F-Secure Safe and Windows Defender

My computer work with Windows 10 Pro 1703, operating system 15063.296.
Safe is installed on the computer:
F-Secure SAFE 16.5 Antivirus 14.176 build 101
But F-Secure and Defender are working both. How could I disable Defender?
Someone, on https://answers.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows/forum/windows_10-security wrote that Defender is automatically disabled when an other anti-virus is installed. But I can see on the Windows settings programm that:
- the Defender Security Center is still active
- It is reported in "Control Panel \ System and Security \ Security and Maintenance" that both antivirus are active;
What should I do?
Thank you for the help.
Sorry for my reply.
Does this situation "stable for repeating" with your experience? And (as example) restart do not change situation?
I have experience about latest Windows 10 Update just with 'F-Secure technology preview' solution. And firstly (or maybe some times) it also was with information that both (Windows Defender and F-Secure) work together at one time; But lately situation switched to proper view, when just F-Secure marked as security solution (and Windows Defender automatically disabled);
And if your experience about stable troubleview -> I think that most helpful step will be to contact F-Secure Support Directly:
For proper investigation (if F-Secure SAFE stable and recent Windows 10 Update will trigger such trouble);
Sorry for my reply; Will be good if there comes official response from F-Secure Team;