Hi there I wand to know How to remove "FSAV_cmd .htm"

Sorry for my reply. I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
I think that if you are Administrator of system -> there should not be troubles with removing this file (as with most of other files).
But maybe it is good to know more information about. For example, does your ask is about some specific situation or setting (as file is re-created after removing)? Also, why you need to remove "FSAV_cmd.htm" and where is located such file?
I think that, usually, such file is about F-Secure Scheduled scan results (for latest performed scheduled scan). In addition, such file is located under F-Secure own installation folder.
Furthermore, I think that content of this file is 'doubled' under another user's folders as part of "Events list"-feature and its entries for performed scans.
But common steps to remove a file are something like "choose file" and delete it by "rightclick -- Delete item under menu" or by "shift+del" on keyboard; with certain configuration of system - need to allow or confirm it (escalate rights) for certain actions.