what is licence not in use mean
have pc ipad ect ,but the main pc is ok but on the other pc and ipads its got licence not in use but not certain what this means and are the pc secure ,
F - SAFE subscription renewal
Hi! I recently renewed my subscription with F-Secure on 24.1.2015, when my first annual subscription was about to expire. Paid, receivee a receipt on my email and thought I was all set for another year. Wrong! Now everytime I open my computer F-Secure notifies me that my subscription is about to expire in a month(?!).…
Update versions suitable for new users?
Hi there! We have an offer here for a 3-year UPDATE licence for up to 3 devices - but I never had F-Secure before. I know that those update licencse sometimes are normal license keys, at least Kaspersky handles it that way so it was never a problem to buy update or normal licenses. What's the situation at F-Secure? Can I…
Why won't Frontier Secure accept my input?
I have been trying for over an hour now to run a prototype for a game that a friend is developing. At first I seemed to have trouble even downloading the file, but I told F-Secure to admit it as an exception. It seemed to be responding to/trying to remove the setup.exe. Once I downloaded it all fine, trying to actually RUN…
A problem when blocking malicious sites
I`m a user of Win10 x64 version, and I`am a user of f-secure safe as well. Recently when I`m testing the website protection by visiting some known-infected sites. Usually when a site is blocked, a hint showing that the site is malicious will be shown in the browser I`m using. But on my machine, the browser can only display…
VM F-Secure Safe subscription not updating.
I have updated my existing F-Secure Safe Internet Security with was through Virgin Media. Whenever i login in to my online account a page with a Virgin Media Logon says my subscription have expired and my devices licences have extended by only one month from my expiry date. When will this update to reflect my new 1 year 7…
I really wonder how to uninstall f-secure antivirus for mac compeletely. I deleted it weeks ago, i forgot which way i used to delete it. But today when i was tring to install norton secuirty, it says f-secure detected, uninstall it before install norton internet security. But when i checked in my mac, f secure doesn't…
windows 8.1
cannot download onto my laptop which runs windows 8.1
Winows 10 and F secure Booster Speed up registry
I have been having major problems with my PC since Windows 10 upgrade. I am working through them one by one and now have the following. I have run the free version of Booster and it found two problems. The first is "delete unnecessary files" which works OK but the second "Speed up Registry" give me a message "Optimizing to…
remove devices when renewing subscription
hi i need to renew my subscription but i need to remove some of the devices attached to my account licence. how can i see what devices are attached to my account and how do i remove unwanted devices?
Problem with downloading subscription renewal
I renewed my subscription to F secure at the beginning of the month but as it kept telling me that my subscription was about to run out I asked for remote help. The person I chatted to confirmed that my subscription had been renewed then he/she sent me a link to download. I did. It turned out to be a trial subscription.…
i year free with virgin
i have just rejoined virgin and want my free 1 year. problem is that i already have f secure and it keeps telling me to pay £xx . EDIT: Masking price details
Uutta lisenssiä ei saanut kytkettyä tiliin?
Hei. Tilasin uuden lisenssin, mutta jouduin luomaan kokonaan uuden tilin saadakseni lisenssin käyttöön. Verkosta tilatessa pitäisi olla mahdollista linkittää mistä tahansa ostettu lisenssi jo olemassaolevaan MySafe tiliin. Sain tukea asiakaspalvelusta, mutta he eivät myöskään keksineet muuta keinoa.
