Scan-Bericht wird mit dem Dateity iTunes geöffnet // Scan-report is opened with file-type iTunes

Hallo, als ich gefragt wurde, mit welchem Dateityp der Scan-Bericht geöffnet werden soll, habe ich versehentlich iTunes gewählt. Jetzt wird anstatt eines Berichts immer das Programm iTunes geöffnet und ich kann keine Änderung des Dateityps mehr vornehmen. Wer weiß Rat, wie ich auf den korrekten Dateityp (bzw. auf welchen korrekten Dateityp) wechseln kann? Ich habe Windows 8.1. und F-Secure Internet Security 2016. Im Voraus lieben Dank und herzliche Grüße vom Kiwi
Hi, when I was asked which file type the scan-report should be openend with I accidently opened it with the file type iTunes. When clicking on the link of scan-report now the programme iTunes is always opened. Who has an idea how to change the file type and which file type I should use? I have windows 8.1. and F-Secure Internet Security 2016. Thanks a lot in advance and best greetins from the Kiwi
If you right click the scan report, do you get the option to Open With...? If so, select that, then you can choose another option with which to open the file, and tick the box to set as default. I believe mine opens in my browser, by default, but I guess you may be able to use Notepad or Wordpad.
Hi Body, I got the choice/option 'open with' but accidentally I clicked on iTunes. Now there is no more option to choose (nor with the right button of my computer mouse). Therefore I always get iTunes when I click on the link with the scan-report. I would be happy to get the choice again. But thanks for your help!
Best regards
Hi Laksh, fist I got the choice/option 'open with' but accidentally I clicked iTunes (as option). Now there is no more option to choose (nor with the right button of my computer mouse). Therefore I always get iTunes when I click on the link with the scan-report. I would be happy to get the choice again. But thanks for your help and sending the post to the security Board.
Best regards