VPN for Google TV (Sony)
Been using F-Secure VPN for my new Sony TV for a year without problem. Out of the blue nothing works on permanent basis. Dropouts all the time and sometimes no connection at all. Based in Portugal and need the VPN to watch Swedish television and Sweden based media productions.
If e.g. Steam is selected to bypass Freedome do the games launched in Steam also bypass the VPN?
Hi! Running Windows 11 and looking for a little less latency while playing online games. So if the game launcher, Steam, Battle.Net, Epic Games etc. is selected to bypass VPN do the games launched through these launchers also bypass the VPN? I also found that I have Steam.exe listed 2 times in the "Known list of…
How to do SSH connection bypassing VPN?
Hi I'm using the latest version of Freedome VPN and it has a great feature of choosing Apps to bypass VPN which is working fine (mostly). I chose Firefox browser and able to access internet directly from Firefox bypassing VPN, perfect! Now, I need to make an SSH connection to outside Linux box bypassing VPN. I…
Has youtube found a way to circumvent freedomes tracking protection?
Hello, I use Chrome with the free version of Adblock plus. When youtube started its crackdown on ad blockers, I whitelistet the site in Adblock plus. Freedomes tracking protection prevented the ads from being played, displaying a black screen with the spinning wheel in stead. This has changed today. Youtube plays the ads…
How to get a refund?
Hi I bought VPN and I would like to get a refund. After getting bounced around a few broken links I have filled the form at the ecommerce partner site (Cleverbridge) and I have heard nothing. Right now the 30 day money back guarantee is starting to feel a bit sketchy!
Coud'nt get my nas with Freedome on
Unable to access my NAS in my local network with the host name when FREEDOME VPN is on. I've put the IP in host file but cannot access to. Does somebody has any idea?
MacOS Freedome VPN Client Can No Longer Connect
Since yesterday my MacOS clients can no longer connect to Freedome vpn servers.
Freedome blocks the Android Auto App
I am using Android Auto along with the Motorola MA1 adapter. It happens that Freedome is blocking Android Auto resulting in connection failure. I wanted to put AA on the whitelist but it does not appear on the list of Apps. Is there any solution other than shutting the VPN off manually?
Du my fsecure work I russia
I’m traveling to Russia for family issues. can somebody is f-Secre VPN still working in Russia. I heard that they have closed down many providers ther.
Hi, I have suddenly lost access to my emails. One minute everything is fine, now suddenly I can't get logged into my Microsoft Outlook. Pulling my hair out here can anyone help please? Rob
Can't securely connect to any website (iOS 17)
Hello, since updating to iOS 17 (and the following releases) on the iPhone, I've had too much trouble using Freedome (even before there were problems, but less often). Whatever website I try to visit, Safari shows the error "cannot establish a secure connection" . All the apps do not load the content properly in that case.…
Unable to connect to websites.
Hi folks, Since yesterday I have been receiving this error 'This site can’t provide a secure connection www.gumtree.com uses an unsupported protocol.ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH' when trying to connect to websites. I can get Freedom to work but I have to jump connections around first to find one that will work. See a…
VPN issue on Mac Somona
Hello, After installation of Somona, the VPN installed on F-secure does not give ma access to the internet, even though the VPN on. What could be the problem?
When turning on Freedome I get SSL errors on all websites regardless of which site it is. This is when using Many EU as the location (France, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Lisbon Madrid....) Except Netherland till now!!!!!!!!. The error all browsers is "ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH". Turning Freedome off makes all…
Freedome causes SSL errors on all websites
No matter which location I set I get the same error. If I turn of VPN it works fine Any recommendations other than surf shark or nord would be really appreciated
FreedomVPN —Could not validate the server certificate
Hi, FreedomVPN cannot connect. It says “VPN connection — could not validate the server certificate”. FYI, I am using an older iPod touch with version 9.3.5. The version of FreedomVPN is I used to use FreedomVPN years back. So, my iPod still keeps the older version of FreedomVPN. Can someone help me how I can…
freedome and tv4play
freedome no longer work with tv4play, as of 8.10.2023
Freedome MacOS Sonora is Blocking Local Access
Suddenly Freedome is blocking my MacBook Pro M1 from local network. The 5G local network is listed in Trusted in Freedome. If I turn off VPN, problem is fixed. Freedome is Version 2.64.767.0. Is this a known bug?
