Strange Behavior
I have noticed something odd with Freedome's blocking service. I had 4 blocked sites since yesterday and late night I suddenly saw that I had 8 blocked sites and a few hours later I had 15 blocked sites, and today I got a total of 29 harmful blocked sites and every time I open my explorer (firefox) another one is being…
F-Secure Freedome Voucher Code Not Accepted
I downloaded F-Secure freedome on my Samsung tablet however when i entered the voucher code XXXXX voucher code a invalid code message came up. The code was obtained from copycode.com and gives a 4 month free trial. I only have a 14 days trial. Please can you assist. EDIT:REMOVED CODE
Freedome macille
Tilasin Freedomen, mutta mac air ilmoittaa, että exe-tiedostoa ei voida asentaa, tarvittaisiin kuulemma maverick tms. Onko jollain tietoa, miten Freedomen saa macille?
Unable to restart subscription
I have applied the right code. Ticket no XXXXXXXXX EDIT:REMOVED PII
My case is as follows: I have a license for three units, I have now changed the mobile phone and can not activate the program Freedome when the new mobile phone count as a fourth unit. What to do? Best Reguards
Freedome on Certain Networks
I was wondering if there is any way to activate Freedome only on certain networks. I basically want it to automatically disconnect when I'm on my home network, so I can use things that are behind my home firewall, and then reconnect when I'm at places like work or public wifi. I have Tasker and use it for various similar…
My freedome app says my virtual location isn't on
Gidday people., as I said above, my app says it's not on, but in my settings it says it's connected to the London vpn, And the little Von box is showing at the top of my screen, ......So is it working or is it not, that's my question for the forum, I'd love to get this sorted, thanks in advance, and I'm on an iPad
"No logging" ?
"Most VPN providers will claim not to log, although they do. The few honest ones out there (I've only seen one admit to this) will explain that they can only see your IP when you're currently connected. On OpenVPN, there's two log files. The main one defined by the "log" configuration directive that contains a lot of…
Recovering of subscription key
I have lost my Freedom subscriptionkey, how can I recover it? Bought it from Play store, I do not have the email left, only thing I have left is the receipt number. Who do I contact?
Possible scam
Is this scam: https://freedome-beta-updates.fd.f-secure.com/Production/FreedomeUpdate.exe ? The web-page acts very strange.
Freedome blocking Sonos Songaz on iOS
Getting error message "Unable to browse music." with Freedome over Sonos Songaz music streaming service with Apple iOS 8 devices. Any guidance on trouble shooting? thanks,
Freedom filtered protocols
Hello, I'm interested into getting the Freedom VPN solution. However, I'd like to know if Freedom is protocol agnostic, in other words, do you only allow HTTP/HTTPS on port 80 and 443 or do you also allow any ports/protocols. For instance, what about SSH, fancy web proxies tcp-ports, torrent, snmp etc... etc... Are you…
Need to reinstall - multi-platform subscriptions
Hi, I have a 3 device subscription, valid till Feb 2016, and installed Freedome on 3 devices. Is it true that every reinstallation takes a seat on multi-platform subscriptions? I need to reinstall 1 device, but this is holding me back. Tx
Freedome Fatal Error
I have tried everything... Reinstalling, changing ip address, DNS settings. did registry clean but no.. i still get this error pop up what says "Data required to run Freedome is missing or corrupted. Please reinstall software." this has continued now over 2months. pretty freaking annoying, any solution?
Avast seems sometimes skip Freedome
I am now using Freedome 1.0.850.0 that is I think the latest, but this happened also with the older version of Freedome: . Above is a screencapture from Process Hacker. PC.home is my real IP and PC is the Freedome VPN provided IP, something like 198.18.x.y. Sometimes also AvastSvc.exe uses the VPN provided IP. But many…
This is a request. F-Secure Freedome can never be a de facto choice for privacy-minded people unless Bitcoint will be accepted as payment. I quote PrivacyTools.io here: "Our VPN Provider Criteria * Operating outside the USA or other Five Eyes countries. * Uses OpenVPN as an encryption method. * File-Sharing (P2P) is…
Windows 3 month code not valid
My iPad Freedome just automatically subscribed for another year and additionally gave me an offer to use Windows version 3 months for free. Got instructions and code, downloaded and installed. Code is not valid, though --> "Code was not correct. Try again." Shows only standard trial - now 11 days left.
Freedome Update fail from version 1.0.850.0
OS: Windows 8 pro Freedome ver: 1.0.850.0 I received an update message today, which subsequently failed. the cause of the failure being an out of date security certificate. The a link was provided to FreedomeUpdate.exe, which in FireFox 38.0, also flagged an out of date security certificate. Can anyone confirm that an…
Can`t use Freedom due to problems with IPv6
Hi. After installing Freedom, I tried to connect but I get a message that says that Freedom can`t connect due to problems with IPv6. It says that my IPv6 is not enabled, but I`ve checked all the places I know of in my computer that it is enabled. What is wrong? How can I solve this? I have Windows 8.1, and I have added…
Freedome: instant blue screen
I tried to install Freedome on a pretty basic Windows 7 32-bit computer today. Running F-Secure Internet Security. Every time the protections is turned on: a blue screen with DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. Any ideas?
Down load link to windows phone
I try to find, where can I down load the Freedome apps to my windows phone/ Lumia 1020, Thanks for help.
Freedome and Android 5, internet blocked
I have Samsung Galaxy 5 with recently updated Annroid 5. When Freedome is on WLAN surfing is ok, but 3G or 4G does not work at all? If Freedome is off, all works just fine. ??
free vpn
free vpn
No connect in certain hotels
Hi all, I'm travelling a lot and I use Freedome since the very beginning. iOS Version of my devices is 8.3. One thing that is really annoying is the fact, that when I sometimes try to connect the available hotel wifi I can't connect to that wifi without completely switching off Freedome. Otherwise the typical hotel popup…
Päivitin kotikonneni (Win 7) Win 10 versioon koneessa on aikaisemmin asennettu Freedome. Win 10 asennuksen jälkeen pyytää Freedom code:a ?
F-Secure Freedome, IP address ( Netherlands, Amsterdam )
Recently, IP address server Netherlands is blacklisted, because of this there is a problem when you visit certain Web sites. Suggestions for developers to have solved this problem. Best regards.
Freedome subscription problem
Freedome stopped working for me about two weeks ago. In google play it says subscription renewed but the app says I'm not subscribed.
No Internet access
Hello today I used f-secure and changed my location to Brussels ( I'm in england ) I then in installed the programme accidently and didn't changed my location back to normal. my Google now goes to Google singspore lol and I have Internet but 'no Internet access' I'm unable to use the programme to change back because I have…
Reference #XXXXXXXX Problem with licencekey
Hi, I have a 12 month subscibe for F-secure Freedome from 2015-02-17 on three devices.After some systemrecovery on my PC (win 8.1) I can no longer register my licencekey ................................................................................-…
Trial for OSX
Is there a link where i can get the free trial for Freedom to be used on osx 10.9.1. ? So far i have found it only for pc. Anssi