Banking Protection kicks in after Opera Update (bug?)

Hello all @ FSecure Forums,
A couple of days ago, I updated my Opera Browser (on Windows10) to version 49.0.2725.34.
Since then, Banking Protection kicks in right after I start Opera. The Banking Protection pop-up appears, even though there are no active tabs at all (Opera automaticallt closes all my active tabs when I close Opera).
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Potentially Banking Protections flyer can be visible with unexpected situation when "Browsing Protection"-extension/addon is not installed.
Maybe possible to try install Chrome extension for Opera (most likely possible to try it with Google Chrome Store / or how it called /).
If it will be not helpful (or anyway) -> maybe good to understand why Banking Protection triggered (maybe Opera with something as "home screen" where places tabs or recommended websites; and for refresh their pictures/preview -> Opera try to connect/ping certain URLs).
Hi Ukko,
Thank you for your reply.
I have tried your suggestions regarding the Opera start page. Also set Opera to skip the startpage alltogether and start with a harmless website or a blank page. However, the Banking Protection kept popping up.
Installing the Browsing Protection Extentions did work.
(For anyone interested: I installed the "Download Chrome Extention" extention for Opera first, then installing the "Browsing Protection" extention from the Chrome store was a breeze)
However, I did not need that extention in the previous Opera version, so I am still curious if there is a solution without installing the extention.
However, I did not need that extention in the previous Opera version, so I am still curious if there is a solution without installing the extention.
Probably - yes. Because if extension was helpful -> most likely Opera with tries to connect/ping/open some banking-rated URL at background (while Browsing Protection extension fix trouble based on 'primary/secondary'-requests design for flyer-trigger).
I able to feel that maybe Opera also can be with 'default' (pre-loaded) bookmarks or notes. Such as -> your previous steps did not change troublesituation (but maybe something else there).
As another potential fix - possible to ask for re-rate URL (trigger) - if it should not to trigger Banking Protection flyer. Most of potential steps possible to do by own actions... but certified/designed steps are to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone):
I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions). I will try to repeat this situation with my system and maybe will back with edition/reply about result.
Why there still can be something as bookmarks/home-screen/start-page -> because maybe with update-process -> Opera re-trigger their default configuration links (or so).
Thanks and sorry for my long reply!
My experience about try to install Opera (addition to previous reply):
--> After first-clean installation of Opera and launch -> Banking Protection is triggered;
Because 'start-page' was with many shopping pages (like Amazon) - possible to suspect that trigger was this start page.
But another URL was a reason for start Banking Protection. This is a bank-website (but kind of unknown third-party).
--> I do not able to understand where is such URL - but I will suspect that it placed under 'Personal news'.
With default installation of Opera: left-side panel with logos (where one of them 'Personal news'). Maybe under such 'news' can be any banking-rated URL (as src for article).
Also possible to find this place by "Opera Menu" -> "News".
I did not find option to disable this feature and check if it will be as fix for Banking Protection flyer. But I will try to re-check it more...
// for me - such design (when not possible to disable this kind of option) looks worst and strange. As with Firefox/Edge where not possible to turn Off/disable 'show pictures'.
Looks like that there is something as 'fresh feature' with Opera. As outgoing connections to random(?!) Bank domains (FOR?! ... as it was suggested by Opera staff... for currency converter?!):
But this topic about Opera Beta and Mac-platform.
Potential 'temporary' workaround (before any other good advices) -> if you do not want to use some of Bank domains -> possible to add this domain under F-Secure "Allowed&Denied websites" as blocklist. So connection is prevented and flyer is not visible (Banking Protection is not started). Good to re-check which one domain with your experience (or as it was with my own experience -> related domains from Opera forums).
Because how it was with "Personal news" -> "Currency Convert" also not possible to disable (or prevent outgoing 'pre-configured' connections by Opera)..... not sure about any valid workarounds based on Opera configuration/settings.
Based on F-Secure: BrowsingProtection-extension or block this URLs (?! not sure how many of them - but with my experience enough this ones from noted Opera forums topic - but it will be strange that Opera decided to use only two certain Banks).