2nd device can't be protected
I want to protect my android but get the message: 0000-686f134bac564902 What does this mean?
Freebox or other Internet boxes Installation (France)
Hello, does F-Secure support being installed on a Freebox (in France) or other similar Internet boxes ?
Crash during scan
Well Hello UKKO, i have had your product since January and i've been busy with work etc. I already once tried your support and they only tried to delete and reinstall the F-Secure software. Well the problem is that my computer crashes every time, i mean crash crash, computer shutdown, no bluescreen. i use your scan, no…
Virus PUP not discovered by F Secure
Something like a PUP is interfering with my google searches and no anti virus service has been able to detect it, including from an FS scan. Symptoms: 1. I have something appearing and disappearing on my task manager called "COM SURROGATE" and keeps reappearing no matter how many times I end the task. As many as 4 in a row…
How to download F-secure Total?
I want to download F-secure Total, but I seem not be able to, because I have had a trial subscription to SAFE some years ago, and the F-secure webstore just keeps nagging that my trial period has ended. What should I do now?
How do I find my ACCOUNT ID?
Hi, as subject suggests- where or how do I find my account ID I need to install my total on mobile devices. Edit: When I use my subscription ID/reference ID, I get an error message: “The ID was not correct, please try again.” Thx
How can I change e-mail addresse in the account info?
Hi! The account settings is only letting me change password, not e-mail. I'm switching e-mail boxes and the one currently in the account info is going to be deleted. So how can I change my e-mail?
remove Aclassigned.info
how to remove aclassigned.info, F-secure scaned my pc but it is still there, could someone shed some light on?
F-secure SAFE - Manual Scan - Freezes Computer.
The Computer freezes when performing a manual scan. It gets to 10% or 20% and then freezes. It is not responsive at all. I can do nothing so have to perform a hard reset using the power button. It fails whilst trying to scan memory. Usually this is svchost.exe on various PID numbers. I captured the PID numbers prior to the…
i can't get my f secure to do a security check
I have F Secure and can't get it to do a security check. Could you help me. Mrs Agnes Anderson
Downloading in Africa
I purchased F Secure Safe over 5 years ago in the UK. Recently I moved to Uganda with a new computer. How do I download F Secure Safe in Uganda. I still have two unused licences? Thanks Malcolm
F-secure safe malfunction in Abidjan
F-secure safe is not beeing accepable in abidjan , the page once clicked showing that the page is not supported in this country , plz advise the same is applied to all F-secure home product ,
Banking Schutz funktioniert nicht mehr
Hallo, seit einiger Zeit funktioniert bei einer meiner Lizensen der Bankingschutz nicht mehr. System: Windwos 7 64bit Die obere Einblendung wird beim aufrufen einer Bankseite nicht mehr angezeigt. Das Symbol in der Taskleiste ist jetzt auch schwarz und nicht mehr blau / weiß. Beim Klick darauf passiert auch nichts mehr,…
F-Secure SAFE and KB4056892
F-Secure SAFE and KB4056892Using F-Secure SAFE on Windows 10 Pro (v. 1709); MS released the KB4056892 critical security update which fixes the Intel CPU Problem. MS adviced asking the Antivirus manufacturer to ensure that there aren't any compatibility problems. Are there issues? Or am I safe to update?
F-Secure IS and Winscribe VPN: compatibility/safe to use on same machine (Win 8.1)?
hi Im running F-Secure IS on one of my (older) laptops (msi GT72, i7, GTX 970M) with Win 8.1. Now i would like to install (3rd party) VPN software from Windscribe (paid/full version). My question: should i expect any problems when running both programs on same machine (compatibility)? thx a lot and greets from germany!…
The 'Ultralight' hoster taking up >50% CPU
Dear all, Anyone else encountered problems with the 'Ultralight' hoster eating away your CPU? I have a desktop with an i7-7700k 4,9GHz CPU, sometimes my pc starts to stutter and looks like if you're typing in delay. Since the name is Ultralight hoster I would expect the program to run flawlessly in the background without…
No designed to run on windows
Get message F-Secure is not designed to run on windows Error status 0xc000012f Any help?
I received this message now when visiting a website I have historically visited a lot. I am not sure what the do withe F-SECURE SAFE in order to get through this obstacle and use the website. Any insight would be helpful. Error on website: " As you were browsing _______ (website taken out for privacy) something about your…
SAFE Family Rules App Control sync time?
I' ve recently installed SAFE on my sons android device. App Control is set to automatically block new apps. How long should it take before I can see a newly installed app in the remote login to change its status from blocked to time limit?
F-secure does not start scanning
L.S., Coming back from holidays I noticed that the F-scecure icons were disappeared from my hidden icons box. Also the manual scanning does not function any longer (update virus profiles etc. works fine). Any clues what is going on? Sincerely yours Wil Tamis Warmond, The Netherlands
My wife bought me a account on f secure. On her phone She is also using here email. She never got the code f secure safe. Money drawn, no code
repeated warning for update
Everytime I start my computer there is a warning that F-Secure must be updated. When I accept to update it says that this is already done. How can I stop these warnings?
Something went wrong
Hello there, I haven't been able to log onto my fsecure for a few days. Can you help? This is the error I am getting: We apologize for any inconvenience. We are already working to fix the service. Please try again later and if you still cannot log in, please contact support. The following code helps us to resolve your…
Windows Defender running AV with F-Secure.
Defender and F-Secure are both running anti virus simultaneously. Defender doesn't seem to 'see' F-Secure. Two identical PCs both running Windows 10 version 1803...only one PC is affected the other acknowledges that F-Secure AV is the default application.
Riskware Risk
Riskware detected on my phone then I deleted the apps. The riskware was 2 modded Kiks and avast found a ad in them both called "mixpanel" that said it let you watch users inside the app. So is riskware a spy virus? Can these type of apps steal files from your phone like gallery pics, SMS, Ect or only spy on you inside the…
F Secure Safe not blocking inappropriate material for my children
HI all, Anyone else having the same issue as me which is, on my daughters mobile if you search "sex" on google then click images it loads up a load of images which are not to bad then click on one of the images it will load to its own page then click on the image again and hit the visit website button that appears in the…
download onto this new computer
I have SAFE and FREEDOME on my old computer, I would like to transfer it to this one.
Memory and ECU resource usage at start up
Hi, Lately, almost at each start of my PC, F-Secure slows down the start by using a lot of CPU load and / or Memory. Screenshot available What can I do? I do not see why at each start up an installer has to run. ... I tried to reach any support, but without success :-( At least here I found a place to express my need of…
Why ULAV is killing my IS
I have this eeePC with 900 Mhz Celeron running Win 10 and FS - IS installed on it. I do not use it daily, but a couple of times a month. My problem is that when I turn it on updates are killing it. If there are uninstalled Windows updates available, downloading and installing takes all CPU and disc access. However,…