Main Page
@BEF wrote:I know this is stupid question but where do I find the MAIN PAGE? I need to turn my Banking Protection back on! Help! Brin
If we talk about latest F-Secure SAFE solution (for example, Windows platform). Available next places to tweak settings:
-- Main UI (possible to open by F-Secure tray-picture click; or by doubleclick for F-Secure desktop logo) -> Settings-button;
With your situation possible to locate Tab about Banking Protection. Where possible to switch status from OFF to ON (and so on).
-- -> as My F-Secure Account Portal (required your account mail/password credentials to log-in). Where possible to tweak settings about Parental Control (Content blocker and Time Limits).
Most likely, that with your experience should be enough to use build-in settings with F-Secure application. If there is another solutions (possible to back with reply) can be 'related' steps.
Online help/documentation:
// where "Antivirus page" is main tab when you do open F-Secure application (tray-picture/desktop logo).
Or your experience about some other troubles? Like Banking Protection did not work and you try to find any places to sort it (as Support Channel or so)?
Good if you will back with feedback!