Freedome for windows beta: kaspersky intrusion detection denial-of-service warnings when connected
When being connected to Finland via the windows beta version of Freedome Kaspersky Intrusion detection system logs a warning every few seconds that a (seemingly random) IP-Adress tried to SYN-flood my PC. Is that somehow related to F-Secure-Freedome or is the VPN itself attacked by SYN-floods and redirects them to the…
Subscription Code Doesn't Work?
Just installed Freedome for the first time (downloaded from web site). I bought the subscription and received a subscription code via email. When I go to "Subscription" and enter the code, it says: "Oops. Applying the code failed. Please try again later." What am I supposed to do? I tried calling customer service and they…
In case of disconnect to the Freedome VPN service?
In case of a disconnect to the Freedome vpn service, could there possible be an option in the settings to block all traffic until the vpn service again is available and connected? Like with programs such as VPNetmon / VPNcheck? "VPNetMon continuously watches the IP addresses of your PC. If the IP address of your VPN is not…
Cannot access local servers from Samsung Galaxy TabPro with Freedome protection set to ON
I have been using Freedome on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (GT-P3110, Android 4.2.2) and have been able to connect to my local servers (192.168.1.***) with Freedome protection set to ON. Since changing to a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro (SM-T320, Android 4.4.2) I can no longer connect to my local servers unless I turn the Freedome…
About the Freedome Antivirus beta
Hello, 1- Please tell me why I can't see the Freedome Antivirus beta app anymore in the google play store. 2- One device already has this app and seems working perfect, almost one month is remaining... what should I expect at the end..? free renewal, subscription, or I have to install the main app and subscrive? How many…
Can not see on Swedish TV, when I am in sweden F-Secure Freedome
När jag ska titta på svensk film www.cmore.se/play/film eller http://playplus.telia.se så får jag svar att ( Du har tyvärr inte tillgång till detta material) När F-Secure Freedome är i läge ON men när jag ställer om till OFF då går det bra ( Location: Stockholm) Vad är felet? Och vad händer är jag ska resa utomlands och…
FreeDome profile not loading on iPad
So I am running iOS 7, it is an old iPad, and FreeDome version Every time I try to turn it on it takes me to the f-secure site that holds the profile but it doesn't load. It just shows the blue f-secure background. Any know what may be causing this? I also know that I can connect using the OpenVPN app but I…
Freedome does not detect CoolReaper
I have a CoolPad mobile device that shipped from the manufacturer with the CoolReaper backdoor. Freedome does not detect it at all. I found out after I connected to my office WiFi from the device and the network gateway started sending notifications to the admins that my device is infected. All this while I had Freedome…
Question about 50% discount offer i received in January 2015
Hey! I was one of the lucky ones who got to participate in using/testing the Freedome beta version for pc. About two weeks ago i got email that i have the possibility to get -50% discount from the 1-year, 3 device license. So far i have really liked the software (been also using the trial on my android device). So, the…
Freedome and Android Lollipop 5.02 can't connect to internet.
Freedome and Android Lollipop 5.02 can't connect to internet. I get the following error message from browser: DNS_PROBE_Finished_NXDOMAIN tried different browsers it does not help. Email does not work. It doesn't matter how i connect to internet wifi or 3g. Still same problem no Internet connection if Freedome is on.…
SKY GO - Beta Windows VPN
The fix Freedome did with UK servers has only lasted a few days. Can't access download from Sky once again. Please help. Darren
United Kingdom IP geolocation
Hello, starting january 21, I am having problems accessing bbc iplayer. initially it seemed to be due to some geolocation databases reporting a swiss location for the ip but it is possible that there is another blocking mechanism. If anyone has more info, please share. Thank you, peter
Freedome: "Error initiating VPN connection"
Thought I might share this: I'm running Freedome on iOS 8.1.3 (12B466), iPhone 6+. Already had been using Freedome for a while. Today, after starting Freedome app, was asked by app to delete VPN profile due to "known bug". After deleted profile, and new certificate was installed, error message as follows: "Error…
IPad Freedome
Hi, I just purchased 12 months of F-Secure Freedome for my IPad. However, I was under the impression that the application used OpenVpn not IPSec. And given the recent revelations in the news about VPNs, I’m a little worried about how secure this method is. Can you elaborate more on why you’re not using OpenVpn and how…
Upgrade to multi-platform subscription
Hi all, I'm using Freedome on my two Android devices. I just bought a yearly subscription in Google Play on the 5th of January. Now, Freedome for Windows (PC) has been released, and I would like to use it - without buying yet another new Subscription for at least 40€. Is there any way to do that? The only guide I've found…
multiple devices
bought the freedome for 39.99... for one device noticed that 3 device is 49.99 and the mac version is coming out soon. i dont see anywhere that i can upgrade it as i could with My SAFE. how would i do that when the mac version releases?
