Adding extra devices to virgin media deal

I am considering whether to renew my virging media F-Secure contract. My main problem is that at the moment F-Secure only covers 5 devices. That would do for my current PC, laptop, tablet and say my wife's phone. However, I also want to cover my kids devices. They have a tablet each and my 11 year old son has an android phone as well. Is it possible to pay and add more devices? I have done a quick search and note that Kapersky does a 10 device deal for £35 a year and I am just wondering whether it would be better to swap to them?
hi so please could you tell me if i was to upgrade to 7 devices what is the price there after on top of my £25 would i pay yearly. also in my account it shows a £15.10 credit where did this balance come from and if i was to buy upto 7 devices i will have just to pay £4.22 . thats confusing becuase the balance of £15.10 i have no idea where it came from.