Can't get 'Safe' to start properly after system restore on Windows Vista

Have obtained F-Secure Technical Support 'Ticket' but am getting no response!
Following 'Volume of Errors Check' on Windows Vista (32Bit Home Premiumervice Pack 2) found my 'Profile' corrupted. Restored C/Drive to 2 weeks previous in Safe Mode. Re-installed Mozilla Firefox 43.01. So now everything works again except F-Secure Safe. When click on F-Secure Icon on Desktop - window opens but 'waiting' rondel just keeps rotating continuously.
Do I need to re-install 'Safe'? If so, before attempting to uninstall current malfunctioning version first, do I need to download 'Un-installation Tool' or should it simply uninstall by right clicking 'Uninstall' option in registry?
Also, installed current 2015 version of Safe' direct from Portal so have no download saved on file.Have 3 months subscription left on current contract, but if I try to re-install via portal will I encounter any re-subscription issues? Lot of questions, I know, but can someone help?
I'm wondering if this may be something to do with updates? Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but when you System Restored, have you since checked for Windows Updates, which may need to be reapplied? Also, are you able to right click the F-Secure icon in your system tray, and Check for Updates there?
With regards reinstalling, if you need to do so, I would personally first try a simple 'overlay' reinstall, ie, reinstall on top of the existing program. That is, if you are able to do so via the SAFE Portal, as I can't quite remember how that process works. If that doesn't work, then I would try uninstalling using Windows Add / Remove programs, then reinstall via the SAFE Portal, and if that still fails, then the sledgehammer approach of the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool may be required, so that you can reinstall from scratch.
In each of the above cases, with regards your subscription, this should still be valid within the SAFE Portal, so you shouldn't have any problems there, but it may ask if you want to re-use an existing, inactive licence when you go to reinatall, in which case, say yes, and your subscription will transfer to the new (or re)installation.
Thanks Simon.
Have now 'co-incidentally' recieved email from F-Secure Technical Support detailing methods/options. Will try these which essentially are the same as you have outlined. Will keep posted.
Have just completed re-installation & works fine. However did need to uninstall previous program by downloading uninstallation tool. For the record, had similar problem with AVG before changing to F-Secure. It seems that if an AV program becomes corrupted in any way, it 's best to clean it out start afresh.