Banking Protection kicks in after Opera Update (bug?)

RobbieD Posts: 3 Observer

Hello all @ FSecure Forums,


A couple of days ago, I updated my Opera Browser (on Windows10) to version 49.0.2725.34.


Since then, Banking Protection kicks in right after I start Opera. The Banking Protection pop-up appears, even though there are no active tabs at all (Opera automaticallt closes all my active tabs when I close Opera).


Any ideas on how to resolve this?














  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Potentially Banking Protections flyer can be visible with unexpected situation when "Browsing Protection"-extension/addon is not installed.


    Maybe possible to try install Chrome extension for Opera (most likely possible to try it with Google Chrome Store / or how it called /).


    If it will be not helpful (or anyway) -> maybe good to understand why Banking Protection triggered (maybe Opera with something as "home screen" where places tabs or recommended websites; and for refresh their pictures/preview -> Opera try to connect/ping certain URLs).



  • RobbieD
    RobbieD Posts: 3 Observer

    Hi Ukko,


    Thank you for your reply. 


    I have tried your suggestions regarding the Opera start page. Also set Opera to skip the startpage alltogether and start with a harmless website or a blank page. However, the Banking Protection kept popping up.


    Installing the Browsing Protection Extentions did work.


    (For anyone interested: I installed the "Download Chrome Extention"  extention  for Opera first, then installing the "Browsing Protection" extention from the Chrome store was a breeze)


    However, I did not need that extention in the previous Opera version, so I am still curious if there is a solution without installing the extention.



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    However, I did not need that extention in the previous Opera version, so I am still curious if there is a solution without installing the extention.

    Probably - yes. Because if extension was helpful -> most likely Opera with tries to connect/ping/open some banking-rated URL at background (while Browsing Protection extension fix trouble based on 'primary/secondary'-requests design for flyer-trigger).


    I able to feel that maybe Opera also can be with 'default' (pre-loaded) bookmarks or notes. Such as -> your previous steps did not change troublesituation (but maybe something else there).


    As another potential fix - possible to ask for re-rate URL (trigger) - if it should not to trigger Banking Protection flyer. Most of potential steps possible to do by own actions... but certified/designed steps are to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone):


    I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions). I will try to repeat this situation with my system and maybe will back with edition/reply about result.

    Why there still can be something as bookmarks/home-screen/start-page -> because maybe with update-process -> Opera re-trigger their default configuration links (or so).


    Thanks and sorry for my long reply!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    My experience about try to install Opera (addition to previous reply):


    --> After first-clean installation of Opera and launch -> Banking Protection is triggered;

    Because 'start-page' was with many shopping pages (like Amazon) - possible to suspect that trigger was this start page.

    But another URL was a reason for start Banking Protection. This is a bank-website (but kind of unknown third-party).


    --> I do not able to understand where is such URL - but I will suspect that it placed under 'Personal news'.

    With default installation of Opera: left-side panel with logos (where one of them 'Personal news'). Maybe under such 'news' can be any banking-rated URL (as src for article).

    Also possible to find this place by "Opera Menu" -> "News".


    I did not find option to disable this feature and check if it will be as fix for Banking Protection flyer. But I will try to re-check it more...


    // for me - such design (when not possible to disable this kind of option) looks worst and strange. As with Firefox/Edge where not possible to turn Off/disable 'show pictures'. :) 

    Looks like that there is something as 'fresh feature' with Opera. As outgoing connections to random(?!) Bank domains (FOR?! ... as it was suggested by Opera staff... for currency converter?!):

    But this topic about Opera Beta and Mac-platform.


    Potential 'temporary' workaround (before any other good advices) -> if you do not want to use some of Bank domains -> possible to add this domain under F-Secure "Allowed&Denied websites" as blocklist. So connection is prevented and flyer is not visible (Banking Protection is not started). Good to re-check which one domain with your experience (or as it was with my own experience -> related domains from Opera forums).


    Because how it was with "Personal news" -> "Currency Convert" also not possible to disable (or prevent outgoing 'pre-configured' connections by Opera)..... not sure about any valid workarounds based on Opera configuration/settings.

    Based on F-Secure: BrowsingProtection-extension or block this URLs (?! not sure how many of them - but with my experience enough this ones from noted Opera forums topic - but it will be strange that Opera decided to use only two certain Banks).



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