internet access blocked when choosing Vancouver location
Was working earlier, but i i choose vancouver as a location, i get error messages in browser stating access to internet is blocked. Other locations are fine. Could be related to my ISP?
How can i know harmful sites blocked ?
HI I receive notifications of blocked sites, or a counter of notifications but how can i read the notification itself ? i don't fond any menu item to do that. I Just found a menu item to test how the blocking works. Thank you Marc
I have a diary problem, various IP adress intent to access Freedome. What does that mean, what must
New phone
I have account for 3 unites, one for my broken phone i'll get new one next week. How do i transfer freedom from the broken to my new phone, shall delete it from my old one and start up freedom with password on the new one.. Thanks for a answer. Regards Jerry
subscription extension
Hi Just to be sure on this. I have just renewed my subscription to freedome for 5 machines. Four of these expired today but the 5th does not expire until January. I assume I will not lose any days by waiting until then to renew same. Otherwise I could just go ahead and do that now but would I then lose the remaining 4…
Virgin media with F-Secure Freedome
I am thinking of joining Virgin media and using F-Secure Freedome , are there any issues.
Overly aggressive site blocking?
Seem to be getting an over-ambitious screening of sites. Are you sure resy.com is a “Harmful Web Site…” worthy of blocking? I thought it was a restaurant booking app like OpenTable?? Thanks. EDIT: removed hyperlink
lost product subscription key
I also lost my key. EDIT: Title
Renewal special price offer on Mac more expensive than standard price
Hi, The renew subscription on Mac seems to be broken. It offers the renewal on special price which eventually becomes more expensive than the standard price. Is this right? The flow goes like this: - 21 days left on subscription, problems in connecting (Freedome mac 1.19.3659.0) - restart Freedome - subscription expired…
Error 500
Hey! I just got myself Freedome 30 days free subscription and everything goes fine until Freedome asks me to name my computer. After I name computer and press accept/apply it goes to error 500 screen. What is the problem and how do I fix it?
Log-on to see my VPN subscription - NO F-SECURE sales funnel horror!!! HATE IT! start to HATE YOU.
Dudes. I AM SOOOOOO SICK OF YOU TRYING TO SELL ME F-SECURE. I Just had a VPN thing. Now all you want to do is channel me into your F-SECURE virus etc sales funnel. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Send me a link so I can just logon and see my VPN subscription. See my devices. I even have two sets of VPN from you. 2 sets of 7 I think.…
IPhone 7 with Freedom to Apple Tv
I am having problems to watch YLE Areena on my Apple TV. IT works fine on my iPhone with Freedom but when sending to Apple tv there is error message. Is this a unsolvable problem or is there something I can do?
Safe and Freedome
I have both products installed on my equipment and wondering if that's a bit of overkill. I have a longer time left on Freedome. When Safe comes to an end should I renew
Any way to configure Freedom to work with a Linksys WRT1200AC using dd-wrt firwmare?
from PC magazine article: https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2403388,00.asp "By adding VPN protection to your router, you secure the traffic of every gadget connected to that router. And the router—and everything protected by it—uses just one of your licenses. Nearly all of the companies I've reviewed offer routers with…
IOS connection issues remain
I reported a problem a few months back about my iPad losing its Freedome connection every few minutes, though I could reestablish the connection by going to the IPad "Settings" and flipping the VPN button to "off" then back to "on". I have been busy in the intervening period, but the problem remains. My Windows 10 computer…
How to get my subscription for Freedome for iPad and iPhone also valid for my Mac?
Hey. I have a year subscription for Freedome on my Ipad and Iphone. On my Mac it says that subscription is expired. Do I need an additional subscription for my Mac? Or how do I validate my subscription also for my Mac.? Per
F-Secure FREEDOME and ssh.
Hi, I make ssh connections out to aws instances and alike often. When I start F-Secure FREEDOME my ssh session is killed and I am no longer able to make an outbound ssh session. Nmap reports that the ssh port of the server is down, if I stop F-Secure FREEDOME the port is reported as up so it's definitely dropped but the…
F-Secure Freedome with MacOS High Sierra 10.16 beta (release 17A358a) crashes system
Hello, I have Freedome installed on my mac and participate in the beta program. After the latest update my machine showed this behaviour: Start - Login - [crash/logout] - back to Login window. Repeat. I am aware that product support isn't available on beta platforms but I want to make you aware of this. I can't paste the…
Extremly slow speed on every Freedome server recently
Hi guys, I'm using a 3 device licence of Freedome (2 x Windows PCs, 1 x Android Phone). Around 2 weeks agoI made a clean Windows 7 install on one of my computers, reinstalled Freedome and updated the subscription on all devices. Now the "new" PC has connection troubles on any Freedome server and every webpage. Sites like…
Urgent buy code for f secure free dome vpn
i need to buy code for my wife and send it for here how to buy code urgent please
refund please asap!!
I purchased a freedom product two days ago and I want a refund because it does not work on the site I want. My reference number is " XXXXXXXX ". Please give me a refund EDIT: removed PII
I purchased a freedom product two days ago and I want a refund because it does not work on the site I want. My reference number is " XXXXXXXXX ". Please give me a refund. EDIT: Removed PII
Renewed multi device license on the iPhone, how do I 'restore purchase' on the mac?
I've happily run freedome on mac, ipad and iphone for a year. a week ago, paid anew for another year. how do i 'update' on the mac side - there is no 'restore puchase' there. and the 'code' i have since initial subscription 1+ year ago seems invalid.
How to watch American Footbal
Good morning everybody, does anybody know if I can watch the american football using freedome? ...and witch channels should I use? Thank you in advance for your help.
Win10 App Freedom bypass
Old topic https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/How-do-I-set-Freedome-to-NOT/td-p/90808 Hi There are still issues with certain Apps that don't like VPN's Please can you add a bypass or an exception list to Freedom Windows version just like the Android one. Thanks
Buy abroad
Hello, I am in vacancy in madagascar and I would like to order a phone in my home in france. Is it possible to order it using your software knowing that the site refuses the orders come from this country even if it is delivered in france.
Google Search
Hi I live in Norway using Freedoome with protection on, location Norway and I'm logged in Google.no. However, when I do a Google search from Firefox search bar or open a new tab to search or highlight a text to do a search it goes to google.se, very annoying. When I turn protection off and try again it goes to google.no.…
Freedom v1.118.3656 'Check for Updates' does nothing - Windows 10 (1703)
My expectation is that I receive a reply, such as: 'No Update Available' - or - 'Update Available, click here.' I have unistalled and reinstalled (and reactivated), but the "no reply" behavior continues. If the product is going to check for upgrades periodically and then notify me automatically, then why even have the…
FSecure freedom
Does Freedom vpn work in Estonia
Virtual location - HONG KONG
Hi, I am useing the server location of Hong Kong(IP:, When I browse website, eg. Google, Yahoo. They will redirect me to Sigarpore website, not Hong Kong. And when I browse some Hong Kong's newspaper website, the website will alert me in Sigarpore, disable my browse. How come Hong Kong sever is a Sigarpore…