Tally application release 6.2 gets crashed

Tally-Dinesh Posts: 4 New Member

Tally.ERP 9 is an ERP application provided by Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd (www.tallysolutions.com). We are spread across 100 + countries with 11 million customer base.


Recently we have released Tally.exe with version 6.2, from then when we try to open application Fsecure crashes with the error as shown. On the first execution, Fxecure allows Tally applicaiton to execute where as from the second execution, it blocks.


Prior to 6.2 we had many other release (6.1.1) which work appropriately.

- We understand the issue can be as a flase postive, where we would be interested to understand the reason. For which we already submitted the sample, would appreciate a faster turn around.

- How can we prevent this to happen further? Would be interested to know about whitelisting our applicaitons.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solution) and not an official F-Secure Staff.


    Just as my own unofficial suggestions:


    -- did you mean that F-Secure created some prompts/notification/block-events about application (like detect application with some signature/generic-detection or rating/reputation-based prevention)? OR just 'active' F-Secure installation will trigger crash for your application?


    And by first/second launch - did you mean installation and next launch OR indeed first/next launches of application? And does it blocked by any prompts or only with such 'exception' as under your screenshot?


    -- just because you did transfer to F-Secure SAS/F-Secure Labs already. Maybe they with abilities about proper certified response/advices (as further dialog).


    -- but maybe possible to try boost up situation with direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone):


    as request for technical investigation (if trouble based on some mistakes how F-Secure handled situation);

    Or maybe it possible to understand what part of your application do not expect such exceptions. For example, what will be if you add your application to F-Secure AV local exclusion list for real-time scanning (?!).



  • Tally-Dinesh
    Tally-Dinesh Posts: 4 New Member

    Query 1  - Fsecure didnt prompt to user with specific message. It will not allow installation to complete, where as if the product is already installed it allows the application to launch on first instance and from next launch / instance it will block the exe.


    Query 2 - We had reported the issue to F-secure labs and they had released a whitelist patch. This had solved the problem.


    Query 3- The exclusion of app locally solves the proble, where as with a customer a base of 12 million, it would a great support activity to resolve the issues once customer bounce backs to us.


    Thank you Ukko.


  • Tally-Dinesh
    Tally-Dinesh Posts: 4 New Member

    Yes, it was done. I felt there was a support centre for India too it would be great.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Tally-Dinesh wrote:

    Query 1  - Fsecure didnt prompt to user with specific message. It will not allow installation to complete, where as if the product is already installed it allows the application to launch on first instance and from next launch / instance it will block the exe.


    Query 2 - We had reported the issue to F-secure labs and they had released a whitelist patch. This had solved the problem.


    Query 3- The exclusion of app locally solves the proble, where as with a customer a base of 12 million, it would a great support activity to resolve the issues once customer bounce backs to us.


    Thank you Ukko.




    I able to think that maybe possible to re-ask F-Secure Labs about some points.

    Because possible to suspect that 'whitelist' can be with drop-status after your fresh-build/release.

    But based on your description -> maybe it was 'broken'-design about DeepGuard (HIPS) module. And whitelist more as fix.



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