Winzip Driver Update????
Winzip Driver Update keeps popping up and driving me crazy! My PC runs Windows 10 and F-Secure SAFE. Do F-Secure bundle Winzip Driver Update? My problem started when F-secure SAFE was installed...
Expired Licenses
Hi there, I have a license that is expiring today. What protection am I offered until I apply the renewal key. Will my laptop have no security and be at 100% risk??? Cheers
How to enable f-secure security on e commerce website ?
hello we want to enable f-sescure security on our website so that the user feels a rich browsing experence with safe payments becouse its a e commerce website http://www.puneflowermall.com/ so users wants that payments must be secure .
Uninstall F-Secure safe on Amazon Fire
Dear all, I have this issue : I can't uninstall F-secure safe on my Amazon Fire under Android because : 1- I forgot the security code to do it (... no comment !) 2- When I click on 'forgot my password' link, I've got an 'error connexion' (as a F-secure safe blocks all wifi connection) 3- when I try to change anything in…
Installing F-secure in Samsung Tab 10
Cannot install F-secure in my Samsung Tab 10. Guess I shall choose the alternative Adroid. Then there's a message "...cannot find the server..." or something like that. The same message appears when I click on Google Play. I don't have any internet subscription for this device, only uses it when wi-fi is available. Maybe…
Troubleshooting tips on cmd.exe The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000018). Click OK
Applicable to Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10! Right now ... here are the steps! So I am not so sure that the steps really solve the issues. I am doing the msconfig.exe. Go to boot select Safe boot minimal. Then it restart Windows. Login. On the command prompt administrator. Type sfc /scannow Once it completed 100%. Go to…
F Secure Safe vs F Secure Internet Security
When my F secure subscription ran out out switched to ESET Smart Security. I am in the same position now with ESET and considering a return to F Secure. I am a little confused about the alternatives of F Secure SAFE and FS IS, can someone please enlighten me please. My priority is for safe banking, I don't game, just…
F-Secure cant scan this file
Hi, I have been trying to full scan my computer but f-secure cant scan this file \APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\MIM3984.TMP. This file has been there only for couple days. The last part MIMXXXX.TMP changes to different numbers . I deleted this file from temp and after from recycle bin. After that f-secure could not scan my recycle…
Auto kill after scanning with S Secure Safe
Hi All, I am used to Norton and Mccaffee AUTO KILL after scanning my pc. Meaning that my pc is automatically switched off after scanning. Why is this function not available in F Secure ? How can we achieve this AUTO KILLin F Secure? I hope you can advice on this matter. Thank you, Ron
Hi, I'm constantly getting the "Harmful file was not downloaded popup" stating: Antivirus removed a harmful file that it found in your network traffic. You can continue to use your comouter normally. Infection name:TrojanJS.ProxyChanger.C. I've run full scans which hasn't picked anything up. Is this a false positive? I use…
help. reinstall and licence number
i have had to get a new hard drive and reinstall everything back on to my computer. i purchased fsecure last sept but dont know how to reinstall it, and i no lomnger have my licence number
Complaint againsty Stop virus -
Sir, I have purchase Stop Virus by paying Rs.69 /- for Stop Virus for 1 PC for 1 year plus Rs.30/- towards shiiping charges totalling Rs.99/- from snapdeal.com. I received the same on 6/3/2016. As per instructions I have gone to the URL: XXXXXXXXXX. it asked for Code. My code is XXXXXXXXXX. But I have got message that the…
After a change from F-Secure I have again installed SAFE. I purchased 2x licenses one for use on my main desktop PC and the other for my Asus Notebook. The first license is working OK on my PC but I cannot activate the second license on the notebook which has a trial copy of SAFE installed. When I try to download I have a…
F-secure Icon in menu bar
Hello, I find the blue of the subscription icon in the menue bar very annoying . I want to desaturate the blue F-secure icon in the menu bar in OSX El Capitan (with e.g. photoshop....) Where can I find the .icns file for desaturating it? (I just want to change the color to grey, nothing more.) Thanks for your help. Bill
Subscription cod is not being accepted. Need a previous e-mail or expired account deleted.
