F-Secure SAFE forced to have icon on desktop - How to get rid of it?

Since the latest update F-Secure has started adding its icon to the desktop every time I start my computer. This forces me to manually delete the icon every time I start my computer, sometimes this is many times every day.
Forcing users to have unwanted icons on their desktop is very bad practice. I would never click that icon anyway because SAFE is of course started automatically. So why prevent users from keeping their desktops clean of useless icons?
How can get rid of this annoying feature?
My OS is Windows 7.
F-Secure versions:
F-Secure SAFE 16.1
Common Component Framework 2.50 build 208
CCF CUIF 10.05 build 275
CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 565
CCF Guts2 2.01 build 821
CCF Upstream 2.02 build 402
CCF Diagnostics 9.02 build 172
CCF Scanning 1.72 build 115.709
CCF Network 1.04 build 119
CCF Reputation 2.0 build 1337
Also your customer support is totally useless. It has been nearly 3 weeks since I first wrote about this problem to them. All I have gotten back it automatic message promising that my ticket will receice attention "as soon as possible". When is this "possible"? Next summer maybe?