How to exclude Files/Dirs from Virus scan

Sorry for my reply.
I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions). And I'm not friendly with Mac platform.
Previously (and maybe still) there was 'unexpected' situation with exclusion-design and Mac-solution. Where was ?! not possible to exclude files/folders. While it was with some workarounds.
Some of discussions about:
Good if there will be any clarifications from F-Secure Mac Team about potential changes or actual workarounds.
It's ridiculous that this feature is still not implemented. And sad that F-Secure is not able to tell if 'file exclusion' will ever be released to Safe for Mac. I contacted support more than once because real-time scanner still freezes and crashes my system when using Boxcryptor virtual drive. No solution at all. Excluding this virtual drive could probably solve this issue.