Windows 10 upgrade has stopped F-Secure - msvcp110.dll and msvcr110.dll
Since I've upgraded to Windows 10, whenever F-Secure tries to run I get an error: "msvcp110.dll is missing" for fshoster.exe, followed by the same for msvcr110.dll. This also happens when I try and uninstall or run a new install, for starter.exe. I see the dlls in system32, have tried downloading new versions, to no avail.…
RENEWAL - solved
Scheduled scan
Scheduled scan does not run. Tried daily and weekly, been at least 17 days since last scan.
Unable to activate SAFE bought from store.
Hi there! I bought F-Secure safe box from a physical store. Card on it told me to go to certain address and enter code. When getting into that address I was prompted to create this f-secure account but nowhere was I able to enter my code. I also tried to enter this code as coupon code in f-secure store but to no avail.…
I pad virus scan
on my laptop and android phone it gives me the option to do a virus scan . When I go into settings on my I pad it does not give me the virus symbol. Can you do a scan on an I pad? I gave got f secure safe installed on all three.
Safe review
Hello, Can i find any technical add of the Safe. I need to know what i'm buying for and just now i don't find the technical reasons why i should use my money to Safe vs. using Free items Like win10 (or MS security essentials), Firefox add-ons etc.. ???
SAFE license renewal process did not activate SAFE
Hi Safe have been noticing me arond month that my subscription is ending and do I want to renew it. I answer yes. Yesterday was last day for previus subscription and I paid renewal for next year. Now in SAFE portal I see that my subscription is valid until 23.1.2017 and 364 days left and 0 license left (all 5 liceses are…
F-Secure Internet Security 2015/F-Secure Safe
Although I am using a valid copy of F-secure Internet Security, My F-Secure indicates that I m using F-secure SAFE and indicates an expired application. Can you please explain?. Thanks
EE network Cash on Tap on Andriod
F-Secure SAFE antivirus detects my "Cash on Tap" app as a potentially unwanted application, how do I get it to ignore as I use the app regularly .
Why is weebly being blocked?
Hi I have a blog on weebly the blog it'self is not being blocked only the weebly page that we use to edit the blog. It's my understanding that weebly is a trusted site, if it's not please let me know. However the main weebly links are all good only the blog editing page comes up with the message that it has been reported…
Releasing license does not solve the problem, what to do?
Hi, I renewed my F Secure Safe 2nd February and as far as I understood the update should happen automatically within a couple of hours. However, it has not. I use MacBook and by clicking the F secure icon on the top of the right corner I can only clic "open F-secure safe" (not for example the 'check for updates' as it is…
F-Secure internet security not detecting the shortcut virus - Critical issue
Dear All, F-Secure not detecting the shortcut virus.did a full scan and it says no harmful items found but when i plug in a usb device.all the folders are converted to shorcuts.virus hides the folders and create shortcuts.i also noticed hidden vbs file in the usb drive.i had to remove "wscript.exe" manually to overcome…
deleted my email with subscription number in it
i have removed f secure off my computer because it was not working now i cant download it because i cant find subscription key so my comp is not protected
police £100 ransum virus
Malware virus on rk3066 smart tv
Microsoft Office 365 on OSX
We received report that installing Microsoft Office 365 for Mac can take very long with our product installed on the same machine. Our team is already working on ways to fix it, and will keep you updated. In the meantime you can use the “temporarily disable on-access scanning” feature in the product preferences. That is…
Safe renewal and using a coupon
Hi, I have Safe about to be renewed. However, I also have a coupon code through my workplace. How can I use it? If I go through My F-Secure, it doesn't have any place to add coupon (link 1). I didn't have enough courage to press the "buy now" ("osta nyt") -button just to see, if there's any options behind it. If I try from…
#locate# doesn't work
I have 3 mobiles with F-Secure SAFE. I have used to send SMS "#locate#my_code" to them if I want to know where that phone (and one of my under 10 years) kid is. Now it won't work. I have checked and triple checked the code on mobile(s) in question and it is correct. Won't work. Whatta hell I'm doing wrong? BTW. Your…
F-Secure is probably crashing RoboForm in Windows
Hello F-secure, At first; do I need to write in English or Dutch here? This is the first time in 2 day's I'm able to post a question somewhere and your community-support@f-secure.com is nothing but auto-responding-and-not-reacting to my e-mails. Besides, your FAQ at…
How to remove F-secure Mobile Security
Hi, I installed in my android tab (Samsung Galaxy Tab 2) F-Secure Safe application (no errors during installation) and when I tried to open F-Secure Safe it told me that you have to remove F-Secure Mobile Security at first. I opened software application manager and select F-Secure Mobile Security, but remove installation…
F Secure is blocking update of Java -
not sure what Java 13.6 is but Java is needed for one forum I visit
Give us a direct link to .APKs!
"Cover yourself from spies on the internet by using F-secure SAFE and FREEDOME! But yeah, you must use Google Play and Google email accounts..." Not all of us want to use Google Play and log in with Gmail. I would rather have a direct link to F-secure SAFE/FREEDOME .apk and be able to verify hash on my own. Same thing…
Need help in whitelisting
Hi, I am representing a company which develops windows application. I can share more details later if requirred. So we were wandering whether you have whitelisting process?? If yes please provide more info on the same. If not, how to report false positive if the AV flags our apllication as virus or malware?? I appreciate…
"Preparing security options"? What is that?
Has anyone experienced this problem? I got this message on a Win7 home premuim 64-bit laptop. After that, the PC suddenly became veeeery slow or completetly locked. Some source claimed it to be a virus, not an official Microsoft warning/message. Processor load is practically 0 %. No heavy processes encountered. Tried... MS…
Website still being blocked after submit of sample
Hello F-Secure! A while ago you advised me to submit my website (morebusinessondemand.nl) becuase it was (probably wrongly) blocked. Now a few weeks later, nothing has changed and we still are receiving the same notification. Could you tell us why the site is being marked as harmful? Kind regards
recoverying data after CTB locker infection
Hello, have you heard of the new outburst of CTB locker ransomware. Is that true that it does not destroy Sadow Volume Copies so that Windows users, if infected, can easily restore encrypted data from backups (cited from http://nabzsoftware.com/types-of-threats/ctb-locker , 'A ray of hope for those infected is that CTB…
Banking Protection ignores exception list
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has the problem where the banking protection activates even though you've added the domain to the exception list? Everytime I go to moneysavingexpert.com, it activates, totally ignoring the fact that the domain has been added to the exception list, and is identical to what's displayed in…
How to deactivate automatic deleting from files?
I have installed a program on my USB Stick and everytime I use the stick the virus scan automatically detects and delete the file when I am trying to start it. Detecting scan is: Category:Malware Type:PackedPlatform:W32 Aliases:Packed, Packer, Packer.Malware When I am trying to stop scanning these files in the setting the…
So now I have bought it I get absolutely no help whatsoever (well impressed, NOT)
Posting 3 days ago and got exactly zero help. https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security/call-blocker-problems/td-p/78515 It seems that there are no contact details to contact Fsecure once you have the program So if you have a problem, it's just this forum as title Not at all impressed.
How many component or engine does F secure Internet Security has ?
I want to know that what is total number of component or engine does F secure internet security has. I my case it show 9 including one not installed.
How can I retrieve my exclusion settings?
Hi all, Recently my disk got corrupted, which forced me to re-install Windows 7 to a new harddisk. Consequently I also had to re-install F-Secure Internet Security for Windows 14.115 build 102. The problem is that I had quite a lot of exlusions for 6 large harddrives in my old F-Secure. So it would be great if I could…