Hi, Deleted the trial account and now we're left with no way of inserting our subscription code. We previously tried inserting the code via this method: Example: - Under "Renew your current subscription" Enter the following: - Campaign name: box - Subscription code: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX An unused, totally legitmate…
Had to reinstall Win 10. Now cannot reinstall SAFE
I am trying to reinstall SAFE on an unexpected win install due to a HDD failure. When I log in, I cannot do anything with the previous SAFE installs apart from rename them. There is no option to release them. And I can't add a new device as it tells me my subs has expired. I have 247 days left and 3 spare licenses. I have…
TP Link NC220 IP Camera blocked by F-Secure
Can someone explain how I allow F-secure to accept and allow through the video content from my IP camera, at present I just get a blank screen with F-secure On and works fine with it Off, I know the IP & Mac address but don't know how to set up an exculsion for the camera in F-Secure
SAFE 16 not updating Aquarius / Hydra databases
Hi everybody! Recently, I noticed that updates to Aquarius or Hydra will be downloaded, but not installed. Clicking on manual update doesn't work either. I'm also not getting any error messages. This is what my update log shows: Im running SAFE 16 on Windows 10 64bit (non-insider, latest updates) with the following…
Fi.onfreeiphone.com - Onneksi olkoon...
Is that pop up virus or malware? SAFE do nothing about this!
Full scan
Hi, Why does F-Secure only scan 67,000 files , when I know I have over 500,000 on my comper? /Can I set options to scan all? I am running Windows 10 on my Dell PC. Thanks Sergio Its ok I figured it out, Sorry
I renewed my subscription as recommended by F Secure. I had some difficulties but was soon sorted. The problem now is every time I turn on my computer or check my emails I have message after message telling my cover has now expired????? I have contacted f secure by email, got automatic response, tried chat (does it ever…
Re: How to unsubscribe (remove account) from the Community
Hi, I would like to remove and close my account regarding this app, F Secure Safe (?) Think I'll used xxx@gmail.com in my registration Can't remember UID, or was that my mailaddress! I don't want to be charged for any services after the 30 days! Is it enough to just remove the app!? And if you could help me remove any…
Mobile security code
Good morning, My Nokia n8 was set up with the free trial of f secure mobile security however I have gone to use the phone and it is locked with the mobile security. I have no code set up and haven't got one to use but I have data on the phone that I need to retrieve. I can't see the imei no anywhere on the casing and Cant…
Anti-Virus networkinstaller do not work
Have a eMachines laptop, model eMG620 with Vista SP1. Simple problem: installer downloaded from F-Secure do not start as was told. Any idea about problem causing this malfunction? Thanks very many!
hi, I find f-secure safe rootkit scan useless because safe told me download database behind I click rootkit can,when I download successfully display finish scan.I hear that the reason is the original engine had expired.can you add new antirootkit engine?
Installing f-secure
I bought F-secure yesterday after a free try..But when I try to install it,I get a message that there is 0 days back..What can I do ??
How to list our website as safe to browse
Hi All, We have our domain https://www.winni.in, which is clean and doesn't contain any kind of virus/malware. How can we have the same to appear in safe to browse category? Looking forward for valuable guidance. Warm regards, Chander Pal
Install clipboard program, but always get the message: Malware
Hello What should I do? - I want to install a clipboard manager. - But with any I choose, I get the message in F-Secure SAFE "Don't install". - I can't believe, that there is in any program a malware trap. Thanks for your help. Best regards
Windows 10 prevents F-Secure installation from a CD
If you are installing an F-Secure security product from a CD (e.g. you have purchased a retail box from your local store) to a Windows 10 system, you may get an incompatible version message from Windows 10. Microsoft Runtime sees this as an old installer (therefore incompatible) and automatically prevents the installation…
Is F-Secure missing a virus on my computer
For 2 days I have had a problem with my computer running very slow. I had this about a year ago and took it in to a local shop and it proved to be a virus. The shop recommended F-Secure to prevent this. I am haveing similar problems and am wondering if it is possible to have a virus and it is not being picked up on the…