Freedome Safe Browsing Protection
How does the Freedome Safe Browsing protection differ from, say, a 7 layer SOHO Unified Threat Management (UTM) device such as a Zyxel USG60 with their Total Security bundle? Total Security includes Kaspersky AV, Application Intelligence and IDP, Content Filtering, and Anti-spam. I am considering buying a SOHO UTM, but I…
Freedome: Browser-Fingerprints, Canvas Fingerprints, others
Hi, I'm interested in the new product Freedome for Windows. Besides the things F-Secure offers concerning this product I've a question. Does Freedome also helps to protect the PC and especially the users angainst browser fingerprinting and canvas fingerprints? Thanks.
Japan server IP geolocation
same problem like http://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/United-Kingdom-IP-geolocation/td-p/66087 I can't use japan-only services by using F-Secure Freedome. because they recognize i'm at Holland or Swiss.
Hello i have downloaded freedome app on ios but it keeps saying that there is no internet connection
Freedome keeps telling me that there is no internet connection even if i have enabled internet in the cellular data settings. What should i do from here?
Freedome (3 device subscription) across mutiple platforms different email addresses
Hi, I have a gmail account for my android device and a gmail account for my ipad, can I install the three Freedome instances (PC, ipad and android) using different email addresses or are they all linked to one email address? I really want to be able keep my itunes email as a different email address for security reasons.…
Change device
If I buy the 3 device subscription on a PC, can I deactivate on one PC if I want to move the subscription to a new PC later?
Downloading Freedome from web-page or Apple-store ?
Just bought Freedome from F-Secures web-page. Unfortunately noticed little bit later on that maybe should have done it via Apple-store, as Apple now obviously wants to bill me for the product too. As I do not have an interest paying twice for the same product, what should I do ? My idea was to install the product in to 3…
Frequent disconnects when Freedome active
Freedome / Android 4.4.4 (Cyanogenmod) / Oneplus One I thought my phone was faulty. Internet connection was dropped for about 30 seconds every now and then. For example, 40 minute ride to work, 4-5 disconnects at same locations, where 4G network strength was low. A few days ago there was a problem updating Freedome on…
wrong currency
Hi I don't know if this is the right place for this question .But as the f-secure Help desk was unable to solve my problem they suggested I try here. I tried out the freedome app on my android and at the end of the trial period I opted for a one year subscription. Unfortunately it asks for payment in pounds sterling .…
Can Freedome help with iPhone 4 & iOS 7.1.2 security issues?
You cannot update iPhone 4 to iOS 8, so iOS 7.1.2 is the end of the road for the device. There are some security issues you need to deal with and accept, e.g. with the WebKit of iOS 7.1.2. Can F-Secure Freedome help making the iPhone 4 safe(r) even if not updated to iOS 8? Does it give protection against attacks…
Problem installing / updating Freedome Android version
Hi, when I try to update freedome I receive the message shown in the attached image (http://m.imgur.com/3BYgVonsame). Same error after uninstalling it and trying to install it from scratch. No matter if I use wifi or 3g, always the same message I have tried some solutions found for that kind of message. Delete play store…
From dual subscription to Multi platform
Hi, I have both Android and iOS subscriptions. How should I go about to change to a 3 device subscription? Cancel both at the end of the renewal period and purchase multi??
Freedome Tracking Protect breaks Amazon web site on PCs
The tracking protection in Freedome for Windows breaks Amazon's site more or less completely. Among other issues: * You can't click on the picture of items to enlarge them or view images other than the first one shown. * The drop-down that lets you select a department to search doesn't work Turning off tracking protection…
Realtime display of the"Trecking attempts blocked"?
Hi, I just installed Freedom on my Windows 7 PC. On the side tab "Freedome" (main tab in the top left corner) and on the tab "Tracking Protection" the number of the blocked tracking attempts will be displayed. But the number won't be updated in realtime, only when you change between the tab. But the displayed number of the…