Installation problems

Hi all.
As I went back from Win10 to Win8.1 on my PC my F-secure client was deleted. Now I´m trying to install it again but I get the error-messsage "important files are missing" and a pointer to this Forum.
My client is Trygg-surf.exe a Swedish version for the internet provider Com Hem, who don´t seem to have any support on F-secure clients. The client was totaly deleted and is a paid subscription with US$ 7 a month.
Thanksful for any advice
There have some of related topics (also based on F-Secure solutions and I think there can be same points with your provider and trygg-surf.exe):
And potentially helpful KB-words:
Such as... KB about upgrade to Windows 10. I think with "from Windows 10 to previous Windows" can be same result and trouble.
Commonly... this is mean that your installation/system have "stuck" around some of files maybes. As "partly" deleted files or something around this. and F-Secure installer think that there something wrong.
Based on KB-words and my dreams.. you can to re-check next steps:
--> What if you have Windows updates under Security Center for Windows, which postponed and not installed yet.
Time to time this is can be a reason for installer (based on .msi);
--> If all Windows Updates is installed.... maybe there stuck (after restore system to previous) about some of critical files.
I have something same with my experience. And for me was helpful F-Secure Uninstall Tool.
Same step-point placed under KB-words too.
Maybe you can to try use it. Maybe this can to clean/clear your local F-Secure too.
BUT!!! F-Secure Uninstall Tool can to remove F-Secure Freedome, Key too (if you have use it).
Sorry for my reply.