Subscription upgrade/renewal
Hello! i just renewed and upgraded my subscription from safe to total but my f-secure doesn't seem to recognize it. What can I do?
Scan Button in Context Menu after upgrade to W10 missing
Upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 19 f-secure safe Windows 8.1 was supporting Virus scan on a File from the context Menu. After upgrading in place to windows 10 in the context menu the f-secure scan button is not available. What was happened? Thanks
Request a refund
This discussion was created from comments split from: Request for Refund.
I think I'm hacking !
Hello, I have got a pay version about Fsecure, because, I buyed a computer into FNAC BREST ESPACE JEAN JAURES 1 month ago from now and they installed me ; FNAC PACK SECURITY. Fnac pack security on my pc, latop, is F secure in reality. Actually when I connected on my bank a green frame appears ; Saturday o1/10/2022 I went…
Add a new apparel and add a new licence
Hello, I've an F-secure Safe subscription for 3 apparels and I want to add a new one with a 4th licence. How I need to proceed for this ??? Thanks
F-Secure Sense(windows) 18.4 / Banking protection / Teamviewer.exe(service)
Is there a way to exlude this from occuring during Banking sessions(nordea.fi) ?
Mac shows 50% power consumption of the Safari addon
Hello I noticed a power consumption of 50% on the "12 hour charge", but I have never seen a realtime consumption over 2-5%. Otherwise the German spelling bug while scanning is still not solved since the version 18.0: https://community.f-secure.com/en/discussion/124585/minor-bug-in-german-spelling#latest If necessary I can…
Unfriendly to novices
Uch as operational aspects or registration
Subscription code
Hi , I have subscription code , how can I use it ?
May I speak to a agent
Agent chat
Cancel Subscription
Hello I would like to cancel my subscription. Regards
Compatibility problem with Storage Spaces / ReFS
Hi all, I am using F-Secure Internet Security 18.4 on a Widnows 11 Pro for Workstations system. Since updating Windows with the 22H2 update, I have got a problem with the real-time virus scanner. When the real-time scanner is on and I try to copy files from an NTFS drive to a ReFS drive backed by storage spaces, the copy…
Weird behavior
Hi community, I face a strange behavior of my PC, wondering if F-Secure SAFE might be the cause. Because of certain issues, I decided yesterday evening to re-install my current windows 11 installation, keeping only my personal data. Said and done, the procedure might have taken an hour, but before going to sleep, I wanted…
Chat Support
Hallo Warum ist der Chat-Server nicht mehr verfügbar ? Danke Ludwig Hennevogl
To F-Secure SAFE
Hi, Is it possible to install this antivirus on a server with a fictitious name and a fictitious IP, at first, then in a 2nd time, to rename this server with its definitive name and to give it its definitive IP, or is it that the license will be linked to the first name given and it will take a 2nd license to switch to its…
False Positiive
Number: XXXXXXXX Created: 2022-10-01 Subject: False Positiive Hi , How we can check the website whether its blacklisted by f-secure, Thank you. Edit: PII removed
f-secure safe
Hallo Ich habe ein f-secure Safe Vollversion gekauft und möchte diese auf meinem Laptop installieren funktioniert nicht, habe die alte Version deinstaliert und die Neue Vollversion wie angeben unter www.f-secure.com/install-safe herunter geladen., geht gar nichts??? ein. Es erscheint immer die alte Version für drei Geräte…
Cannot scan USB
This discussion was created from comments split from: Help.
what is aesbx.dylib
Anything to worry about?
F-Secure Total
Hi Team, Just want to find out if there is a single installer that allows the user to install all the F-Secure Total products? Having to install each product separately is time wasting and often users don't know how to go about doing this from the portal.
Browsing protection add-on not working on Mozilla Firefox
This discussion was created from comments split from: Browsing protection add-on not working on Mozilla Firefox.
Opnieuw opstarten vereist
Ik heb onlangs F-Secure SAFE geïnstalleerd. Maar ik krijg iedere keer nadat ik mijn PC opgestart heb de melding "Opnieuw opstarten vereist" Virus- en spywarebeveiligingsfout: uw computer is niet beveiligd." Ik heb dit meermaals gedaan maar de melding blijft verschijnen na het opstarten van F-Secure. Een snelle manuele scan…
Christer Wahlbäck
Ny epostadress: xxxxxxxxxxx @xxxxxxx.com
Detecting but not removing infections: Security Suite 18.2
Detecting but not removing infections: Security Suite 18.2 Windows 10 To whom it may concern I could use some help trying to get the security software to remove or quarantine infections. Or otherwise find a simple way to resolve the problems. I'm an old timer not able to learn much with only basic computer and security…
Banking protection extension won't load on my version of Firefox
I have been trying to add the banking protection extension to an updated version of Firefox (Version 104.0.2), but, while the address shows up in the address bar, the page doesn't load and remains blank. When I check the list of extensions currently installed on my Firefox, the banking protection extension is absent, so…
How do I change my fsecure login email adress?
How do I change my fsecure email login address?
Disabling the nagging reminder to install the browser extension
Hello F Secure, I get a reminder to install the Chrome browser extension almost everytime I switch to Chrome from another app. I don't want to install the extension because it blocks sites I do not consider unsafe. I have attempted to Dismiss the reminder, including checking the "Don't remind me again" box, but the…
Password protected settings
Hi there! Is there a way to password protect the settings from being changed and the protection from being disabled? Thanks a lot, Scirious
Blocking of Steam games
Hello, some time ago I got a .dll file a a common game in the Steam Shop blocked. I submitted the file and it was whitelisted by F-Secure. Now I got a similiar issue with the game "Raft". When F-Secure SAFE is activated the game doesn't start as it runs into a load-Error. If I deactivate the protection for just the startup…
I cannot install F-Secure Internet Security.
I have a license for three installations. I was successful to install it on two computers but failed on the third one. I downloaded the installtion file F-SecureNetworkInstallerIS.exe. When I run ist, I get the error message "C\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Antivirus\fs_ui_32.exe not found. This message is correct, because…