Ancestry reated as Internet banking?

Hi today I got some odd problems while using Ancestry in my genealogical research. When I have Ancestry active I cannot use google as I want. A lot of pages are blocked due to "banking session". Even after turning banking protection off. I have also tried to empty cache and restarting myc computer.
I have scanned my computer and F-Secure did not find any virus or malware.
I use F-Secure SAFE 17.0 Common Component Framework 2.93 build 173. My browser is Firefix 56.0.2 (64 bits). My computer is a Sony Vaio with Windows 10.
I upgraded my license 2017-10-19. Could there be a reson for my Problems with F-Secure SAFE?
- is a genealogical forum and database for genealogical research where I have a member login account. I have the same problem today and I got the same block due to "banking session" and I have still banking protection set to off since last weekend. It seems that all https-pages get "safe connection" and I think these pages are treated as "banking session". I.e right now this Page has a "safe connecion" and right now I cannot reach http-pages. Only if there is a https-version available.
Same result when I use Chrome 61.0.3163.100. Edge is even worse. I get Kan inte ansluta till sidan på ett säkert sätt when i try to reach
I do not get the banner which informs me that "banking session" is active. I only get the whole page where I can make an exception to allow the web page but it is still blocket.
When I check in F-Secure SAFE in the list of exception the page is registered there.
I got a feeling that some parts of my old version of F-Secure SAFE is still running. I did uninstall it before I installed the new version.
Hi Stizze,
If you suspect the ancestry webpage is marked wrongly as a Banking page, please submit the URL to our labs for analysis. You can submit it via here.
Please tick 'I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results' and submit your information.
Now it works normal again after I have activated Binaking Protection again and logged in to my Internet Bank. After next restart F-Secure worked as normal again with the drop down banner for Banking Protection somteimes but no blocking if I choose "No". I think my new installation after upgrade was out of sync. Now it has been ok since thursday evening.