F-Secure sometimes deactivated?

MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager

Without any upgrading of the program. Why? To enable it again, I need to restart the computer. No other ways to enable F-secure. No access to the Security-page on the Windows 10-computer.

No virus - no malware - I think… A full scanning gave nothing.

And the program gives no warning.

Accepted Answer

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,104 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hello @MNielsen

    Is the issue still occurring? We have released a new version, 25.2. Please ensure you have updated to the latest version, and let us know if you are still experiencing the same problem. If possible, sharing a screenshot of the message would be very helpful.

    Thank you, and have a wonderful day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 759 F-Secure Product Expert

    What version do you have? We shut down the old servers that old versions were using. The app should update automatically but sometimes the old versions can't update because of some technical issue. You should have version 19.8 now. Anything older than 19.3 will probably no longer work.

    If you have the latest version can you describe exactly how this deactivation happens. Is there some message in the user interface?


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager

    I have version 19.8

    The message is something like: F-Secure is disabled. Get it enabled. When going to the security-page, it says there's no access. But everything looks fine, and F-Secure seems to be enabled. ONLY way to enable (or somewhat) F-Secure is to restart the computer.

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager

    Next time, I will take screenshot of the message, because I really don't remember what it said…

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Sorry for my comment. If your experience is mainly about 'events' after / near system startup…

    The message is something like: F-Secure is disabled. Get it enabled. When going to the security-page, it says there's no access. But everything looks fine, and F-Secure seems to be enabled. ONLY way to enable (or somewhat) F-Secure is to restart the computer.

    It sounds as a Windows glitch, a bit of known one.

    At least, if you are talking about Notifications. It also can be emails (https://community.f-secure.com/en/discussion/126809/mail-from-microsoft-that-realtime-protection-is-disabled-on-startup).

    To enable it again, I need to restart the computer. No other ways to enable F-secure. No access to the Security-page on the Windows 10-computer.

    Did you try to wait a couple of minutes; or ten minutes?

    I think that if this is not a "glitch" (Windows incorrectly interprets the F-Secure solution status due to some delays), and F-Secure services really have some kind of failure, then after about ten minutes - F-Secure will notify about it in the UI. Or (otherwise) - the status will change everywhere to "everything is fine" (including Windows Security center), and the old notification from the notifications area can simply be dismissed.

    There were some discussion threads on a similar topic - to be honest, I don't remember the exact reasons and I don't think they were ever named. Except for the inconsistency with receiving the status from F-Secure/Windows.

    Most often (or exclusively) - talking only about such "notifications" when starting the system. And not out of the blue at the time of use at any moment.

    I often see such notifications (like - F-Secure is disabled or something similar wording, Windows Security Center can't show anything clear, but in general - everything works) when starting the computer. It disappears after some time of use. I can't remember such a notification appearing in the middle of a long session and when there was no upgrade (although it happened with just generic updates).

    So, I am puzzled about the point that you can fix it only by restarting the computer (and not by waiting a bit). Perhaps, your current situation is something else rather than mentioned 'situations' by me.


  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager

    It's not an email from Microsoft about disabled realtime protection. Shouldn't the realtime protection on Windows Security be diasbled automatically when installing third part antivirus porgram?

    About restarting the computer… The message is gone after restarting, and everything should be fine - or what?

    About waiting it for disappearing by itself? I don't see it immediately in the notifications-window, (Don't know whqt to callit) I post a picture where it comes. Next time, I will post a picture of the message…

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Sorry if we are talking about different things.

    But based on indirect things, your experience correlates with what I'm thinking about. Although I'm not sure that the "text" of the notification itself is the same (because I also don't remember its exact content, since I'm too used to it and haven't paid attention or watched the appearance statistics for a long time). I used to see such notifications often (every system startup). Then less often. Then I didn't see it at all. Then I saw it sometimes. Then (recently) I began to see it more often again. And as of today, I haven't seen it for a long time, it seems.

    It's not an email from Microsoft about disabled realtime protection. Shouldn't the realtime protection on Windows Security be diasbled automatically when installing third part antivirus porgram?

    Yes, I understand that. For me (as I think for you too), these are notifications in the Notifications area (no matter what it's called) - something like 'toast' / notification. I can't recall its proper view, but probably, generally it is something like "inactive" or "disabled" warning about AV solution in system (like if "F-Secure is turned off" or something like that). And those who (apparently) use a Microsoft account when using Windows - they may also receive emails (in addition to or instead; or of completely different content, but for similar reasons). Anyway, maybe I wrongly referenced to mentioned topic.

    About another part: I think, only Microsoft Defender is disabled automatically. "Windows Security" (center) itself is not. It also shows and monitors what is installed (and active) in the system as AV (other modules - BP, Firewall) and that they are functioning correctly.

    I think that the F-Secure solution directly reports the status (conditionally, of course) to the system. And if there is some kind of "delay" or overload - like services do not respond to requests or cannot process them, then Windows Security may show problems in the notification, although everything is functioning successfully (or was not just some seconds or even milliseconds).

    About waiting it for disappearing by itself? I don't see it immediately in the notifications-window

    So, did you mean that your experience about these 'notifications / warnings' are not pinned to system startup time (shortly after system boot up)? Such as, you can use system for some hours, and only then something appears in the notification area? If so, your experience is different (than mine).

    If mainly when the system boots, then I do not think the notification area clears itself. So, notification will still be there. But the moment the "notification" arrives, Windows Security (center) doesn't display any information about the AVs on the system, or shows something like "unable to retrieve information" or whatever view instead of showing F-Secure with three green marks.

    For me, after some minutes - Windows Security shows a proper information. And F-Secure never shows something "wrong" about.

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager

    I see the icon on the taskbar is white when there's some messages. But when doing something on the computer - like writing in Word, or using other programs, I don't recognize there's a mesage. (I don't look at the taskbare ALL the time…) There's no messages after start up. It's always coming later.

    And, there's sometimes of course upgradings for F-Secure. Eventhough it don't requiere restart, I do it abyway some minutes after upgrading.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    I see the icon on the taskbar is white when there's some messages. But when doing something on the computer - like writing in Word, or using other programs, I don't recognize there's a mesage. (I don't look at the taskbare ALL the time…) There's no messages after start up. It's always coming later.

    And, there's sometimes of course upgradings for F-Secure. Eventhough it don't requiere restart, I do it abyway some minutes after upgrading.

    so, must be something else then.

    good, if F-Secure will try to find what is the reason for your situation.

    // about mine experience: just got it today, after system restart: notification says something like Microsoft Defender and F-Secure are stopped and other sort of things around. Windows Security white shield got 'red' warning cross (instead of green safe mark) and inside it says security services are not running / stopped and gives the option to "Restart now" (with no any success about such try). My experience is usually about temporary event (then all switches to a normal state). Today's: battery was low and so.. even F-Secure shows something wrong and requested restart.

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager

    I got the new upgrade for the program, but it's not every day, it's deactivated, so I have to wait some days until it do that - IF it happens again, of course…

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager

    About F-Secure sometimes being deactivated, I still wait for it to happen…

    But another thing, that nowseems to be fixed with the new upgrade, is when restarting the computer, and the Security Cloud wasn't coonnected…. Everything has succeded, as I can see in the updater.

    When seing the rightclick-menu, I had hoped, the program had got a new apparance… But, no… Still the same not-so-nice colors… Couldn't you make a feature, so we can change that in the Settings? 🤣

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager
    edited March 9

    Opening the updater - then it installs an update for the Device protection. Fine.

    Opening the updater again a few seconds later - it does the same again. Normally, it wouldn't do taht…