F-Secure icon
Does anybody else hate the new F-Secure icon - white F on pale blue circle? Very wishy washy. Where is it located so I can change it?
is F-secure SAFE blocking my access to Virginmedia email account?
I'm not able to access my emails through virginmedia.com- is there a setting I need to change in F-secure?
Does SAFE include Freedome?
Tried to search, didn't really find a clear answer. I have a discount code for SAFE from my university, so that why I would rather buy it than Freedome.
F-secure Internet Security 2015 for Windows
Can anyone tell me: what is the latest version number of F-Secure Internet Security for PC (64 bit)?
Very slow performance during the execution of a full scan with Anti-Virus
Hi, I use the "F-Secure Internet Security", version 16.1 with the following details: F-Secure 16.1 Antivirus 14.150 build 101 DeepGuard 5.0 build 580 E-mail Filtering 1.02 build 20399 Management Agent 8.30 build 43239 User Interface 17.00 build 246 Virus Protection 11.00 build 21434 Further I use Windows 10, a quick i7…
Dear mikko
Dear mikko /I'm a network security enthusiasts and is also concerned about the privacy and Internet freedom, and I was one of your fans, I think there should be able to find you/ You know the network monitoring and network pollution Chinese government, Invasion users monitor and control, but I do not care to see this…
SAFE browser on MobileWin8.1 vulnerable to FREAK?
Hi! Our of curiosity I was looking for SSL ciphers that SAFE is offering during handshake, and "freakattack" site tool gave warning that my browser is vulnerable to FREAK. This warning is not there when I try SAFE browser on iOS device. Could someone confirm, is this a false alarm? Thanks, Antti
internet security for i pad
Can i use the internet security key bought for my pc to load the security also for a i pad air
Quarantine cannot initialize: Error 2
Recently I have been getting the error message "Quarantine cannot initial: Error 2". I have re-installed Safe twice with no change. How can I fix this? Using 64 bit Windows 7 Pro, Service Pack 1
Automatic renewal successful but Old Expiry Date Still saying to renew? - Licence no longer valid!
My F-Secure SAFE subscription expired 31 Oct 15 - I renewed automatically on the 1st November successfully, but I am still getting expired message even though my version is up to date? My licence is no longer valid and I am not protected why? I am have also recently upgraded my laptop to Wins 10 and the warning is saying I…
Disable Banking Protection
Is there a way to disable banking protection?
Hi, Wonder if anyone knows whether the FS family of tools currently (Dec 2015) is able to detect and handle that (apparently Russian-built) "ProxyBack" malware thta Palo Alto Networks reports about on their website (…
F-secure is wrongly blocking website
Hello F-Secure! This website is rated harmful and blocked: As far as we are concerned this website is'nt harmful at all. Kind regards EDIT: Removed harmful rated website
Speed up registry failure
Since I installed F-Secure Booster about a month ago I have never been able to get the Clean/Speed up registry function to work. All I get every time I try to run it is the following message: Optimizing the Windows registry is not possible right now. System restart required." I have obviously restarted the computer many…
Virgin Media customers Exclusive offer F-Safe 1 Year 5 Devices Renew subscription of £25,00
F secure sent Email to renew your subscription with Exclusive offer for Virgin Media customers F-Safe 1 Year 5 Devices for £25,00 Instead of £79,99 When you click on the link it takes you to F secure safe where I then log into My Safe, I then click the renew now button and it takes you to my cart which displays the cost…
F-SECURE SAFE code keeps saying invalid
Purchased Acer phone from Ideal World and it came with 1 year internet security for 3 devices, but when I enter code it just keeps saying invalid code
New version of AV is noticeably slower
I just built a PC today. The hardware is the same as it was before, slightly overclocked i5 CPU and SSD, but I wiped the drive and reinstalled W-7 64-bit to get rid of old software. After I installed F-Secure AV, it became obvious that things were slower on boot, logon, logoff, and shutdown (there is a delay). The new…
mises à jour
"Echec de la recherche de mises à jour : le canal a atteint l'espace disque maximal qui lui est attribué" Comment faire pour les mises à jour ?
New F Secure Safe Android Version
I was creating a thread for that in the old german section but I had some outstanding things for that. First the password protection for the finder is no longer available,only if you activate parental control(which is quite annoying sometimes and I don't need and want that). Why you restrict newer version that should bring…
Browsing Protection disabled after update to FireFox 43
After updating my Firefox 43.0.1 the F-Secure Browsing Protection (2.148.3561) is disabled as is cannot be verified as compatible. Is there yet a fix for this? Regards, Sebastiaan
IP Address Protection
i just installed this on my iPad and my iPhone because I am trying to make sure they are both untraceable and my IP Address is protected. Will this do both things? What other helpful things does this do? Does anything not work? And could I add this to my laptop and have the same effects?
Feedback: Purchasing F-Secure
Hi, I bought F-secure for two years +3 months for 99,99 euros. Paid directly from our netbank. Succseed. About a week later we checked netbank and had to think hard what had I bought from PAYTRAIL and it's message CLEVERBRIDGE. F-Secure wasn't mentioned anywhere. Everything was ok when I finally figured out what I had…
Forgot Anti-theft code for Android
I could not remember my anti theft code on my android. Please help EDIT: Title
F-Safe, problem with new order
Hi, I have problem with renewing my order. My previous order was lisence for five different device (one year order). I am trying to manually renew my F Secure SAFE order today by using my My F-Secure account, because my previous order expires today (22.12.2015 ). When I click this "Renew now" button, I get page, which only…
Hi i had 3 subscriptions for 3 pc's but after i upgraded to new version of Safe its now telling me am on a trail for 1 pc for a month. Why is this ?. I should still have my 3 subscriptions for a year.
FSecure blocked in Nokia C6_01
Hi I installed F-Secure in my Nokia C6_01 (at least 3 years ago), working fine, as I never changed SIM. Lately I have this phone long time OFF, and when trying to restart it I got 2 error messages: 1) If I have the SIM ito the phone, then says "The SIM card is not valid (i)", and the only way to get out of that is by…
Waiting on an email link for F-Secure Antivirus.
I filled out the form to download the 30 day trial of F-Secure Antivirus a couple hours ago and am still waiting for the link to download. Is the system having problems today? I tried submitting the form again and it says my email address is registered.
call blocker problems
andoid zte 6 (android 5 I think) F secure 15.1 I installed and it had two tray icons, I removed safe browing and now it has removed that and call blocker It is on in settings, I have turned it off then on & rebooted etc please help thanks
F-Secure and Cleverbridge not cooperating: unable to renew subscription
I have a five-device subscription to F-Secure safe. It is set to manually renew. Starting about a month ago I started getting pop-up messages telling me that my subscription would expire October 20 and asking me to renew. I clicked the "Renew now..." button and it took me to the F-Secure site to renew. To my surprise, as I…
new license for 5 units.
Hi, I've been using F-secure for many years now, but 2. November I needed protection for more units. I purchased F-secure SAFE for 5 units, I paid with PayPal, $59.99, and it was confirmed. So far, so good.. But three days ago, 12. desember, I got mail from you that says my testperiod is finished! I have payd for 5 units…