4K Scaling Issue

I currently have a 28" Samsung 4K monitor with windows scaling set to 225% yet FSecure's UI window is so very small i can hardly see it


Could we have a UI scaling update ASAP please.


  • thanks for this information.

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 147 Superuser



    I have a 14" notebook with 1920x1080 full-HD screen. I am bespectacled, so I bought that notebook for the large viewing angle IPS LCD screen technology, not for the high resolution. In order to use the screen comfortably, I run the notebook with Windows 8.1 and at native fullHD resolution, but set the Windows font enlarge feature at 150% (the largest available).


    When the F-Secure PSB 10.50 user interface is opened, it ignores the above mention Windows DPI enlargement settings: the displayed text is tack sharp, but as small as an ant's gonads.


    In the F-Secure GUI you can click "Update" and then a smaller window will pop up, which shows the virus definition database download progress. That F-Secure window properly observes the Window DPI enlargement setting, the text appears larger sized and the letters in it are smooth and nicely shaped.


    However, In the F-Secure GUI you can also click "Settings" and then the advanced configuration interface window will appear. That another F-Secure window actually uses the Window DPI enlargement setting, so the text appears larger sized. The letters, however, have very rough shape and look ugly, because F-Secure PSB appears to ignore the font-smoothing technology, which Windows 8.1 offers for software to better support enlarged DPI scenarios.


    Therefore, F-Secure has a three-way mind split within its PSB product, when it comes to handling high-resolution displays properly and consistently. I would hope this highly visible cosmetic issue can be fixed!


    Thanks in advance, Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, 2F 2000, Hungary.

  • Hello!

    I've pointed this out to the product team and this is going to be something that they will look into. Thanks for bringing this up :)



  • toastpaint
    toastpaint Posts: 1 New Member

    This is apparently a feature in the new 16.1 release, but nothing has changed.

  • Vetraci
    Vetraci Posts: 156 Adventurer

    @toastpaint Really? Couldn't find any changelog.


    There are still scalability "issues", at least at screens with resolutions higher than 1080p. But it is alright on my Surface Pro 3 (2.160 x 1.440). Still wish there would be a "better touch experience" and pen support. Especially Freedome is not fully compatible to pen inputs.

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