Winzip Driver Update????

Does F-Secure bundle Winzip Driver Update with F-Secure SAFE? I installed F-Secure on my PC (Windows 10) the other day and ever since the Winzip Driver Update shows over and over again, it drives me crazy! I have no problem with my smartphone (Samsung S6 edge) nor my iPad. How come???
Probably F-Secure SAFE should not be with Winzip Driver Updater (?!).
But maybe there need to know... how F-Secure SAFE was installed?! From Main F-Secure Safe?
Anyway... I think (based on brief-search for "Winzip Driver update") that current software should be visible under Control Panel - List of Installed application. And should be available to removed/uninstalled by common steps.
Or you have something another there?
Sorry for my reply.
Hello Kjelllod,
We do not bundle Winzip Driver Update.
This discussion from Micorsoft(older OS) might help you resolve the issue.