxx). F-Secure Freedome version on an iPad Air (4. Gen) using iPadOS 16.5.1 does not connect. Freedome gives an error message (in Finnish) ”VPN-palvelinta ei löytynyt” (VPN-server not found). I’ve tried Finland and Sweden,…
vpn don't access isp banned sites
It's there anything one can do? Thanks
Freedome in conflict with F-Secure
When starting my Mac, Freedome now demands all VPN connections to be closed. When I then cancel the VPN connection in F-Secure, I can add Freedome. Before I could use both of them. When trying to open VPN in F-secure I am warned, that 'private VPN' and Freedome VPN can't run at the same time. I use MacOs Big Sur 11.7.8
Where can I find the code?
Where can I find the subscription code? I have checked the emails from when I purchased the F-secure total, but there is no code in the email. I see an order number but when I enter the number, it is invalid! I can log-in to my f-secure portal, but I cannot see the account ID/subscription code anywhere. What to do?