How much does it cost to add licenses to existing account
Hello F-Secure. I am testing F-Secure Total for Smartson since 2024-06-21. Right now I am a customer to Bitdefender and soon need to renew my family account. I will get 50% of the renewal cost, because I'm an old customer. Before Bitdefender I was using F-Secure and my question is: If you can give me a good offer to add…
Too many notifications from F-Secure Total
Dear F-Secure Team, I recently upgraded from Anti-Virus to F-Secure Total 19.1. I deactivated some features like Webscan, VPN, Safe Browsing etc. because I don't want to use them. After the first time I start F-Secure or a new Browser I get a notification that some important features are deactivated. I checked the box…
Contact Support
Hi, i try to contact support contact by phone or with chat since two days but no one is available. How to do? There is no email or other way to contact them? Thank you
Uninstalling F-secure require restart ?
Does the installation and uninstallation of F-secure require a system restart? If a restart is not required, will installing another antivirus after uninstalling F-secure cause any issues?
F Secure Total VPN "Loading... Please wait."
VPN stays "Loading… please wait." Phase indefinitely. Noticed that VPN doesn't connect this week. Any fixes? Version 19.5.
F-Secure password manager with Vivaldi
Hello community I am currently using the Vivaldi browser (Version 6.6.3271.55) and I cannot activate the F-Secure password manager. In fact, when I enter the activation code in the password manager, it tells me that the authorisation code is incorrect. Any ideas or tips ? It works fine with Firefox though. Oh, and I…
"You cannot select a profile that is already in use on this device."
F-Secure is asking me to log into my device. I only have one user on my machine yet wen I log in, "My device" is greyed out, there is "My child's device" is the only acceptable option and there is a warning: You cannot select a profile that is already in use on this device. This error makes no sense. Can anyone help?
Malware analysis
So it flagged a file for virus which i believe was false positive so i submitted it for analysis like days back?almost going to be a week.does anyone even respond to our sent files?
quantity of VPN country server
Hello LIving in France I only have one server locatef in Paris, e.g. Cyberghost has 3 in Paris, 1 in Marseille, 1 in Strasbourg. why does FS neglect a country of roughly 24.000.000 people connected to tjhe internet ?
Umzug der ID Protection in die F-Scure-APP
Besteht für mich die Hoffnug, dass in naher Zukunft die F-Scure-APP auch für ältere IOS Version 15…. erscheint? Oder muss ich mir aus diesem Grund ein neues I-Phone zulegen, besonder nachhaltig wäre das ja dann nicht.
new device
Dear helper, I bought a new laptop and an IT person switched the F-Secure Total subscription from the old to the new one. Every time I log in to F-Secure I receive the message below in my mailbox. It must be Windows 11, which I am struggling with since two days, but apparently I cannot adjust it anywhere myself. I can't…
Why isn't the UK an option , I'm trying to watch UK TV from Portugal.
Why can't I select UK as a vpn source.
No discount for old subscribers
I was about to renew for my subscription. The sum was way more than what is in f-secure page and other discount pages. Really? Why you ask more money for old subscribers? That's why I didn't continue my subscription but chose free virus protection instead.
F-Secure Fails to Retrieve Latest Updates via "Get Updates" Button
Hello, Is anyone else experiencing this issue? When I try to manually update, it says everything is up to date, but according to the F-Secure database, my version is not the latest. This problem started after I installed the latest patches on my Windows device.
Uninstalling F-secure require restart ?
Does the installation and uninstallation of F-secure require a system restart? If a restart is not r
Can F-secure Total find and remove pegasus
Can F-secure Total find and remove pegasus if it was already on when installing F-secure Total?
Hello. goofgle Crhome problems.
Hello. Why closes F Secure comes from Google Crhome pages, then bank protection comes into the picture? Completely unstable mode, don't like it at all. Then the computer becomes slow.
The update button doesn't work
I have the F-Secure version 19-7 (62280), running on macOS Sonoma 14.2. Now F-Secure tells me that my databases are too old, so of course I try to update them. However, when I choose Look for updates, nothing happens. And when I choose Open F-Secure, I get a critical warning that my database is too old, but once again:…
Logging on to my bank/RESOLVED
Window 11 /MS Edge FS is blocking access to my bank. I am certain all my details are correct and on the odd occasion it has happened in the past I have simply switched off FSecure for that one transaction. How do I disable Fsecure for that action? Please. PS….. Do I turn off 'Deepguard' temporarily…………RESOLVED.
howto change user name
when I created my ID, pw, name I made a typo on my user name the 6 last letters are missing in my my name {surname ok]. The question is how I can correct it ? all other credentials are ok in order, invoice etc. thank you
Please bring back the dog and the white man for the main screen
Hi, after updating 19.5 the main screen of f-secure is a black man drinking coffee. Before that there was a dog with a white man, now they are at "device protection". Please don't change this. F-Secure is a Finnish company, not an American one, so we don't need here the "black lives matter" ideology. It is a security…
List of network when trying to add trusted one is not presented correctly
List of network when trying to add trusted one is not presented correctly. I can only see "Wi-Fi" instead of connected Wi-Fi network. If I add this one to trusted and connect with another one, I cannot add the second one. It seems to be Wi-Fi interface instead of specific Wi-Fi network. F-Secure TOTAL for Mac (current…
Browser extension leaks memory
Hello, F-secure browser extensions cause memory leak. I had over +1.1 pids and most of them were fs_key_NativeM. PC uptime was 1 day. I shutdown all the programs and the OS wasn't freeing any memory. I had nothing extra running at the time of screenshot. Now that I disabled the extensions from all browsers my PC runs fine…
F secure does not work in firefox
Hello, it asked me to install the firefox add-on F secure, but even though I installed it, the add-on did not work and even seems to be broken. By the way, I did not have any problems with Microsoft Edge, how can I fix this?
I've uninstalled F-secure. I purchased it 1 week ago.It has never woked. No one replied to posts
What a crap company! I used them whilst living in Finland and now that I am back in the Uk I thought that I would continue with them as I received excellent service. Bad move and a waste of money! I've been using f-secure for less than a week. it has never worked! My notepad works much better with F-secure switched off.…
support arm processors for windows 11 Microsoft Surface Pro 11
Hi, It seems you aren't still supporting ARM processors under Windows 11. We are in 2024 and many people already asked for this when Surface Pro 9 was commercialized. I have now a Microsoft Surface Pro 11 and was surprised nothing has changed. Are you planning to support ARM processors in the near future ? You support them…
F-Secure will not completely download on my PC. will not open when you click on program
When I started downloading F-Secure Total on my PC everything seemed to be downloading just fine untill the end of the download when I received a message which said……..Must install .Net Desktop Runtime version 6.0.28. I gave me a small area in which it appeared it was offering me a download for this program. When I hit…
Why F-secure App doesn't start under Android 11-Samsung A52S
I want F-secure to scan my smartphone but never get the app running. It stops then showing: Willkommen - Wir rufen Anleitungen ab, um Ihnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern" Any helping recommendation?
Security Cloud Core?
Was added today the 19th of June. Can some of you employed or developer please help and explain.
Fsecure ne s'ouvre pas
Fsecure ne s'ouvre pas