Japan server IP geolocation

same problem like http://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/United-Kingdom-IP-geolocation/td-p/66087


I can't use japan-only services by using F-Secure Freedome. because they recognize i'm at Holland or Swiss.


  • Hello RubikCAt,


    You already saw on the mentioned thread, that it is an IP geolocation problem. 

    You can refer to this article for more info on that. We already received reports and are working to correct it as soon as possible.



  • Can i get refund of my subscription? it is useless to me right now unless the problem is corrected.
  • Hello RubikCat,


    Rest assured we are working to fix this issue as soon as possible.


    We are happy to offer a 30-day money back guarantee for all purchases made on the F-Secure website.

    Please refer to your purchase confirmation email for more information on that.

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