Uninstall and reinstall.

Laptop, Windows 7, F_Secure Internet suite.
Machine running at over 50% CPU.....trying to resolve on another forum.
F-Secure seems to be only the launch pad as the 'whirlygig' appears, rotates very quickly and just continues rotating.
It will not uninstall for me to reinstall.
I will try and attach an fsdig file,,,,but can't see an 'attachment' button?
It might be worth trying the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool which should uninstall it completely for you, then you can attempt the reinstall again.
Not sure if I've misunderstood, but you can't attach an FSDIAG to a forum post. You need to open a Support Ticket to do that.
If you want to uninstall, use the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool, and if you want to send in an FSDIAG, open a Support Ticket.
Due to other problems I have, via the uninstaller tool, I have removed Internet Security.......I may have to go through this procedure again.
I have a 2 year license for 3 machines.
Can you please indicate where I download Internet Security 15 from and do I need a specific code....apart from my Subs Key?
Thank You.
You can download the installer from here:
I don't think you'll need anything other than your subscription key.