
Hello, I have recently tried to install autohotkey to machine that uses F-secure, is there reason why F-secure blocks autohotkey?:
If I can't use AH, is there any other similar tool that I can use with F-secure? I need to be able to do similar kind of scripts (similar in functionality, syntax does not matter) like with AH and map those to keyboard shortcuts?
You could try Submitting a Sample of the .exe file to the Labs, and they will whitelist it, once analysed.
Sorry for my reply and ask.
If your experience about notification/detection as potentially unwanted application - most likely it can be partly based on some of suspicious designs (if application packed and something else as additional triggers, for example) or just because such software can be used (or part of this - if possible) with malicious/suspicious activities;
Will be good to get response from F-Secure Labs about certain meanings - if there was false-positive totally or just proper 'detection' (with safe ability to allow software by exclusion lists - if installation/using triggered by user);
Sorry else one time for reply.
My researchs about autohotkey.
There is in internet warnings concerning autohotkey scripts. Virus, possibly?!
This is not an advertisement, but in Play Store by searching "autohotkey", many apps.
I don't know these apps and I can't say are they good or not. I dont use autohotkey.
Seeking is always finding - something!
* * * NÄSÄVIISAS * * *
Hello, thanks for all the replays, i found simple solution: downloaded autohotkey as portable package, and running it from commandline:
Authotkey.exe autohotkey.ahk
that way there was no any complications.
I submitted the installer package sample for whitelisting, haven't checked yet for the results.
Checked the results and they said:
"Our analysis indicate that the file you submitted is clean.
Our security product recently had a False Positive related to this file and the issue was fixed in a later database update."So I guess I must have had unupdated database, sorry about that. -
I think your experience was valid (?!) and response from F-Secure Labs about situation that "after your ticket - it was re-rated to clean/safe and there indeed was false positive detection - which should be fixed with fresh databases";
At least - after your topic: I tried to download direct installer (.exe) - which prevented by F-Secure;
And also other packages (as .zip?!) - which normally downloading.
Today - both of them normally downloading/launching/installed with F-Secure; And there missing any detections with my experience. Not sure about potential detection for scripts/executables, which possible to create by this software.