Can not see on Swedish TV, when I am in sweden F-Secure Freedome

När jag ska titta på svensk film eller så får jag svar att

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När F-Secure Freedome är i läge ON men när jag ställer om till OFF då går det bra ( Location: Stockholm)


Vad är felet?

Och vad händer är jag ska resa utomlands och titta på svensk TV?


Använder Windows7 64bit o 32bit


  • Hello Lanell,


    Sorry but this community isn't localized in Swedish. Could you provide the details of your problem in English so that the greatest number can assist you?


    When did the problem start for you? Did you have access at some point in time to these sites? 

  • When I look at the Swedish film or so, I get the response that I ( You unfortunately don't have access to this material)

    Ok o


    When F-Secure Freedome is in the ON position but when I switch to the OFF then it's good ( Location: Stockholm, sweden) What is the error? And what happens is I have to travel abroad and watch Swedish TV? Using Windows7 64bit 32bit

    This problem is on all computers, and it has never worked

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