Feature suggest for Freedome
1. A possible "kill switch" to cut network connections if the vpn connection drops? 2. Protection against browser fingerprinting (via an extension to browsers). 3. I think it would be a nice to have the option to reset the counters "Tracking attempts blocked" and "Harmful websites blocked" - just out of curiosity to see…
Freedome Interfering With Periscope App
When Freedome for iOS is enabled, Twitter's new *Periscope* app will open but live streams will not display. 1. Is Freedome blocking Periscope live stream? 2. Is Twitter Periscope blocking F-Secure or VPN?
Question on Subscription, devices and limits
Hi, I've done a bit of digging through the FAQ and forums but have not found an answer the following: If you have a multiple device subscription is your limit set per install (i.e. entering the subscription code) or is it a "concurrent users" type of arrangement? I ask because I have a work laptop that I infrequently…
Connection glitch after updating Freedome on Windows 8.1
Whenever I turn my computer off (or restart) and turn back on while Freedome is still connected to any server, then every internet connection will be unavailable unless turn on the Freedome manually. This happens even after factory reset(I thought my Windows was broken). Does anyone have this same problem?
Internet connection problem when Freedome is off
After I started using Freedome, my internet connection sometimes stops working after I have restarted my computer. There is the exclamation point over the Network access icon. After I click Freedome on, the internet connection starts working again, and keeps working even if I close Freedome after this. Any ideas why this…
Payment using BTC (Suggestion)
Many other VPN services have option to buy the service with bitcoins, why not make it possible with freedomeVPN, so anonymity paranoid people like me can have peace of mind. currently subbed to Tunnelbear because of that feature, would prefer freedome over tunnelbear because i live in finland myself but now the only reason…
Connect to freedome with hardware router (which supports ipsec)
Can I use my hardware router (EdgeMax Lite in this particular case) to connect to Freedome VPN instead of a software client? It doesn't need to be a fully supported way, it's enough if there's a set of unofficial parameters which I can enter to the configuration by myself.
This code is not valid for this device (iOS 8.1)
I purchased the 3 device subscription, and successful installed freedome on my phone (android). However, I tried to install it on my IPad using the same code (the only code I have), but it's not accepting it. I've tried uppercase, lowercase, with spaces, without spaces, but still no luck. What am I doing wrong? IPad iOS 8.1
Does Freedome work in China?
The family is headed off to China for a heritage tour. I'm researching VPN services. Since I use Internet Security at home, I figured I'd check with F-secure. Primary tools will be an iPad and an Android tablet. No PCs on this trip. So, Does Freedome work in China? Any recommendations. Also, I used the online contact of…
Freedome for Windows: IPv6-issues
Hello, after deinstalling a different VPN-Software (OkayFreedom VPN), because of buying F-Secure Freedome for Windows, I get the following error message: „VPN initialisation error Your encrypted VPN connection cannot be created because of issues with network configuration (netsh.exe fails). Please check that you have IPv6…
monthly subscription payment was successful, freedome still asks to subscribe again
I have been using freedome for months without problems. Also this month, the payment was done on 30th March successfully but the service stopped to work in the beginning of April. When I try to open freedome, it asks me to order it now. If I choose the option, it now, it closes the application. If I choose the option order…
hello freedome app free trial was expire
Hello the freedome app free trial have been expire so can you do free trial again because I only use VPN access to Canada anytime so can you change freedom unlimited I just really need website protection
Does Freedome for windows bypass the laptop/PC Internet security/Anti-Virus software?
With Freedome running and connected to the VPN server, will the laptop's Internet security/ anti-virus software ( for example Kaspersky Internet security) still be able to scan the connection.
CAT Telecom (TH) - Nebula (FI) unacceptable slow
We have serious problems with dowload speed from Thailand (CAT Telecom) to Finland (Nebula, which Freedome is using). Maximum dowload speed (Speedtest.net) is around 0.2Mbps, average 0.17Mbps.
