Endless "An error occured in f-secure, need to reboot" prompt in f-secure total.
One of the pc's is constantly prompting for reboot after a while. When you do, it is a matter of minutes an the f-secure asks for reboot again. BTW: The error message is my translation of the German "Bei F-Secure ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, und es ist ein Geräteneustart erforderlich"
Email Language is wrong
Whenever I get emails from F-Secure they’re in a language I don’t understand Where can I change this?
Browsing Protection pop up won't go away!!
I have F-Secure installed and mostly it is great BUT: when I am browsing and do a Google search I keep getting a pop-up over the links that are offered, mostly saying things like "this site is highly trusted" or other messages. The problem is the pop-up covers up the actual link AND THEN NEVER GOES AWAY!!!! If I want to…
problam to start f scure
Hi it is 2 weeks that I have lost my connection to F Scure . when ever I want to start it comes to check internet connection which my laptop is conneted to wifi !!! I have internet connection and can surf and connect to all other progam and all site I need. I have checked my connection to internet and it seems ok. but…
How to call F-Secure Support? What is the phone number?
Hi, I was wanting to try the "Call support" feature as I've only used the "Live text chat" before. However, I can't find the phone number to call? I'm looking at this: Any help would be appreciated!
F-secure installation issue
Installed f-secure on my computer, then tried to install it on my phone but I get a message saying that I've used the product code too many times. I only used once to install it on computer and subscription is for 5 devices. Can you help?
Connect device greyed out
This discussion was created from comments split from: Connect devices greyed out in ID PROTECTION.
New breach detected.
Have an email re the title. It suggests that one of our email address's and a particular password has been breached. Can't find the combination of 'Email address/Password' in our Microsoft wallets or on our hardcopy password lists. Can I assume it is an old combination that we have possibly used but deleted in the past?…
Limited to 1 device
hello, I have the subscription through virgin media, which says it is for unlimited devices. However on my account I am only allowed 1 device. Virgin support push me towards F-secure, then f-secure support push me back to virgin media. Any support or advice would be appreciated.
Banking protection restored, as well as web search ratings.
Check it on your end, as it looks to be resolved :)
F-Secure Total version 19.7 hangs in Mac OS 14.6.1 when opening
Hi, I have an active subscription from F-Secure's Freedome VPN that I successfully migrated to F-Secure Total a few weeks ago. I verified that my subscription is active until 3rd Nov 2024, so still a few months left before renewal. I also have successfully used the VPN feature of the new app but now the app suddenly…
Import from KeePass 2.57 fails
Hello, I just wanted to setup my F-Secure Vault and import my password database from local KeePass 2.57. First: There is no Database → export → csv. It is just possible Via File→Export (see screenshot). The possible extensions are, CSV for KeePass 1.x and XML for KeePass 2.x. The fun part is with Vault, that only supports…
F-secure total VPN is stuck "Loading... Please wait."
This discussion was created from comments split from: F-secure total VPN is stuck "Loading... Please wait.".
I know, I know, I know!!! Please stop it.......(Run out of subscription-reminds)
My subscription runs out the 2o september. That's a LOOOONNNG time to that date… Do you really need to remind me EVER*y single day - every single boot of the computer???
Why painfully slow browsing?
Browsing with Edge or Chrome and using F-Secure Total is extremely slow - loading sites gets repeatedly discontinued due to too slow response - what can be done ?
My laptop is very slow after installing F-Secure Total
My laptop is very slow after installing F-Secure Total Wondering if there's any trick to make it faster.
Asking Guidance on Enhancing F-Secure Secure for Several Devices
Hello Everyone, Since I've been using F-Secure Safe, I'm happy with how well it functions generally. But now that I have more gadgets in my home than ever, I'm seeking for tips on how to get the most out of F-Secure Safe on all of them. I'm particularly curious about the best approaches for preserving security without…
Intune Company portal reported as threat?
This evening the attached infection was reported. I assume this is a false detection?
BandiView and F-Secure Total
The image viewer called Bandiview has this feature where it scans the images in the folder for stable diffusion tags. I'm getting some kind of incompatibility with this and F-Secure Total. When I open a folder with lots of tagged images, Bandiview starts reading image info, but where it should finish in under a second, it…
The F-Secure extension freezes Firefox in MacOS
Very frequently, Firefox hangs, whatever the URL queried. This happens whether no Firefox extension installed. When the following extension is installed: https://download.sp.f-secure.com/firefox-extension-install/prod/browsing-protection.firefoxextension.xpi this extension disappears (crashes ?) after some time, so Firefox…
Ziggo Safe Online toont geen overzicht "Virussen en bedreigingen" meer
Over mijn probleem eerst contact gehad met Ziggo, die mij gewoon doorstuurden naar F-Secure. Ook het forum van Ziggo doen ze dit weer. Vorige week dus eerst telefonisch contact gehad met F-Secure over dit probleem. Hier wilde men (terecht) niet helpen, omdat je met Ziggo Safe Online ge klant van F-Secure bent. Bij Ziggo…
Banking protection
when the bank website is opened , banking protection is active, there is green line around the perimeter of the screen and certain websites cannot be accessed. However using the link on the website and logging on to internet banking using a password, the fsecure banking protection goes away ie the green line goes away. Any…
application list on App Control (Family Rule) is not complete
I have activated app control on my kid's Android device, but some application installed on this Android is not listed on app control and also there some applications that already uninstall but still listed on pp control. Is there a workaround to manually force an update to the app list so every installed application is…
i renewed my security for a year last week
answer I get is that I am offline ? but my PC is online what do I do
possible legal action against f secure for the use of ? on listings (waiting to be scanned)
I am unable to conatct F secure's technical support. Please forward this message to the. Also, can you confirm when it has been forwarded to them? I am very angry and even more so now. Having written this post once I am finding myself having to rewrite because it has been redirected. I'm not going to repat myself in full.…
Requesting Guidance on Enhancing F-Secure SAFE Configurations for Optimal Security
Hello Everyone 🤗, After using F-Secure SAFE to earn a time, I'm quite pleased with both its features and general functionality. But since I'm generally concerned about security, I'm constantly seeking for methods to improve and maximise my online safety. I'm contacting you today because I'd appreciate any guidance on…
F-secure total for Chrome on iPhone
Hey all, Is there a way of installing f-secure total for Chrome on iPhone. I like the apple products but prefer Chrome for browsing rather than Safari. Anyone got any clue? Cheers Ivan
Häufige Verbindungsblockade an iPhones
Warum geht die VPN-Verbindung an unseren iPhones (iPone8 und iPhone11) ständig auf offline (Anzeige unter Einstellungen: VPN ist grau). In diesem Zustand findet keine Kommunikation außen (Daten senden und Daten empfangen) mehr statt. Erst wenn man - MANUELL - deen VPN-Button unter Einstellungen am iPone wieder aktiviert…
Potential malware. How to remove?
I run virus check and it identified following: SPR/Agent.d1044c I:\$RECYCLE.BIN\S-1-5-21-2707355596-3681721762-2294279027-1001\$RRA2Z2K.exe - Ohitettu I cannot remove it as it is in the old windows system recycle bin. How to remove it?
F-Secure TOTAL password browser extension needs to be reconfigured every time I open my PC.
I am running Window 10. I have set up password vault and I'd like to use it to hold my passwords. I also want for everything to autofill. However, it is very annoying to use as every time I open my PC I need to open the F-Secure app, copy the code for the browser extension, paste the code on the extension and then it…