Freedome VPN doesn´t connect to internet anymore
Some weeks ago Freedome stopped working and had issues in connecting to internet. when I switch it off, internet connectivity works fine. It seems that there is some issues with host name resolution (DNS server ??) Freedome used to workperfectly on my laptop win7 professional when suddenly this connectivity problem arised.…
FreedomVPN Availability in GCC
How come your product's page states that it's not available in the GCC? (Bahrain, Kuwait, KSA, UAE, Oman, & Qatar) Are you legally banned from doing business there, or is it a chpice?
xg4ken on Google shopping ads
Hi, I've been using your VPN for a couple of weeks and I am observing xg4ken redirects on Google shopping ads. This happens on iOS and Windows 10 when the VPN is on. I had to remove it manually on Windows 10 but I don't know how to handle iOS and anyway the problem dissapears when the VPN is off so this is an issue with…
Cancel f- secure
Please cancel my subscription. I have this free trial and then supposed to be 80 euros a year. To expensive. Sorry
Can not automatically change place
I am on Windows 10 Pro, Freedome 1.16.3641.o. I can not change places automatically. I must manually deactivate and then activate the TAP driver ( FreedomeVPNCnnection). Then it works, but this must be done everytiime to change places. It seems like the DNS server do not manage to put in the special DNS adresses in IPv4…
How to retrieve Account-ID for Freedome subscription
After purchasing the subscription for five devices I am prompted to re-enter the account-ID for the (one) iOS-device. The other Android- and Windows devices work fine. Been through FAQ and several fora but can't find anything on retrieving the actual account-ID. There is nothing on the invoice, nor anything in settings on…
Re: Freedome VPN for Android
Okay so once we are able to check and see if the app is actually working, after purchasing a one-year subscription on Android 6.0 .. It is possible to port this subscription over to the 3-device subscription correct ?? If this is not correct then how would the best way of expanding my subscription be handled ? I purchased…
How do I use Freedome VPN on Smart TV?
I have a PC and Smart TV setup. Smart TV connects to WLAN router and I would like to enable VPN for Smart TV as well. How can I go about this? I read that it is impossible to set-up Freedome VPN on router level, which is a shame as I just dished out the money for one year subscription without doing my due diligence. Am I…
Subscription code validity
As there's now the special offer for Freedome, I purchased 12 months even though my subscription will not end until October. Now my question is, would my code be valid then anymore?
F-Secure Freedome
Just took the latest update 1.16.3641.0. It has crashed the program. Have uninstalled/reinstalled with the download version on F-Secure Website (1.16.3641.0) Rebooted pc numerous times. Freedome crashes even after reinstall. Have now restored pc back to Freedome ver 1.15.3629.0 and evrything now ok. I will not be taking…
DNS address
I receive a warning that my DNS address has been changed to from one of my security programs – is that address set by Freedome?
Cannot conect to mumble server
Hello, I'm currently having a problem with Mumble, I cannot connect to a server when F Secure is activated. I pinged it with F secure activated and got a 100 packet loss. Yesterday everythign worked fine and now I cannot connect to the mumble server if the vpn is activated. What sould I do?
Issues to connect to France
Hi Everybody, since 3 days now when I tried to connect to location France it's not working. all the countries are working fine except France and I really need to watch French Tv. Do you have any solutions? Thanks in advance
Windows 10 app / storeapp.
Hey! Im kinda looking to get a Windows 10 S device for my household and im wondering about the possibilities of your Freedome software (every F-Secure software) to get aviable through the Windows store as an app there.
Does Freedome have limitation with one-time trial?
Hello, This ask about next situation (and with certain system): --> Most likely that under system was installed Freedome (but not sure when); After trial-time uninstalled; After this there probably was quite many days. System is Windows 10; --> On current time - under this system not possible to use trial time of F-Secure…
F-Secure Freedome VPN - refuses to work on S8
Hi. F-Secure Freedome VPN is refusing to work on the Samsung Galaxy S8. I have a valid licence key for 3 devices. None of the licences are currently being used. All I get is this stupid error message stating that Freedome VPN doesn't work on my device. Regards, Mark Bovill.
unable to download from amazon video ipad freedome vpn
unable to download from amazon video on ipad. error msg said that vpn provider does not allow video download. only happen a few days ago. long time subscriber. connect from overseas. any help pls ?
Recently: Unstable slow connections, interruptions
Recently I am experiencing unstable/ slow connections or sudden connection interruptions. Without Freedome turned "ON" my Internet speed is fast and stable. No changes in hardware/router hardware. server: Germany workaround that adresses this issue: turn connection "OFF", then "On" again. I am experiencing this issues on 2…
Looks like Sky are blocking VPN
Used to work fine with Sky go....no longer
t411 bloqué par F-secure
Bonjour , j'écris ce sujet pour savoir si F-secure avait decidé de bloqué T411 car je suis un client usant de torrent et qui depuis hier, sur ce site en particulier,mes téléchargements sont bloqués. De plus j'ai testé sur d'autres sites ceux marchent. Donc j'aimerez savoir si c'est une décision de l'entreprise ou que c'est…
Does Freedome create log that records on/off dates & times?
I'd like to be able to review the dates and times when Freedome (Windows 10 and Android) was turned on and off. I don't need to see what I was doing on line at those times, only if Freedome was active. Does such a log exist on my machines? Thanks.
Updated freedome version now blocks all internet access
I just updated Freedome on my Windows 10 PC. The new version seemed to work for a while, but suddenly Windows tells me that I have no internet connection. This is even when the Freedome I installed indicates that it is "off". I rebooted about 4 times, and each time after approximately 4 or 5 minutes, I lose my network…
Freedome not playing nicely with CNN.com
Hi, I notice that videos on cnn.com won't play when I have Freedome active (on Mac OS and iOS at least). Any plans to bypass this blocking by cnn's video distributor?
Release Notes?
Are there Release Notes for various versions of Freedome? I cannot find where is documented the latest version.
I would like to get Freedome working directly in a LG TV running LG Web OS 2.0 or higher. Any plans towards a LG App or other solutions?
Singapore server issue
The iPhone Freedome app does not connect to Singapore server from Thailand. Is it just me or? Any fix?
Freedome Will Not Turn On
I just installed Freedome on Windows 10, and the big button to turn on protection does nothing when clicked. How do I fix this, and is there another way to turn on protection?
67% of battery use due to Freedome using mobile data
After I installed Freedome on my LG V10, the battery drains awfully quick. After checking, Freedome eats 67% of it all, and I even need to recharge during the day. How can I come around this using mobile data? Patrik
Last update broke my computer
Good Morning; Yesterday Freedome did an update to my Windows 10 computer. Now it can take up to 10 seconds for the Resolving Host message to clear on my Chrome browser. On another W10 computer that hasn't updated, everything is fine. I uninstalled and reinstalled and that didn't fix it. I tried a competitors VPN and it…
Maintenance on Oslo (Norway) location
We are currently having a maintenance on our Oslo(Norway) location. During this maintenance the location cannot be reached or used with Freedome. We are doing our best to shorten this maintenance and will inform you once it is over.