Banking protection pop-up is half off the screen

I have the exact same problem as someone else reported before - the pop-up for the banmking protection is off to the right of the top of the screen, so I can see the pop-up but not all of it, it's half off-screen. I can't see or click the buttons to close it etc.
Is there a way to move the pop-up? It's on a Windows 10 Lenova Yoga laptop.
referencing the original post :
Sorry for my reply.
Does your experience about something like this (?):
(where 'Solution'-response from F-Secure team);
If yes; So it should be known trouble and planned to be fixed with such meanings:
If not (or anyway - if yes) maybe if it will create troubles with using system during banking session;
There can be next meanings:
-> when banking session end - flyer/pop-up also should be closed;
-> (if not) or if you want 'deactivate' banking protection - maybe you able just close 'logo' under taskbar (which should end banking protection/close flyer - at least - temporary for next re-connection to banking page);