Is Twitter Throttling Freedome or VPN
Twitter hangs when using Freedome. I tried the official Twitter app, 3rd party Tweetbot and mobile web. If Freedome is turned off, they work fine. When Freedome is on, all other apps work fine. Is Twitter throttling Freedome or all VPN traffic?
Freedome updating problems in my Windows computer
Can you reproduce this! When I start Freedome from the desktop icon, I get a popup telling me an update is available: Update fails and this will popup: Now if I use the above link to manually update I will get this browser page in Chrome: Is this just my computer and maybe some MITM attack on my connection or what? I am…
Freedome on windows 8.1 not working
Hi, Freedome worked fine couple of weeks and now it works quite strangely. Internet connection doesn't work at all if protection is on and traffic protected increases 0,1 GB in every couple of seconds. At the moment it says approx 500GB. What can I do to fix this? Br, Jyri
How Secure is Freedome Against VPN Traffic Analysis Attack
Hello, This is from BlackHat conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKp4PPEFDLk It poses a risk to users being monitored even when using a VPN. This is significant for users living in countries under unfavorable conditions.
Connecting using OPENvpn
To my knowledge Freedome uses IPsec protocals based OPENvpn. So theoretically, couldn't one use an OPENvpn client to connect to Freedome, assuming they have the Access Server hostname and all that? Has anyone tested this?
Freedome on Windows Phone
i read that Windows Phone 8.1 update includes some kind of VPN support. So is there any change we might get Freedome for Windows Phone anytime in near future?
Freedom doesn't work
Trial version was working well. After paying normal version it stopped working. When I'm putting it on, the result was "Your encrypted VPN connection cannot be created because of issues with network configuration (netsh.exe fails) please check that you have IPv6 traffic enabled".
Findings while using Freedom for the first day (Speed and Network Security)
Hi, I have been using the F-Secure Freedom VPN service now for on day on my local computer and want to write some of my findings. I have been using other VPN services since a couple of years and was pleased to see F-Secure starting with a VPN service, based in Finland EU. Internet Connection Speed with Freedom I'm living…
Switching protection from on to off and back to on looses access to yle areena.
I am living in France at the moment and I use freedom Espoo location to watch finish television. It works fine after I switch protection on. But if I switch of the protection for a while and thn back on again, I get the announcement from yle areena, that the program can not be watched abroad. But if I use another vpn, like…
f-secure freedome vpn
Good morning, I want to purchase the F-secure Freedome. But I still have great doubts about its safety and effectiveness! And also for compatibility with my security suite (Internet Security and Malwarebytes). Do not want to buy a product for trouble in the future! Like to be informed in an objective and very sincere way.…
extend freedom subscription to several platforms with one license active
I have freedom to my android phone (annual,auto renewal), now I want to buy more licenses to PCs. How do I extend my excisting license and with the same expire date?
I'm about to buy the F-secure freedome, encryption is strong !! ??? As the integrity of the rest of the product.
freedome install/connect problems tizzbird n1
i have installed freedome for android on my tizz bird butwhen i (latest firmware )switchprotection on it loops for a couqple of minutes then says protection off. I know it is not my network as freedomn works quite well on another android device I My questiiion is is there any diagnostic tool in freedome to tell me what is…
Connectivity issue - cuts out every 8-10 minutes while using VPN/ How to fix this?
Hello, I live abroad and oftern use the VPN through Freedome to access country-restricted TV-programs in my home country. There seems to be some connectivity issue and I don't know what is causing it or how to fix it. I am able to start the TV program on the channels on-demand app without any problems. But then after about…
What DNS address should I use with Freedome?
I'm currently using OpenDNS. Does F-Secure have own DNS servers?
Milloin tarjoustilaus aktivoituu?
Minulla on iPad-laitteessa voimassaoleva Freedome-tilaus. Sain tarjouksen kolmen laitteen tilauksesta puoleen hintaan. Jos ostan tarjotun tilauksen nyt, milloin se aktivoituu - ostohetkellä, silloin kun syötän saamani koodin johonkin laitteeseen vai silloin, kun nykyinen tilaukseni päättyy? Jos ostan tarjotun tilauksen…