I bought a 25 VPN license for 18 but can't install more than 9 laptop!
Hi, I have bought 25 F-secure VPN licenses for our company laptop users but seems that only can be installed on 9 laptops. Any help, please? Once I have 25 licenses how can I expand the VPN installation to the rest of the team's laptops?
Unable to access the Norwegian channel NRK from abroad.
HI! When trying to access tv.nrk.no will you only get this message: Originale message: "Det virker som om du benytter deg av en VPNtjeneste. Skru av denne tjenesten og prøv igjen. For mer informasjon, gå til info.nrk.no." translated: "It appears as if you are using a VPN service. Turn off this service and try again. For…
Freedome VPN Not connecting
hello, since few hours ago or a day almost, the VPN does not connect. Tried restarting my PC it just stucks on Connecting as shown on screenshot. Anyone else is having this issue right now? I cant connect to any country. Please fix this issue, thank you.
Android app does not allow VPN connection
Connection request Freedome wants to set up a VPN connection that allows it to monitor network traffic. Only accept if you trust the source. “key symbol” appears at the top of your screen when VPN is active. CANCEL OK The OK button/icon does not work/respond so I’m stuck on the screen above!
F-Secure VPN am TV
Wenn ich VPN an meinem PC eingestellt habe, ist dann auch mein TV geschützt? Oder muss ich da noch andere Einstellungen machen?
cannot access licenses?
Long time user, this requirement to create an account has caused issues - the old way with the codes worked fine for years and years. Purchased 5 licnese subscription directly from F Secure/Cleverbridge. Created an account on F Secure site and activated it. Updated Mac app with account information. Went to my iphone to log…
F-Secure Total- Remote Desktop IP Address
Hello, I have a technical query regarding the f-secure Total service. I am using the service on my laptop and I am able to change locations on the VPN without issue. What I want to understand is when I am using a Remote Desktop service from Microsoft. I know that F-Secure Total will change my IP address on my browser…
Manage the devices using VPN Freedome
Dear all, I have the SAFE subscription with 5 devices. Since a few weeks, when I log in to my F-secure (https://my.f-secure.com/portal/welcome), I can manage the devices for F-Secure (the antivirus) but not for the VPN. In the menu, I read only F-Secure and ID-Monitoring. Before, there was also a menu for VPN. How I remove…
Cannot activate F-Secure FREEDOME
Dear Sir or Madam, we have purchased numerous licenses for F-Secure FREEDOME on stock in 2021. These licenses have not been redeemed so far. Unfortunately, we have to note that not a single one of the purchased licenses can now be used. Our reseller states that the term of the license only starts on the date of activation.…
vpn not connecting manually at all? only when its started with windows?
when i try to start vpn on my total security it just disconnects me from internet and wont connect to internet. only thing what works is having it start with windows. but i dont need vpn full time, and when im watching twitch for example it disconnects and connects every second from chat, making it annoying if i have it on…
New laptop, installed Freedome app to Windows 11, but cannot insert subscription code
Hello, I have an active Freedome account till August 15, 2024. I got a new laptop and log in to my account, but the system only gives me a trial account. There is no place where I could insert my active subscription code. Can you advice?
How to bypass VPN for certain sites?
Hi, I've been using Freedome VPN for a while which is working fine. I need to bypass VPN for certain sites so I add a static route for that specific site to bypass VPN which worked fine until the version 2.43.809. The static route cmd I use: (I use WIFI IP/IF instead of VPN IP in below command) route -p delete…