In case of disconnect to the Freedome VPN service?

In case of a disconnect to the Freedome vpn service, could there possible be an option in the settings to block all traffic until the vpn service again is available and connected?


Like with programs such as VPNetmon / VPNcheck?


"VPNetMon continuously watches the IP addresses of your PC. If the IP address of your VPN is not detected anymore, VPNetMon closes specified programs instantly. The program reacts so quickly that a new connection through your real IP will not be established by these applications,”


"VPNCheck helps you to feel safe if your VPN connection breaks, this is done by shutting down your main network connection or programs of your choice and showing a notification box"


EDIT: Not sure if this post should be in the feature requests section, or here. My apologies if it's in the wrong section.


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