f-secure constantly skipping detected files
when scanning bunch of samples at one time, there`re a lot of cases that f-secure cannot clean the virus within the sample, while most other antivirus offer the setting to delete them completely, f-secure can only skip them, letting user to delete them manually. Trojan.Doc.Downloader.GC * D:…
Licensing problem
Hi, I just purchased an extra 5 licences to add to the 5 I already own, I have the receipt etc. I then tried to log into MySafe, the subscription page told me I had 125 days left (which is correct) but the licencing part kept timing out, saying internal error 500. After reloading the page about 30 times, it did tell my I…
Difficulty in getting support from cleverbridge
I have just overcome a real difficulty with Cleverbridge and F-secure SAFE, but it took me over a week of mails. Firstly Cleverbridge said I had cancelled my Safe system and they returned the £xx I paid via Virginmedia arrangements. Then when I tried to re-install, they offered me the Virginmedia rate of £xx, but when I…
Maksettu ohjelma poistui koneeltani
Olen ostanut F-secure Internet scurity levykkeen 04.06.2014. Se on 2 vuotinen 3:n koneen levyke. Ohjema poistui koneeltani, kun kävin tarkastelemassa F-securen tarjousta . Eli miten palautatte maksamani ohjelman KÄYTÖÖNI?????????????????????? xxxx@xx.com. EDIT: Removed Personal Identification Information
Wrongly charged Virginmedia customer
I recieved a link as a virginmedia customer stating I can renew at £xx. Clicked on link andreceivd message renewal successful. Cecked crediut card and charged £xx.xx (cheating .........!!!) EDIT: Renamed Title and renewal price details
SAFE has stopped working?
Or, rather, when I attempt a manual scan (on Windows 8.1) I'm told F-Secure Host Process has stopped working (Windows popup -no futher info) /Nevertheless the web filters seem to be ok.
Cannot remove Booster
paid for and downloaded Booster which caused my system to crash, I tried to remove it but it didn't remove and I can't delete it from my system. I am running windows ten and really screwed. Please help me to find a way to remove the program. The Fsecure removal tool is for the security system I understand and not for…
uTorrent and F-Secure Firewall Settings
Hello, so i have recently got F-Secure and everything seems good apart from one annoying problem. I use torrent clients alot to share my work. However since I got F-Secure, connecting to peers has become a massive problem. F-Secure keeps blocking requests, and Im certain it is the firewall as disabling it always fixes the…
how to get rid of this virus? f secure not detect the computer virus, why?
Has F Secure Safe replaced F-Security Internet Security. I have clicked on to downlooad Internet Security and it seems tocome up with Safe.!!
Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Windows 10
I've been using Ultimate Windows Tweaker from WIndows Club for Win 7, 8 and 8.1 and also with FSIS and TP installed without any problems that I am aware of. Now that I try to download Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Windows 10 I get the message the site is forbidden. This comes from FSIS, Freedom an ULAV. That is site…
Service terminates when deep scan is enabled
I have a compatibility issue with the service CodeMeter (Controlle fro copy protection dongle). When the deepScan is enabled (without compatibility mode) the Services goes into state "stopping" after a reboot. The service seems already being whitelisted by F-Secure (as stated by support). Reprodcution sequence: Have a…
extra protection
My computer is protected by F-Secure Anti-Virus internet security. The scan I run today found 22 malware. But on the report the actions taken shows: Disinfected: 0 Renamed: 0 Deleted: 0 Quarantined: 0 Failed: 0 . Another scan I ran the day before yesterday found 20 or 21 spyware that could not be removed. Should I expect…
How do I move my f-secure to a new hard drive?
So I am going to install a new hard drive into my computer and move my operating system there. How do I move my f-secure there too? Also when I try to view my subscription codes in f-secure, it tells me that it is not available. But I found some other codes, but they seem to be only for identifying your f-secure. Also the…
Can't install F-Secure Safe-error message received "Cannot continue with setup as some important fil
HELP!!!!! - I have had F-Secure Safe for a year now with no problems. However, since the automatic renewal of my subscription has happened my F-Secure portal shows that I am not protected as my subscription has expired even though it has been renewed. I have tried re-installing the program but then get the error message…
F-Secure Shuts Down Computer After Running Scan
Hello All, I have a client that when F-Secure does the daily scan at night, It shuts the computer down after it completes. He advised that he has checked all the settings in it and it doesn't appear to be an option to prevent. Does F-Secure offer a Shut Down after Scanning option? and if so, How does one disable said…
lookup key not found
trying to install f - secure safe on an windows xp computer but am faced with a message saying The Requested Lookup Key was not found in any activation context can anybody tell me what this means. Have avast installed at this moment in time intended to remove as soon as F - Secure safely downloaded could this be the problem