ID-Protection to F-Secure Total
Hello, I can't transfer ID-Protection to F-Secure Total on my windows computer (no problem on my android phone). The menu "My data" is disabled. Can you help me ? Regards Philippe
F-Secure Total complete manual
Question: Can anyone tell me how I can create a complete user manual for "F-Secure Total" as a PDF file?
Problem with the "reputation rating" on "google search"
Hello, my problem is, the "reputation rating" icon( the green circle with a white check mark in it) does not appear next to some of the search results. I tried reloading the page, restarting the browser but no difference it made. I am on chrome. Have not tried any other browsers yet. I think it happens when I search with a…
F-Secure Total app isn't allowing me to select "I'm an existing user"
So I was trying to switch from ID Protection to the Password Vault in F-Secure Total this worked well on my PC but on my iPhone the F-Secure Total App isn't allowing me to select "I'm an existing user" which means that I can't switch from ID Protection on my iPhone
DeepGuard keeps mouse pointer spinning
Since last week my mouse pointer shows a blue spinning wheel next to it after startup. Only if I pause Deepguard (even for just few moments) it will disappear. Anyone familiar with this - and.. how to make it disappear permanently? Or is there a way I can see which process is causing this behaviour? Richard (Netherlands)
F-secure applikaatiota ei saa suljettua MacOs:lla / F-secure app cannot be closed on MacOs
Vaihdoin Freedomesta F-secure-appiin MacOS:llä. Ongelma on että applikaatiota ei saa suljettua. Freedomessa yläpalkin (menu bar) oikealla olevassa kuvakkeessa olevassa dropmenussa oli sulje-valikko jolla Freedomen sai suljettua. F-secure-apissa tätä ei ole. F-securen vasemmalla olevassa valikosta voi valita Lopeta F-secure…
F-Secure high cpu usage
I've had this issue for a while now, but my F-secure takes up ALOT of my cpu, a solid half at resting whenever i start up, and up to 80% if i try and force shut down the task in my task manager does anyone know why this is happening? everything is up to date
F-Secure Total Security & VPN iOS
Today, this feature doesn't work
AirDrop and AppleCarplay
what can I do to get Aidrop and AppleCarplay to work without switching off the VPN? iOS 17.4.1
F-secure total VPN is stuck "Loading... Please wait."
I have a problem with F-secure VPN because it is loading in the home screen. I have waited for 30minutes and nothing happen. I have Windows 11 22H2 version. I have tried reinstall F-secure but it did not work. So can someone help me?
Not removable trojan
Hello, Maybe you can help me since I can’t contact any F-Secure agents… I get this message, but the trojan cannot be removed. What to do now? Thanks for helping me out!
Can not get VPN started on Mac with MacOS 14.1.1
Forced to move from Freedom to F-Secure new app and can't get it to start. Just moves toggle to OFF as soon as I try to move it to ON. Also says 'updating' in SETTINGS/UPDATEs and never moves beyond that. Any ideas?
fshoster32.exe high cpu usage, windows 11 v.22631.3447
Few days ago updated from F-secure ID to latest F-secure vault (salasanaholvi, F-secure TOTAL perhaps is actualyl name of software) Since then , once started, fshoster32.exe uses 30-40% of cpu usage. Also have MS Defender subscription and have whitelisted whole F-secure TOTAL folder and fshoster32.exe process aswell. Also…
XProtect PlistConfigdata_10_15.pgk Virusalert?
Today my Mac, macOS 14.4.1, came up with an virusalert while running Softwareupdate to install the new XProtectfiles, 2192 and 131! What is the Problem?
Banking protection stopped working?
Banking protection was working fine, but today I no longer get the green border appear on any secure site in any Chrome, Firefox, Edge browser. Removed and added the extension back again, rebooted pc, but has not helped.
F-Secure extension: this site has not yet been rated
Hello, When I do a search, the F-Secure extension no longer evaluates the proposals. For each proposed site, F-Secure indicates "This site has not yet been rated" This malfunction is for Firefox, Edge and Chrome. The result is the same with Bing, Google or DuckCuckGo Example:
Browserpirate in Google Chrome
When searching in Google Chrome, the search engine switches to browserpirate to bing. How do I get rid of this setting or how can I lock the damage setting with f-Secure?
Banking Protection not working for Barclays.co.uk
Since the weekend banking protection has not been working for the Barclays.co.uk website. I used the 'submit a sample' to report the problem, and I am now finding that Banking Protection does enable when navigating to www.barclays.co.uk, but clicking the login for online banking takes you to bank.barclays.co.uk and…
New version of F Secure no longer supported for my device
Hi, my device is no longer supported for the new F Secure app. Sony XZ1 Compact with Android 9. So that means, a paid subscriber is locked out from using the paid service for no reason? If thats the case, this will be my last subscription. Especially that I can no longer use the password manager is extremely annoying.
Password manager or Password Vault
F-secure for password manager (password Vault) is well installed and worked fine the first time. However, the application locks and cannot be unlocked again, as the code no longer works. How do I unlock it? Is there a bug
F-Secure ID Protection after subscription ends
Hi, as an F-Secure Total subscriber, I was wondering what happens to my access to ID Protection, and more importantly access to my password vault, once the Total subscription ends and is not renewed. Will I still be able to access the vault as before? Which functionalities will I lose? And is there anything I should do…
How do I get F-secure total to sync with my notepad - unable to use it due to this issue
Earlier today, I reset my notepad as it wasn't connecting with the internet and windows troubleshooter couldn't find a problem. Unfortunately, having done all this, created a big bald patch at the back of my head and boiled my coffee machine dry, I am still at a loss as to how to get f-secure working again. The problem is…
I think that the app design is crap to say the least - I now want my subscription refunded
The design of your app defies logic. I have just installed f-secure and been taken to a pop up winf=dow to set up security, vpn etc. There is no option other than to logout for closing this window.If I logout there is a message displays that it will stop all security apps until I login again! It means that my computer has…
不便でしょうがない。 まともな銀行もブロックされる。 まともな製品ではない。
まともな銀行でもブロックされて仕事にならない。 なんでこんなものが提供されているのか? 止めるとメッセージが出てうっとおしい。 仕事を邪魔するためにある感じ。 このPostも誰が見るのか? 一度メールがつながったが、インスト―ルしなおせの一点張り。 しかもブロクは気まぐれに生じる。
Scan Modus
My scan modus should be scanning every four weeks (so it is set by myself), but nevertheless it scans every seven days. What to do…?
FSecure Freedome and Chromebook laptop os os
Since about 2016 I have been using FSecure's Freedome on my Chromebooks. Now all of a sudden FSecure has chosen to abandon the Chromebook OS Laptop. The question is why? With the increase of Chromebook OS laptops increasing, it would be reasonable to continue supporting the Chromebook OS platform. The Chromebook OS laptops…
the new f-secure vpn
There is no option to quit the app like the old one. To quit you have to use task processing.
VPN got very slow lately
Afte many years good working lately VPN got from slow/unreliable to dead slow/useless. I have tried some trcks like changing protocol and flushing dns cashe. Noting works. What to do?????
Unable to Activate Safari Browser Extension on iOS 17.4.1
Hello F-Secure Community, We've recently received a report regarding an issue with activating the Safari Browser extension on iOS 17.4.1. A customer has reported that after clicking on "set up" in the F-Secure app and following the on-screen instructions, they are unable to proceed past the point where they need to "Tap…