United Kingdom IP geolocation

starting january 21, I am having problems accessing bbc iplayer. initially it seemed to be due to some geolocation databases reporting a swiss location for the ip but it is possible that there is another blocking mechanism. If anyone has more info, please share.
Thank you,


  • Hello Peter1,


    As IP geolocation could indeed be the problem you can refer to this article for more info on that.

  • Deb03
    Deb03 Posts: 9
    Hi Peter

    I am having the same problem both on iPad and PC. It seems to have occurred when they did an update on the London server. I checked my IP address and it is telling I'm in London. I hope they can sort it out soon as since I have this service it has been great up to now. Looking forward to hearing from f-secure.

  • Hi im in France same problem as you is there anything we can do before miss Eastenders,even my Amazon prime will not work
  • This is a known issue and we are currently working on it.

  • Hi Ben


    Please advise then you will fix the problem with the UK IP. I subscribed to your service to specifically use for downloading from BBC Iplayer and Sky Go. If your service will not work for this purpose then I will have to unsubscribe and request refund



  • Peter1
    Peter1 Posts: 3

    Hi Ben,


    I'm happy to hear that you recognize this as a known problem and that the team is working toward a solution. That gives me hope that I will be abe to stay with Fsecure and won't have to be looking for another fix like smart dns.


    I was going to speculate that your IPs got blacklisted by bbc but then eurosport player started to give me trouble as well, so perhaps the blacklist happened at the geolocating services these sites use.


    Anyway, I hope you'll keep us updated on the progress.


    Thank you,



  • Deb03
    Deb03 Posts: 9
    Hi Ben

    I would appreciate an update on this problem as it is really frustrating that I can't use as I had intended.

  • Tapsa
    Tapsa Posts: 82 F-Secure Product Expert

    The correct location has now been added to the RIPE database  for our UK virtual location. While we cannot affect how quickly BBC's geolocation service picks up the data from RIPE, we certainly hope it won't take more than a few days. Many of the geolocation services already recognize our UK addresses as being in the UK. 



  • It is not just the BBC. Sky & VirginMedia also think this IP address is outside the UK. According to iplocation.net DB-IP has it listed as belonging to Credit-Suisse in Zurich!


    I am in the UK but can not use any streaming apps with Freedome on as all are locating me in Switzerland.

  • The same applies to ITV player. Still up to now 23rd jan 10.41 CET, all still remains blocked.

  • Anyone having an update on this. I'm still facing the same problem from France. Using IPLOCATION>NET suggest that there is still one (DB-IP) showing a place outside UK, i.e Zurich, CH. How to resolve this annoying issue for a PAID service.

  • Deb03
    Deb03 Posts: 9
    I totally agree, I have been waiting since Thursday for the service to be reconnected. Not good when you have paid for it. Let's hope we get news soon.
  • Berti
    Berti Posts: 1

    Here the same in Australia can`t connect to BBC iplayer or itv player. It is bad service for good money.

    I hope that the company fix this problem soon and send some information about progress to its custumers.



  • Deb03
    Deb03 Posts: 9
    That's strange because I can get itv but not bbc iplayer or 4oD.
  • ricky1
    ricky1 Posts: 8 New Member
    Come on f-secure tell us whats going on
  • Mine the same what ever they say mi ip address is not in England
  • Great application when it works - customer service worst I've come across. No communication, no apology, no update, no nothing. Freedome shame on you. If no word or updates (inc. replying to customer support query) then I will be cancelling subcription and I hope many others will do the same.

    Disgraceful treatment of your customers.
  • Thanks for yr further explanation. However, I'm still puzzled about the update frequency of one month you describe. When I do a search at iplocation.net it displays a IP of, which looks ok. However, all databases referred to indicate latest update 11/30/2014 and for the suspect one DB-IP (Swiss reference) 12/1/2014.  By the looks of it, they have not updated their database for the last 12 month. Am I making the wrong conclusion and is this what causes BBC iplayer amongst others to reject me?

  • Deb03
    Deb03 Posts: 9
    So can you tell me how you are going to rectify this for your customers!
  • Peter1
    Peter1 Posts: 3

    Hi Tapio,


    thanks for the update. I appreciate the fact that you took time to explain the situation.


    For iplayer, as a temporary fix I signed up for a 2 week free trial for a smart dns service, and for eurosport player the Netherlands location works well, you get dutch and english channels. I hope the geoIP database update will resolve this as using freedome as a one stop solution for all my needs worked great so far.



  • Hi Tapsa


    Thanks for the information but would it not have been sensible to check the location of the IP addresses before they were allocated in order to avoid this situation.



  • It would appear that the BBC is now recognising the IP address as being in the UK
  • Confirm that as of 27th Jan, BBC & iTV players are accessible again from France!
  • Deb03
    Deb03 Posts: 9

    Anyone having trouble accessing 4oD? I am geting Playback error.  Press ok and reselect episode to resume play but I do not get ok button.  


     As this is the only app I cannot access with F-secure.  I know the app is working okay because I have checked it with another VPN app.  Just wondering if anyone had any solutions to my problem.


    Any help or advice would be very much welcome.

  • The fix has only lasted a few days. Can't access download from Sky once again
  • The fix has only lasted a few days. Can't access download from Sky once again. Please advise
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